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women koran matches 15 work(s)
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Product Description: The New Yorker-Australian writer Geraldine Brooks is now known internationally for her bestselling novels, but as a foreign correspondent Geraldine spent six years covering the Middle East. And when her poised and sophisticated assistant at the Cairo bureau of the Wall Street Journal suddenly “adopted the uniform of a Muslim fundamentalist,†Geraldine Brooks set out to discover the truth about women and more
9780385475761 | 1 edition (Doubleday, January 1, 1995), cover price $22.95 | About this edition: An intimate portrait of the lives of modern Muslim women reveals how male pride and power have distorted the message of Islam to justify the subjugation of women and how a feminism of sorts has flowered in spite of repression
9780385475778 | 1 edition (Anchor Books, January 1, 1996), cover price $15.95 | About this edition: An intimate portrait of the lives of modern Muslim women reveals how male pride and power have distorted the message of Islam to justify the subjugation of women and how a feminism of sorts has flowered in spite of repression
CD/Spoken Word:
9781743117880 | Unabridged edition (Bolinda Audio, September 25, 2012), cover price $19.99
9781743117897 | Mp3 una edition (Bolinda Audio, September 25, 2012), cover price $19.99 | About this edition: The New Yorker-Australian writer Geraldine Brooks is now known internationally for her bestselling novels, but as a foreign correspondent Geraldine spent six years covering the Middle East.
9780606300025, titled "The Nine Parts Of Desire: The Hidden World Of Islamic Women" | Demco Media, August 30, 2004, cover price $23.50 | About this edition: An intimate portrait of the lives of modern Muslim women reveals how male pride and power have distorted the message of Islam to justify the subjugation of women and how a feminism of sorts has flowered in spite of repression
9781417636303 | Turtleback Books, January 1, 1996, cover price $26.90 | About this edition: An intimate portrait of the lives of modern Muslim women reveals how male pride and power have distorted the message of Islam to justify the subjugation of women and how a feminism of sorts has flowered in spite of repression
Product Description: This work argues that a link between modern views of women and Qur'anic discourse can be established only through a discussion of modern hermeneutics and a consideration of the historical development of language. The work of Hans-Georg Gadamer, a contemporary German philosopher, provides the framework for this more
9780773438583 | Edwin Mellen Pr, December 14, 2009, cover price $129.95 | About this edition: This work argues that a link between modern views of women and Qur'anic discourse can be established only through a discussion of modern hermeneutics and a consideration of the historical development of language.
9781434310156 | Authorhouse, August 30, 2007, cover price $18.99 | About this edition: Feminism and Islam meet here in this uncommon perspective.
9780781810906 | Hippocrene Books, November 18, 2005, cover price $18.95
9780813027852 | Univ Pr of Florida, December 26, 2004, cover price $59.95
9780813030326, titled "Woman's Identity And the Qur'an: A New Reading" | Univ Pr of Florida, November 28, 2004, cover price $24.95
Product Description: Does Islam call for the oppression of women? Non-Muslims point to the subjugation of women that occurs in many Muslim countries, especially those that claim to be "Islamic," while many Muslims read the Qur'an in ways that seem to justify sexual oppression, inequality, and more
9780292709034 | Univ of Texas Pr, April 1, 2002, cover price $50.00 | About this edition: Does Islam call for the oppression of women?
9780292709041 | 1 edition (Univ of Texas Pr, April 1, 2002), cover price $24.95
Product Description: An American Muslim woman's lively answer to Islamic women's issues. Lisa Spray uses the Quran, Islam's scripture and her own experience. She demonstrates that culture is the source of traditional women's issues and other negative Western stereotypes of more
9780971481305, titled "Heart's Surprise: A Personal Reconciliation of Women's Rights With the Quran and Islam" | B S M Pr, October 1, 2001, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: An American Muslim woman's lively answer to Islamic women's issues.
Product Description: Assembles references to women in the two holy writings on which Islamic legislation and social practice are based. The hadiths are from the eight-century AD Sahih of al-Buchari, who traces each through named informants to actual witnesses of events in the Prophet's more
9780312215231 | Palgrave Macmillan, February 1, 2000, cover price $59.95 | About this edition: Assembles references to women in the two holy writings on which Islamic legislation and social practice are based.
9780700710126, titled "Women in Islam: An Anthology from the Qu'ran and Hadith" | Routledge, December 17, 1999, cover price $56.95 | About this edition: What does Islam really say about women?
9780195128369 | Reprint edition (Oxford Univ Pr, June 10, 1999), cover price $19.99
9780910735650 | M T O Shahmaghsoudi, November 1, 1998, cover price $16.95
9781573921626 | Prometheus Books, September 1, 1997, cover price $38.99 | About this edition: Argues against the restrictions placed on women in Islamic countries and traces this repression to its roots in the Koran and the life of its Prophet, Muhammad
9780934667111 | Tanglewuld Pr, June 1, 1996, cover price $10.00
Islamic ideas about women and their role in society spark considerable debate--both in the Western world, and in the Islamic world itself. Despite the popular attention surrounding Middle Eastern attitudes toward women, there has been little systematic study of the statements regarding women in the Qur'an. Barbara Stowasser fills this void with this study on the women of Islamic sacred history. Women and the Qur'an, Traditions, and Interpretation presents the Qur'anic revelations on female figures associated with God's prophets from Adam to Muhammad. Revealed narratives and legislation are then pursued through their medieval, modern, and contemporary interpretations. The theological exegetic sources here chosen, all Sunni, include the major classical works as well as, for the modern period, examples of modernist, traditionalist, and fundamentalist exegesis. For Hadith materials beyond the theological tafsir, Stowasser analyzes both popular narratives of the "tales of the prophets" genre and also representative samples of the classical historical and legal Hadith. A close reading of modern sources, including by lay writers, shows the waning influence of these traditional materials in present-day Islamic thought. By telling the stories of the women of sacred history in Qur'an and interpretation, this book presents an introduction to past and present Islamic paradigms of doctrine and their socio-economic and political applications. Stowasser establishes the link between the female figures as cultural symbol, and Islamic self-perceptions from the beginning to the present time.
9780195084801 | Oxford Univ Pr, August 18, 1994, cover price $50.00 | About this edition: Islamic ideas about women and their role in society spark considerable debate--both in the Western world, and in the Islamic world itself.
9780195111484 | Reprint edition (Oxford Univ Pr, August 22, 1996), cover price $33.95
Product Description: This is an analysis of the concept of woman drawn directly from the Qur'an. An explicit attempt to return to the original source--the Qur'an--when the tendency has been to confuse the works of Islamic scholars with the Qur'an, it demonstrates that in order to maintain its relevance, the Qur'an must be continually reinterpreted; that the importance of the Qur'anic text is its transcendence of time and its expression of eternal more
9789676519764 | Oxford Univ Pr, May 20, 1993, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: This is an analysis of the concept of woman drawn directly from the Qur'an.
9780942978100 | Amer Society for Education &, September 1, 1986, cover price $9.95
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