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pharmaceutical arithmetic matches 25 work(s)
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Cover for 9781285429458 Cover for 9780803622548 Cover for 9780415740432 Cover for 9781447922568 Cover for 9780323089319 Cover for 9780306796609 Cover for 9781446256411 Cover for 9781446256428 Cover for 9781118448892 Cover for 9780803625884 Cover for 9781451120363 Cover for 9781133131342 Cover for 9781437723663 Cover for 9780470930649 Cover for 9780198774228 Cover for 9780781730990 Cover for 9780781748384 Cover for 9780781763851 Cover for 9781608317905 Cover for 9780132156615 Cover for 9780443074608 Cover for 9780702031847 Cover for 9780136750673 Cover for 9780763758431 Cover for 9780134830667 Cover for 9780071602846 Cover for 9781437717068 Cover for 9780749451622 Cover for 9780131481930 Cover for 9780131553842 Cover for 9780134830667 Cover for 9780124889507 Cover for 9781578399147 Cover for 9780443043475 Cover for 9780443035333 Cover for 9780443071959 Cover for 9780702044526 Cover for 9780130652003 Cover for 9780131483880 Cover for 9780136750673 Cover for 9780824709181 Cover for 9780881732634 Cover for 9781482217810 Cover for 9780306796609 Cover for 9780198775508 Cover for 9780198774228 Cover for 9780198775492 Cover for 9780124889507 Cover for 9780124889514
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9780415740432 | 2 edition (Routledge, March 20, 2014), cover price $145.00


9781447922568 | 2 edition (Routledge, March 18, 2014), cover price $46.95

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9780323089319 | 6 pap/psc edition (Mosby Inc, September 24, 2013), cover price $93.95

cover image for 9781446256411
Product Description: Now with a Companion Website with additional resources to provide you with extra practice and support!   Getting medicines calculations right is often a matter of life and death. As a nursing student, you must pass calculations tests when applying to nursing school and throughout your more


9781446256411 | 2 edition (Learning Matters, May 17, 2013), cover price $80.00 | About this edition: Now with a Companion Website with additional resources to provide you with extra practice and support!
9780306796609, titled "American Music Since 1910" | Revised edition (Da Capo Pr, June 1, 1998), cover price $25.00 | also contains American Music Since 1910


9781446256428 | 2 edition (Learning Matters, May 17, 2013), cover price $17.00 | About this edition: Now with a Companion Website with additional resources to provide you with extra practice and support!

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9781451120363 | 14 pap/psc edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, November 7, 2012), cover price $92.99

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9781133131342, titled "Pharmaceutical Calculations for Pharmacy Technicians: A Worktext" | 2 csm wkb edition (Delmar Pub, May 14, 2012), cover price $120.95

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9781608317905 | 5th edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, February 16, 2011), cover price $81.99
9780781763851 | 4 pap/dol edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, February 1, 2008), cover price $57.95
9780781748384 | 3 pap/cdr edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, June 22, 2004), cover price $45.95
9780781730990 | 2nd edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, March 1, 2001), cover price $39.95
9780198774228, titled "The Economics of Monetary Integration" | 2nd/rev edition (Oxford Univ Pr, December 1, 1994), cover price $23.00 | also contains The Economics of Monetary Integration

cover image for 9780702031847
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. The book was developed in response to the increasing complexity of drug therapy, the need to avoid drug errors and to achieve patient safety and effective risk management measures. It will appeal to both pre-registration students and registered nurses. Nurses returning to practice will find it especially useful.'Real-life' examples taken from prescriptions and medicine labels will help nurses to relate the mathematical theory to everyday clinical practiceThe simple, clear and friendly approach will be a major help to anyone who hates mathsThe range of specialties covered make the content relevant to all areas of nursing practice


9780702031847 | 2 edition (Churchill Livingstone, September 1, 2010), cover price $24.95
9780443074608 | 1 edition (Churchill Livingstone, February 9, 2006), cover price $21.95 | About this edition: This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States.

cover image for 9780763758431


9780136750673, titled "Simple Solutions to Energy Calculations" | 2nd edition (Fairmont Pr, June 1, 1997), cover price $84.00 | also contains Simple Solutions to Energy Calculations


9780763758431 | 1 edition (Jones & Bartlett Pub, March 1, 2009), cover price $104.95

cover image for 9780071602846


9780134830667, titled "Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science" | Prentice Hall, February 1, 1991, cover price $81.00 | also contains Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science


9780071602846 | 1 edition (McGraw-Hill, November 20, 2008), cover price $25.00

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9781437717068 | 12 edition (W B Saunders Co, September 27, 2011), cover price $59.95

cover image for 9780749451622
To promote safe practice, nursing schools test for basic arithmetic both at interview stage and during the 3 years of nurse training. This book aims to help you cope with these tests, offering a step-by-step approach, which will take you from base-level knowledge to competency both in drug calculations and the ability to read drug dosage charts.


9780749451622 | Gardners Books, February 3, 2008, cover price $15.00 | About this edition: To promote safe practice, nursing schools test for basic arithmetic both at interview stage and during the 3 years of nurse training.

cover image for 9780131481930
Appropriate for undergraduate engineering and science courses in Environmental Engineering.Balanced coverage of all the major categories of environmental pollution, with coverage of current topics such as climate change and ozone depletion, risk assessment, indoor air quality, source-reduction and recycling, and groundwater contamination. Slightly more quantitative than most books on the market.


9780131481930 | 3 edition (Prentice Hall, June 3, 2007), cover price $236.80
9780131553842 | 2 sub edition (Prentice Hall, August 1, 1997), cover price $139.00 | About this edition: Appropriate for undergraduate engineering and science courses in Environmental Engineering.
9780134830667 | Prentice Hall, February 1, 1991, cover price $81.00 | also contains Dosage Calculations DeMYSTiFied

cover image for 9781578399147


9780124889507, titled "The Continental Crust: A Geophysical Approach" | Academic Pr, May 1, 1986, cover price $73.95 | also contains The Continental Crust: A Geophysical Approach


9781578399147 | 2 edition (Hcpro Inc, October 27, 2006), cover price $29.95

cover image for 9780702044526
Product Description: This best-selling book enables nursing students to calculate drug doses accurately and quickly. It begins with a diagnostic test to pinpoint any weaknesses in basic arithmetic and is followed by specific exercises to remedy them. Examples are drawn from everyday clinical practice with graded exercises and more


9780443043475 | 3 sub edition (Churchill Livingstone, July 1, 1990), cover price $65.37 | About this edition: This book was written at the request of nurse educators and with considerable help from them.


9780702044526 | 8 lam pap/ edition (Churchill Livingstone, March 16, 2011), cover price $32.95 | About this edition: This best-selling book enables nursing students to calculate drug doses accurately and quickly.
9780443102882 | 7 ill edition (Churchill Livingstone, August 21, 2006), cover price $31.95
9780443071959 | Churchill Livingstone, December 1, 2002, cover price $20.95 | About this edition: This best selling book reviews that basic arithmetic required to calculate drug dosages accurately and quickly - an essential skill for every nurse.
9780443035333 | 2 sub edition (Churchill Livingstone, January 1, 1987), cover price $7.00

cover image for 9781482217810
Here is an indispensable reference that will save you countless hours doing energy feasibility studies and associated calculations. The author will share with you his secrets for simplifying complex energy calculations, and show you how to use his unique, time-saving methods. You'll learn how to cut through a maze of detail using innovative decision-making tools to determine whether you should invest real time and money into developing the details of a project under consideration. Numerous energy projects involving pumps, fans, motors, insulation, and heat recovery are covered, with complete calculation details and solutions methodology presented.


9780130652003 | 3rd edition (Fairmont Pr, June 1, 2001), cover price $92.00 | also contains Who's in the Loo?
9780824709181 | 3 sub edition (Fairmont Pr, June 1, 2001), cover price $109.95
9780881733563 | 3rd edition (Fairmont Pr, May 1, 2001), cover price $89.00
9780136750673 | 2nd edition (Fairmont Pr, June 1, 1997), cover price $84.00 | also contains Math for Healthcare Professionals: Dosage Calculations and Fundamentals of Medication Administration
9780881732634 | 2 edition (Fairmont Pr, June 1, 1997), cover price $84.00
2 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)

cover image for 9780198775508


9780198775508 | 3 rev sub edition (Oxford Univ Pr, October 30, 1997), cover price $78.00


9780198775492 | 3rd rev edition (Oxford Univ Pr, September 1, 1997), cover price $26.00 | also contains Contemporary Issues in Learning and Teaching
9780198774228 | 2nd/rev edition (Oxford Univ Pr, December 1, 1994), cover price $23.00 | also contains Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis

cover image for 9780124889507


9780124889507 | Academic Pr, May 1, 1986, cover price $73.95 | also contains Stressed Out About Drug Math


9780124889514 | Academic Pr, April 28, 1986, cover price $72.95


9780080954653 | Ebrary, April 1, 1986, cover price $73.95

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