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political satire english matches 11 work(s)
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Product Description: A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland From Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public, commonly referred to as A Modest Proposal, is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in more
9780895987389 | Student edition (Perfection Learning, January 31, 1980), cover price $3.55 | About this edition: A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland From Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public, commonly referred to as A Modest Proposal, is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729.
9780859641753 | Chadwyck-Healy, May 1, 1985, cover price $44.00
9780859641715 | Chadwyck-Healy, August 1, 1986, cover price $48.00
9780814754788 | New York Univ Pr, February 1, 1992, cover price $85.00
Product Description: Lord McAlpine observed the inner workings of political power during the fifteen years Margaret Thatcher was leader of the Conservative Party and he was its Treasurer and Deputy Chairman. One of the Prime Minister's close personal advisers during three successful general election campaigns, he witnessed innumerable battles within the cabinet and the more
9780571168866 | Faber & Faber, February 1, 1993, cover price $18.95 | About this edition: Lord McAlpine observed the inner workings of political power during the fifteen years Margaret Thatcher was leader of the Conservative Party and he was its Treasurer and Deputy Chairman.
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) has been generally acknowledged as the greatest English satirist. In a prodigious stream of letters, pamphlets, tales, and essays, he assailed, with irony, erudition, and savage wit, several of the abuses and vices he saw around him, including political corruption, religious intolerance, hypocrisy, and the decline of learning. These selections from Swift's greatest writings include some of his best-known pieces against organized religion and the English oppression of Ireland: "A Tale of a Tub"; "A Tritical Essay"; "A Meditation upon a Broomstick"; "Thoughts on Various Subjects"; "An Argument against Abolishing Christianity in England"; "A Discourse concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit"; Drapier letters nos. 1 and 4; "On Political Lying"; "A Character, Panegyric, and Description of the Legion Club"; and "A Modest Proposal."
9781420928488 | Digireads.Com, January 30, 2007, cover price $9.99
9780879759193 | Prometheus Books, December 1, 1994, cover price $14.99 | About this edition: Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) has been generally acknowledged as the greatest English satirist.
9780486287591 | Dover Pubns, February 2, 1996, cover price $2.50
9781408700853 | Little Brown Uk, September 18, 2008, cover price $65.00
Product Description: The years 1711 to 1714 saw some of Swift's most brilliant and powerful political pamphleteering. Writing for the Tory government, he did more to settle the fate of parties and the nation than any literary figure, before or since. This volume collects together major defences of the government's position, including The Conduct of the Allies and The Publick Spirit of the Whigs, vigorous attacks on his opponents, short satirical broadsides, and brief contributions to more
9780521829298 | Cambridge Univ Pr, December 31, 2008, cover price $185.00 | About this edition: The years 1711 to 1714 saw some of Swift's most brilliant and powerful political pamphleteering.
Product Description: A new selection of works by Britain's foremost prose satirist Easing poverty in Ireland by eating the children of the poor was the satirical "solution" suggested by Jonathan Swift in his essay "A Modest Proposal" (1729). Here Swift unleashes the full power of his ironic armory and corrosive wit, striking his targets-the ruling class and avaricious landlords-with deadly more
9780140436426 | 1 edition (Penguin Classics, December 29, 2009), cover price $17.00 | About this edition: A new selection of works by Britain's foremost prose satirist Easing poverty in Ireland by eating the children of the poor was the satirical "solution" suggested by Jonathan Swift in his essay "A Modest Proposal" (1729).
9781849536769 | Summersdale Pub Ltd, November 1, 2015, cover price $15.95
9781849531887 | Summersdale Pub Ltd, October 1, 2012, cover price $14.95
9780425140475, titled "Blood Work" | Berkley Pub Group, January 1, 1994, cover price $4.99 | also contains Blood Work | About this edition: Dr.
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