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women byzantine empire social conditions matches 3 work(s)
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Cover for 9780860783220 Cover for 9781409432043
cover image for 9780860783220
Product Description: The studies in this volume reflect the author’s interest in history as it was lived: not only the social and economic structures, but the men and women, collectively and individually, who made them function. The role of women in Byzantine economy and society is found to be much more important than had been believed; their participation in trade and manufacturing is established, as is the role of aristocratic women in the economic affairs of the household; the question of female literacy is also more


9780860783220 | Variorum, August 1, 1992, cover price $170.00 | About this edition: The studies in this volume reflect the author’s interest in history as it was lived: not only the social and economic structures, but the men and women, collectively and individually, who made them function.

cover image for 9780691166704
Excursions International is an integrated, comprehensive workbook simulation. It focuses on the preparation of workers for the electronic office. Word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, and database applications are embodies in a variety of activities. The theme of the simulation is set in a travel agency that provides services to a global community.


9780691153216 | Princeton Univ Pr, March 11, 2013, cover price $39.95


9780691166704 | Princeton Univ Pr, June 23, 2015, cover price $27.95
9780538658751, titled "Excursions International: Computer Applications Simulation" | 3 edition (Course Technology Ptr, July 1, 1996), cover price $33.95 | also contains Excursions International: Computer Applications Simulation | About this edition: Excursions International is an integrated, comprehensive workbook simulation.

cover image for 9781409432043
Product Description: Angeliki Laiou (1941-2008), one of the leading Byzantinists of her generation, broke new ground in the study of the social and economic history of the Byzantine Empire. Women, Family and Society in Byzantium, the first of three volumes to be published posthumously in the Variorum Collected Studies Series, brings together eight articles published between 1993 and more


9781409432043 | Ashgate Pub Co, August 16, 2011, cover price $154.95 | About this edition: Angeliki Laiou (1941-2008), one of the leading Byzantinists of her generation, broke new ground in the study of the social and economic history of the Byzantine Empire.

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