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persuasion rhetoric political aspects united states matches 5 work(s)
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9781602355637 | Parlor Pr, March 1, 2015, cover price $65.00
9781602355620 | Parlor Pr, March 13, 2015, cover price $32.00
9789027211248 | John Benjamins Pub Co, September 24, 2014, cover price $149.00
9780345295507, titled "Beard on Bread" | Reissue edition (Ballantine Books, June 1, 1994), cover price $5.99 | also contains Beard on Bread
9781623490447 | Texas A & M Univ Pr, March 3, 2014, cover price $33.00
9780822962045 | Univ of Pittsburgh Pr, August 28, 2012, cover price $26.95
9780394473451 | Random House Inc, October 1, 1973, cover price $21.00 | About this edition: A guide to mastering the art of making bread that contains both simple and complex recipes prepared by the renowned chef
9780679755043 | Reprint edition (Alfred a Knopf Inc, February 1, 1995), cover price $17.95 | About this edition: A guide to mastering the art of making bread that contains both simple and complex recipes prepared by the renowned chef
9780345295507 | Reissue edition (Ballantine Books, June 1, 1994), cover price $5.99 | also contains Political Argumentation in the United States: Historical and Contemporary Studies
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