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thought thinking study teaching matches 32 work(s)
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Cover for 9781625310644 Cover for 9781118944493 Cover for 9781138940116 Cover for 9781138940130 Cover for 9781442223653 Cover for 9781934490693 Cover for 9781941112052 Cover for 9781941112045 Cover for 9781433122552 Cover for 9781433122545 Cover for 9781475814040 Cover for 9781475814125 Cover for 9781475814132 Cover for 9781412998697 Cover for 9780415819824 Cover for 9780415819831 Cover for 9780807754979 Cover for 9780807754153 Cover for 9780807754146 Cover for 9780545218849 Cover for 9781936764075 Cover for 9781425808211 Cover for 9780132698443 Cover for 9781452220147 Cover for 9781843109501 Cover for 9781433112744 Cover for 9781433112737 Cover for 9781610484565 Cover for 9781610484572 Cover for 9781425808228
cover image for 9781625310644
Product Description: A large part of our everyday communication involves argumentation and reasoning—for example, when we want to persuade others, make good purchasing decisions, or analyze the messages we receive from advertisers and politicians. But how well do we prepare students for these tasks? Can they critically evaluate a speaker’s point of view? Understand rhetorical devices? Apply logic? Build an effective argument, whether written or spoken? In his new book, Good Thinking, Erik Palmer shows teachers of all subject matters how to transform the activities they already use into openings for improving student more


9781625310644 | Stenhouse Pub, April 28, 2016, cover price $18.00 | About this edition: A large part of our everyday communication involves argumentation and reasoning—for example, when we want to persuade others, make good purchasing decisions, or analyze the messages we receive from advertisers and politicians.

cover image for 9781138940130


9781138940116 | Routledge, January 20, 2016, cover price $155.00


9781138940130 | Routledge, January 22, 2016, cover price $40.95

cover image for 9781934490693
Product Description: It's confusing for children to understand why we tell them to be honest or to speak up in one setting, then tell them to keep their thoughts to themselves in another. Author Julia Cook worked with expert Jill Kuzma to identify unique ways to practice using your social more
By Kelsey DeWeerd (illustrator)


9781934490693 | Csm pap/cd edition (Boys Town Pr, February 28, 2015), cover price $19.95 | About this edition: It's confusing for children to understand why we tell them to be honest or to speak up in one setting, then tell them to keep their thoughts to themselves in another.

cover image for 9781433122545


9781433122552 | Peter Lang Pub Inc, November 24, 2014, cover price $159.95


9781433122545 | Peter Lang Pub Inc, November 27, 2014, cover price $40.95

cover image for 9781475814125


9781475814125 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, November 7, 2014, cover price $50.00


9781475814132 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, November 4, 2014, cover price $25.00

cover image for 9781412998697
By Larry Alper (editor), David N. Hyerle (editor) and Yvette Jackson (foreword by)


9781412998697 | Corwin Pr, April 1, 2014, cover price $36.95

cover image for 9780415819831
Product Description: Are emotions good or bad for thinking and learning? Have you ever wondered why a good lesson of one year falls flat in another? Why do students behave the way they do? Teachers are expected to foster productive thought yet the neglect of emotion in the classroom, in favour of intellect, means teaching and learning is often not as effective as it might more


9780415819831 | Routledge, February 20, 2014, cover price $49.95 | About this edition: Are emotions good or bad for thinking and learning?

cover image for 9780807754153
Product Description: Cooperative learning has been demonstrated by research to be one of the most highly effective teaching strategies, but simply putting students in a group is not enough. The authors of The Power of the Social Brain see "interdependent thinking" as the missing piece of the collaborative more
By Pat Wilson O'leary (editor)


9780807754153 | Teachers College Pr, March 22, 2013, cover price $72.00 | About this edition: Cooperative learning has been demonstrated by research to be one of the most highly effective teaching strategies, but simply putting students in a group is not enough.


9780807754146 | Teachers College Pr, March 22, 2013, cover price $34.95 | About this edition: Cooperative learning has been demonstrated by research to be one of the most highly effective teaching strategies, but simply putting students in a group is not enough.

cover image for 9781425808211
By Wendy Conklin, Pogrow (foreword by) and Lynda R. Williams (foreword by)


9781425808211 | Mac win ls edition (Shell Education, April 20, 2012), cover price $99.99

cover image for 9780132698443
Product Description: Teaching 21 Thinking Skills for the 21st Century: The MiCOSA Model, gives K-12 teachers, administrators, staff development coordinators, and school psychologists practical, hands-on help for developing students’ thinking skills across the curriculum and shows educators how to help students use the information they gain to solve problems and innovate new solutions in today’s diverse and challenging classrooms and more


9780132698443 | Prentice Hall, February 27, 2014, cover price $38.60 | About this edition: Teaching 21 Thinking Skills for the 21st Century: The MiCOSA Model, gives K-12 teachers, administrators, staff development coordinators, and school psychologists practical, hands-on help for developing students’ thinking skills across the curriculum and shows educators how to help students use the information they gain to solve problems and innovate new solutions in today’s diverse and challenging classrooms and world.

cover image for 9781843109501
Product Description: Developing the ability to think is a major part of education, which helps students become independent learners and participate fully in a learning environment. This book sets out the theory and outlines a model for implementing the teaching of thinking at whole-school, group and individual levels in inclusive more


9781843109501 | Jessica Kingsley Pub, September 15, 2011, cover price $42.95 | About this edition: Developing the ability to think is a major part of education, which helps students become independent learners and participate fully in a learning environment.

cover image for 9781433112744


9781433112744 | Peter Lang Pub Inc, September 1, 2011, cover price $141.95


9781433112737 | Peter Lang Pub Inc, August 15, 2011, cover price $34.95

cover image for 9781610484565


9781610484565 | Rowman & Littlefield Education, September 1, 2011, cover price $55.00


9781610484572 | Rowman & Littlefield Education, September 1, 2011, cover price $27.00

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