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riel rebellion 1885 poetry matches 3 work(s)
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cover image for 9781895449914
Product Description: Looking for Henry is a long poem sequence which, through its search for "missing" Métis painter Henry Letendre, becomes a search for self, for history and for the intricate weave of Métis, Acadian and Micmac destinies and dispossessions.


9781895449914 | Thistledown Pr Ltd, July 1, 1999, cover price $13.95 | About this edition: Looking for Henry is a long poem sequence which, through its search for "missing" Métis painter Henry Letendre, becomes a search for self, for history and for the intricate weave of Métis, Acadian and Micmac destinies and dispossessions.

cover image for 9780920633021
Product Description: Batoche and Riel have evoked and provoked a diversity of responses from some of Canada's finest poets over the past century, and this groundbreaking anthology presents them in one volume."No Feather, No us a good sampling of the first hundred years in the Canadian more


9780920633021 | Thistledown Pr Ltd, October 1, 1985, cover price $25.00 | About this edition: Batoche and Riel have evoked and provoked a diversity of responses from some of Canada's finest poets over the past century, and this groundbreaking anthology presents them in one volume.


9780920633038 | Thistledown Pr Ltd, September 1, 1985, cover price $12.00

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