9780521371803, titled "The Political Economy of Commerce: Southern India 1500-1650" | Cambridge Univ Pr, May 1, 1990, cover price $74.95 | also contains
The Political Economy of Commerce: Southern India 1500-1650 |
About this edition: In The Political Economy of Commerce: Southern India 1500-1650 Sanjay Subrahmanyam explores the relationship between long-distance trade and the economic and political structure of southern India in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
9780829443707 | Loyola Pr, December 1, 2015, cover price $1.75 |
About this edition: Lent, a holy time of introspection and penance in preparation for the passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, can be further enriched with Sacred Space for Lent 2016, a daily prayer experience from Sacred Space, the internationally known online prayer guide.