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pharmacy matches 506 work(s)
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Cover for 9781444821659 Cover for 9780553379600 Cover for 9781681443164 Cover for 9780521255936 Cover for 9780521255950 Cover for 9780521256001 Cover for 9780763790882 Cover for 9780834209145 Cover for 9781284094107 Cover for 9781449644888 Cover for 9780323428323 Cover for 9780415309820 Cover for 9781138971042 Cover for 9781259640957 Cover for 9781506200903 Cover for 9780817305918 Cover for 9780817358563 Cover for 9780071842334 Cover for 9780071830935 Cover for 9781418053574 Cover for 9781439055861 Cover for 9781585284924 Cover for 9781482222845 Cover for 9780314089670 Cover for 9780444424600 Cover for 9783319170039 Cover for 9781618658883 Cover for 9780373616183 Cover for 9780387908823 Cover for 9780762772643 Cover for 9781680976687 Cover for 9781630473624 Cover for 9781630473600 Cover for 9780134056449 Cover for 9780395717509 Cover for 9780128015056 Cover for 9780471296911 Cover for 9781284026238 Cover for 9780471904717 Cover for 9781455751808
cover image for 9781681443164
The Scottish Borderlands, 1590s. Harry Langton is called back to the country of his childhood to aid an old friend, Adam Fleming, who has fallen for Helen of Annandale and, in turn, fallen foul of her rival. In a land where minor lairds vie for power and blood feuds are settled by the sword, Fleming faces a battle to win Helen's hand. Entrusted as guard to the lovers' secret trysts, Langton is thrust into the middle of a dangerous triangle, and discovers Helen is not so chaste as she is fair. But Langton has his own secrets to keep - and other friends to serve. Someone has noticed his connections, and recruited him in their bid to control the hierarchy of the Border families...


9781444821659 | Lrg una edition (Charnwood Pub, November 1, 2014), cover price $35.50 | About this edition: The Scottish Borderlands, 1590s.


9781681443164 | Quercus, November 1, 2016, cover price $14.99
9780553379600, titled "The Pill Book" | Bantam Dell Pub Group, June 1, 1998, cover price $25.95 | also contains The Pill Book | About this edition: Profiles 1,500 commonly prescribed drugs, providing information on dosages, side effects, and warnings

cover image for 9780521256001


9780521256001, titled "God's Conflict With the Dragon and the Sea: Echoes of a Canaanite Myth in the Old Testament" | Cambridge Univ Pr, March 1, 1985, cover price $64.95 | also contains God''s Conflict With the Dragon and the Sea: Echoes of a Canaanite Myth in the Old Testament
9780521255936, titled "A Time to Remember: The Autobiography of a Chemist" | Cambridge Univ Pr, December 1, 1983, cover price $52.95 | also contains A Time to Remember: The Autobiography of a Chemist
9780521255950, titled "Progress in Clinical Pharmacy V: Concept and Practice of Therapeutic Teams : Proceedings of the 11th European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Brussel" | Cambridge Univ Pr, December 1, 1983, cover price $37.50 | also contains Progress in Clinical Pharmacy V: Concept and Practice of Therapeutic Teams : Proceedings of the 11th European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Brussel

cover image for 9781284094107


9781284094107 | 6 pap/psc edition (Jones & Bartlett Pub, September 1, 2016), cover price $98.95 | also contains Introduction to Health Care Delivery: A Primer for Pharmacists
9781449644888 | 5 pap/psc edition (Jones & Bartlett Pub, June 2, 2011), cover price $123.95
9780763790882 | 5th edition (Jones & Bartlett Pub, May 15, 2011), cover price $113.95
9780834209145 | Aspen Pub, January 1, 1998, cover price $53.00

cover image for 9781138971042


9780415309820 | 1 edition (Routledge, October 8, 2007), cover price $140.00


9781138971042, titled "Collaboration in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Changing Relationships in Britain and France 1935-1965" | Routledge, April 30, 2016, cover price $47.95

cover image for 9780817358563


9780817305918 | Univ of Alabama Pr, November 1, 1992, cover price $44.95


9780817358563, titled "In Service to American Pharmacy: The Professional Life of William Procter Jr." | Reprint edition (Univ of Alabama Pr, November 15, 2015), cover price $34.95

cover image for 9780071830935
By Shargel (editor) and Andrew B. C. Yu, Ph. D. (editor)


9780071830935 | 7 edition (McGraw-Hill, August 28, 2015), cover price $75.00

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9781439055861 | Workbook edition (Delmar Pub, June 5, 2009), cover price $50.95
9781418053574, titled "Fundamental Pharmacology: For Pharmacy Technicians" | 1 pap/cdr edition (Delmar Pub, October 22, 2008), cover price $117.95

cover image for 9780314089670
By Clive Archer (editor)


9780314089670, titled "Invitation to Oceanography" | Stg edition (West Group, April 1, 1997), cover price $24.95 | also contains Invitation to Oceanography

cover image for 9783319170039


9780444424600, titled "Transnasal Systemic Medications: Fundamentals, Developmental Concepts and Biomedical Assessments" | Elsevier Science Ltd, March 1, 1985, cover price $111.00 | also contains Transnasal Systemic Medications: Fundamentals, Developmental Concepts and Biomedical Assessments


9783319170039 | Springer Verlag, June 25, 2015, cover price $29.99

cover image for 9780373616183
By Kaplan, Inc. (corporate author)


9780373616183, titled "Sakhalin Breakout" | Harlequin Books, May 1, 1987, cover price $2.75 | also contains Sakhalin Breakout

cover image for 9780762772643


9780387908823, titled "Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy" | Second edition (Springer Verlag, November 1, 1983), cover price $49.94 | also contains Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy


9780762772643 | 2 edition (Twodot, May 1, 2015), cover price $16.95

cover image for 9781680976687
Product Description: Master Sergeant Katy Rafferty was just trying to do her job but what she uncovered landed her in South America obeying her captives if she hoped to ever see her home again.


9780444804037, titled "Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences" | Elsevier Science Ltd, February 1, 1982, cover price $64.00 | also contains Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences


9781680976687 | Tate Pub & Enterprises Llc, April 21, 2015, cover price $11.99 | About this edition: Master Sergeant Katy Rafferty was just trying to do her job but what she uncovered landed her in South America obeying her captives if she hoped to ever see her home again.

cover image for 9781630473600


9781630473624 | Morgan James Pub, April 7, 2015, cover price $43.95
9780387912653, titled "Drugs Between Research and Regulations" | Springer Verlag, January 1, 1986, cover price $45.00 | also contains Drugs Between Research and Regulations


9781630473600, titled "Let's All Hold Hands and Drop Dead: Three Generations, One Story" | Morgan James Pub, April 7, 2015, cover price $19.95
9780387912547, titled "Compstat Lectures 2: Lectures in Computational Statistics/Computational Methods for Parsimonious Data Fitting" | Springer Verlag, June 1, 1984, cover price $23.10 | also contains Compstat Lectures 2: Lectures in Computational Statistics/Computational Methods for Parsimonious Data Fitting

cover image for 9780134056449


9780134056449 | 3 edition (Prentice Hall, March 30, 2015), cover price $79.60
9780395717509, titled "Insight Compact Guides Vienna" | Apa Productions, March 1, 1995, cover price $7.95 | also contains Insight Compact Guides Vienna

cover image for 9781284026238
Mission-Based Management Leading Your Not-for-Profit into the 21ST Century By Peter C. Brinckerhoff Mission-Based Management is the one book that every leader of a not-for-profit organization will want to have. It will provide benefits you can put to work immediately to help your organization and to make your job more satisfying and productive. Here is what others say: "I have worked with Peter Brinckerhoff on how to lead organizations using his excellent management techniques. His insights are marvelous. Mission-Based Management will be a terrific resource."—Sue Suter, former Commissioner, Rehabilitation Services Commission, U.S. Department of Education, Board Member, World Institute of Disabilities, and Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities "Brinckerhoff demonstrates remarkable insight into the needs, functions, and output of not-for-profit agencies. He is uniquely practical and pointed with his recommendations based upon institutional missions. I find Brinckerhoff's comments of immense help in achieving our mission here."—Thomas A. Mackey, RNC, PhD, Clinical Director, University of Texas Nursing Services and Employee Health Services "At last, a book by Peter Brinckerhoff! Mission-Based Management will serve as a reference and guide for not-for-profit administrators who do not have the luxury of consulting Peter on a daily basis to access his sage advice and keen insights. He has consistently found fresh, innovative, but logical resolutions for our seemingly insurmountable problems."—W. Winfield McChord, Jr., Executive Director, The American School for the Deaf Mission-Based Management Leading Your Not-for-Profit into the 21ST Century Mission-Based Management is the definitive text for the leaders of not-for-profit organizations. You will learn: Nine key characteristics of a successful not-for-profit Six basic tenets of successfully managing staff Nine policy controls that let you sleep at night Five keys to recruiting and retain the board members you want Seven future trends sure to impact not-for-profits over the coming years Five characteristics an organization must have to be financially empowered Ten biggest mistakes not-for-profits make in planning and much, much more in 15 jam-packed chapters. Peter C. Brinckerhoff, noted consultant to not-for-profits, not only tells how and why—he also gives examples and practical hands-on techniques you can use immediately. Mission-Based Management is the essential guide and a comprehensive reference for the management of not-for-profit organizations. You will turn to this book again and again. Peter is the author of two award-winning books, Mission-Based Management and Financial Empowerment, also published by Wiley. His newest book, Mission-Based Marketing, was released in September 1997. Peter's books are used as the core texts in over 50 graduate and undergraduate university programs in nonprofit management. Peter's articles have been published in Advancing Philanthropy, NonProfit World, Strategic Governance, The Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Communications, and The Grantsmanship Center News. Peter received his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Pennsylvania and his Master's of Public Health Administration from Tulane. He is a former VISTA Volunteer, and has served as a staff member, Executive Director, board member, and volunteer for numerous local, state, and national not-for-profits. Peter lives in Springfield, Illinois with his wife Chris and their three children, Ben, Adam, and Caitlin.
By Michael Gabay (editor)


9780471296911, titled "Mission-Based Management: Leading Your Not-For-Profit into the 21st Century" | John Wiley & Sons Inc, February 1, 1998, cover price $55.00 | also contains Mission-Based Management: Leading Your Not-For-Profit into the 21st Century | About this edition: Mission-Based Management Leading Your Not-for-Profit into the 21ST Century By Peter C.


9781284026238 | 1 pap/psc edition (Jones & Bartlett Pub, March 9, 2015), cover price $81.95


9780471904717, titled "Drug Discovery: The Evolution of Modern Medicines" | John Wiley & Sons Inc, November 1, 1985, cover price $126.00 | also contains Drug Discovery: The Evolution of Modern Medicines


9781488878695 | Emereo Pty Ltd, January 31, 2015, cover price $29.95

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9781455751808 | 4 csm lab edition (W B Saunders Co, January 28, 2015), cover price $52.95

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