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psychology humor matches 31 work(s)
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Cover for 9780525428404 Cover for 9780147515438 Cover for 9780394750798 Cover for 9781101892473 Cover for 9780606388320 Cover for 9780801430787 Cover for 9780801456664 Cover for 9783110155624 Cover for 9783110353938 Cover for 9780306464072 Cover for 9781461369233 Cover for 9780262015820 Cover for 9780262518697 Cover for 9780062024268 Cover for 9780062024251 Cover for 9783110162073 Cover for 9783110198294 Cover for 9780812279108 Cover for 9780765704290 Cover for 9780765759764 Cover for 9780743292528 Cover for 9780966989502 Cover for 9780966989519 Cover for 9780316711029 Cover for 9780670893751 Cover for 9780141002255 Cover for 9780571191895 Cover for 9781560003137 Cover for 9780765806598 Cover for 9780809322282 Cover for 9780809322299 Cover for 9789681332150 Cover for 9780127845982 Cover for 9780761644903 Cover for 9781560008385 Cover for 9783110161038 Cover for 9780761805502 Cover for 9780761805519 Cover for 9780807062050 Cover for 9781560008378 Cover for 9780876307953 Cover for 9780863161995 Cover for 9780807062043 Cover for 9780312955144 Cover for 9781568210704
cover image for 9780147515438
FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. After her parents' divorce, Zoe Webster moves from Brooklyn to upstate New York where she meets the weirdly compelling misfit, Philip Digby, and soon finds herself in a series of hilarious and dangerous situations as he pulls her into his investigation into the kidnapping of a local teenage girl which may be related to the disappearance of his kid sister eight years ago.


9780525428404 | Kathy Dawson Books, August 4, 2015, cover price $17.99


9780147515438 | Speak, June 7, 2016, cover price $10.99
9780394750798, titled "How to Make Yourself Miserable for the Rest of the Century" | Vintage Books, June 1, 1987, cover price $11.00 | also contains How to Make Yourself Miserable for the Rest of the Century

CD/Spoken Word:

9781101892473 | Unabridged edition (Listening Library, August 4, 2015), cover price $45.00


9780606388320 | Turtleback Books, June 7, 2016, cover price $22.10 | About this edition: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY.

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9780801430787 | Cornell Univ Pr, March 1, 1998, cover price $52.00


9780801456664 | Reprint edition (Cornell Univ Pr, April 28, 2015), cover price $27.95

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9783110155624 | Walter De Gruyter Inc, June 1, 1997, cover price $49.00


9783110353938 | 2 edition (Walter De Gruyter Inc, September 30, 2014), cover price $42.00

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9780306464072 | Kluwer Academic Pub, September 1, 2000, cover price $199.00


9781461369233 | Reprint edition (Springer Verlag, October 31, 2012), cover price $59.99

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9780262015820 | 1 edition (Mit Pr, March 4, 2011), cover price $33.00


9780262518697 | Mit Pr, February 8, 2013, cover price $19.95

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9780062024268 | Harperone, October 4, 2011, cover price $25.99


9780062024251 | Reprint edition (Harpercollins, September 11, 2012), cover price $15.99

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This volume brings together the current approaches to the definition and measurement of the sense of humor and its components. It provides both an overview of historic approaches and a compendium of current humor inventories and humor traits that have been studied. Presenting the only available overview and analysis of this significant facet of human behavior, this volume will interest researchers from the fields of humor and personality studies as well as those interested in the clinical or abstract implications of the subject.
By Willibald Ruch (editor)


9783110162073 | Mouton De Gruyter, June 1, 1998, cover price $210.00 | About this edition: This volume brings together the current approaches to the definition and measurement of the sense of humor and its components.


9783110198294 | Mouton De Gruyter, July 1, 2007, cover price $98.00

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Retells some of the jokes Freud used to make points about human psychology, and examines what these jokes suggest about Freud's own personality


9780812279108 | Univ of Pennsylvania Pr, May 1, 1984, cover price $22.95 | About this edition: Retells some of the jokes Freud used to make points about human psychology, and examines what these jokes suggest about Freud's own personality


9780765704290 | 3 edition (Jason Aronson Inc, June 30, 2006), cover price $32.99
9780765759764 | Reprint edition (Jason Aronson Inc, May 1, 1997), cover price $26.50

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A serious study of dirty jokes and sexual humor presents more than two thousand jokes, folktales, and lore, examining each entry in terms of its historical and socio-analytic significance, as well its meaning. Reprint. 50,000 first printing.


9780743292528 | Reprint edition (Simon & Schuster, January 3, 2006), cover price $44.99 | About this edition: A serious study of dirty jokes and sexual humor presents more than two thousand jokes, folktales, and lore, examining each entry in terms of its historical and socio-analytic significance, as well its meaning.


9781416595731 | Simon & Schuster, January 3, 2006, cover price $14.99

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9780966989502 | Full Circle Pub, October 1, 2000, cover price $24.95


9780966989519 | Full Circle Pub, November 30, 2005, cover price $19.95

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A leading researcher presents the latest findings on a scientific examination of laughter, exploring this nearly involuntary reflex in terms of its social, psychological, and biological significance in humans and even some animals. 15,000 first printing.


9780316711029 | Little Brown & Co, July 1, 2002, cover price $24.00 | About this edition: A leading researcher presents the latest findings on a scientific examination of laughter, exploring this nearly involuntary reflex in terms of its social, psychological, and biological significance in humans and even some animals.
9780670893751 | Viking Pr, October 1, 2000, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: A scientific exploration of laughter reveals that the practice is largely a function of social relationships and discovers the truth about tickling, among other related topics.


9780141002255 | Reprint edition (Penguin USA, November 1, 2001), cover price $16.00 | About this edition: A scientific exploration of laughter reveals that the practice is largely a function of social relationships and discovers the truth about tickling, among other related topics.
9780571191895 | Gardners Books, November 6, 2000, cover price $19.80 | About this edition: Robert Provine argues in this book that laughter is mostly about relationships, not jokes; that women laugh more at men than vice versa; that speakers laugh more than their audiences; that tickling is a form of tactile communication, not a reflex; and that laughter explains why chimps cannot talk.

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Humor, wit, and laughter surround each person. From everyday quips to the carefully contrived comedy of literature, newspapers, and television we experience humor in many forms, yet the impetus for our laughter is far from innocuous. Misfortune, stupidity, and moral or cultural defects, however faintly revealed in others and ourselves, seem to make us laugh. Although discomforting, such negative terms as superiority, aggression, hostility, ridicule, or degradation can be applied to instances of humor. According to scholars, Thomas Hobbes's "superiority theory"—that humor arises from mischances, infirmities, and indecencies, where there is no wit at all—applies to most humor. With the exception of good-natured play, Charles R. Gruner claims that humor is rarely as innocent as it first appears. Gruner's proposed superiority theory of humor is all-encompassing. In The Game of Humor, he expands the scope of Hobbes's theory to include and explore the contest aspect of "good-natured" play. As such, the author believes all instances of humor can be examined as games, in terms of competition and keeping score—winners and losers. Gruner draws on a broad spectrum of thought-provoking examples. Holocaust jokes, sexual humor, the racialist dialogue of such comic characters as Stepin Fetchit and Archie Bunker, simple puns, and many of the author's own encounters with everyday humor. Gruner challenges the reader to offer a single example of humor that cannot be "de-humorized" by its agonistic nature. The Game of Humor makes intriguing and enjoyable reading for people interested in humor and the aspects of human motivation. This book will also be valuable to professionals in communication and information studies, sociologists, literary critics and linguists, and psychologists concerned with the conflicts and tensions of everyday life.


9781560003137 | Transaction Pub, September 1, 1997, cover price $38.95 | About this edition: Humor, wit, and laughter surround each person.


9780765806598 | Transaction Pub, March 1, 2000, cover price $30.95

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9780809322282 | Southern Illinois Univ Pr, January 19, 2000, cover price $45.00


9780809322299 | Southern Illinois Univ Pr, February 1, 2000, cover price $35.00

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Product Description: BOOKS IN SPANISH


9789681332150 | Diana/Mexico, October 25, 1999, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: BOOKS IN SPANISH

cover image for 9780761644903
Product Description: This manual identifies the range of emotions health care workers feel while working with patients and provides guidelines on how to manage the stress more effectively. Health care workers, and thus patients, will learn the effects of stress and how humor can assist in reducing stress and enhancing profession-patient more


9780761644903 | Psychological Corp, March 1, 1999, cover price $52.00 | About this edition: This manual identifies the range of emotions health care workers feel while working with patients and provides guidelines on how to manage the stress more effectively.
9780127845982 | Academic Pr, November 1, 1998, cover price $52.00 | About this edition: This manual identifies the range of emotions health care workers feel while working with patients and provides guidelines on how to manage the stress more effectively.

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9780761805502 | Univ Pr of Amer, January 1, 1997, cover price $91.00


9780761805519 | Univ Pr of Amer, June 1, 1997, cover price $62.99

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Explores the history of laughter, emphasizing the ways in which it has been used as a means of political subversion


9780807062050 | Beacon Pr, October 30, 1996, cover price $27.00 | About this edition: Explores the history of laughter, emphasizing the ways in which it has been used as a means of political subversion

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Product Description: First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.


9780876307953 | Routledge, March 1, 1996, cover price $20.95 | About this edition: First published in 1996.

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Explores the history of clowns and clowning from early sacred origins to the Marx Brothers


9780863161995 | Writers & Readers, December 1, 1995, cover price $11.00 | About this edition: Explores the history of clowns and clowning from early sacred origins to the Marx Brothers

cover image for 9780807062043
Explores the history of laughter, emphasizing the ways in which it has been used as a means of political subversion


9780807062043 | Beacon Pr, September 1, 1995, cover price $27.50 | About this edition: Explores the history of laughter, emphasizing the ways in which it has been used as a means of political subversion

cover image for 9780312955144
A humorous guide for hopeless pessimists celebrates the futility of life with such phrases as 'I cannot retrieve my inner child, for it is dead and buried in my backyard' and 'I am not afraid of failure, in fact, I'm getting used to it.' Original.


9780312955144 | St Martins Pr, July 1, 1995, cover price $7.99 | About this edition: A humorous guide for hopeless pessimists celebrates the futility of life with such phrases as 'I cannot retrieve my inner child, for it is dead and buried in my backyard' and 'I am not afraid of failure, in fact, I'm getting used to it'

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