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obstetrics matches 397 work(s)
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Cover for 9781119160618 Cover for 9780702060656 Cover for 9780517188187 Cover for 9780825460715 Cover for 9780857216885 Cover for 9781854246738 Cover for 9780443032608 Cover for 9781628927993 Cover for 9780443032493 Cover for 9781628927986 Cover for 9780471895862 Cover for 9781585369508 Cover for 9780443076909 Cover for 9781452142869 Cover for 9780443081958 Cover for 9780451240934 Cover for 9780451240941 Cover for 9781628995800 Cover for 9780932437037 Cover for 9781596358164 Cover for 9781573677448 Cover for 9789351521990 Cover for 9780387982090 Cover for 9781482241921 Cover for 9781841841182 Cover for 9781841845807 Cover for 9781841847375 Cover for 9780071786133 Cover for 9780443087141 Cover for 9780980846904 Cover for 9780987467485 Cover for 9780443031786 Cover for 9781470623913 Cover for 9780471907992 Cover for 9781488881848 Cover for 9780407000957 Cover for 9781466675360 Cover for 9780443040160 Cover for 9780443050411 Cover for 9780387943350 Cover for 9782503553252 Cover for 9780702045912 Cover for 9780071793278 Cover for 9780316611725 Cover for 9780781724043 Cover for 9780781796965 Cover for 9781451186772 Cover for 9789351520719 Cover for 9780071798938 Cover for 9780306416231 Cover for 9781468447149 Cover for 9780306474491 Cover for 9781475777833
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9780702060656 | 10th edition (Elsevier Science Health Science div, January 5, 2016), cover price $55.99

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From hearty American fare such as casseroles and chili to regional and personal specialties, a one-of-a-kind cookbook features simple, ready-in-a-hurry recipes contributed by firefighters throughout the United States and Canada.


9780517188187, titled "Firehouse Cooking: Food from North America's Bravest" | Gramercy, April 1, 1998, cover price $7.99 | also contains Firehouse Cooking: Food from North America's Bravest | About this edition: From hearty American fare such as casseroles and chili to regional and personal specialties, a one-of-a-kind cookbook features simple, ready-in-a-hurry recipes contributed by firefighters throughout the United States and Canada.


9780857216885 | 2 edition (Monarch Books, September 27, 2016), cover price $16.99
9780825460715 | Monarch Books, March 30, 2005, cover price $14.99 | About this edition: Presents a history of the pioneering medical work done by the author and her husband is curing young Ethiopian women from the injuries suffered during childbirth and their founding of the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital.
9781854246738 | Lion Pub, January 27, 2005, cover price $14.99

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9781628927993 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, November 19, 2015, cover price $120.00
9780443032608, titled "Clinical Practice in Sexually Transmissible Diseases" | 2 sub edition (Churchill Livingstone, March 1, 1989), cover price $98.00 | also contains Clinical Practice in Sexually Transmissible Diseases


9781628927986 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, November 19, 2015, cover price $29.95
9780443032493, titled "Obstetric Analgesia and Anaesthesia" | 2 sub edition (Churchill Livingstone, January 1, 1985), cover price $21.00 | also contains Obstetric Analgesia and Anaesthesia

cover image for 9781585369508
This comprehensive reference written by acknowledged experts offers practical, authoritative information on the clinical management of obstetrical problems. Arranged in five sections, it covers aspects of normal pregnancy, labor and delivery; antepartum and intrapartum evaluation of the fetus, including prenatal diagnosis of genetic problems; problems specific to pregnancy and labor, such as induction of labor, premature labor, and abnormal presentation; maternal illnesses in pregnancy; and techniques of operative obstetrics. It includes a discussion of medical-legal considerations written by specialists in malpractice litigation, and identifies areas of consensus and controversy in all facets of the field. The book features topics not usually covered in obstetrics textbooks, such as malignancy in pregnancy, management of shoulder dystocia, and invasive cardiovascular monitoring. Also included is a chapter on ultrasonography, with tables provided. There are numerous illustrations to clarify techniques and operative procedures.


9780471895862, titled "Clinical Obstetrics" | Churchill Livingstone, January 1, 1987, cover price $39.95 | also contains Clinical Obstetrics | About this edition: This comprehensive reference written by acknowledged experts offers practical, authoritative information on the clinical management of obstetrical problems.

School and Library:

9781585369508 | Sleeping Bear Pr, July 1, 2015, cover price $14.99

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By Chronicle Books (corporate author)


9780443076909, titled "Obstetrics: Normal & Problem Pregnancies" | 3rd edition (Churchill Livingstone, June 1, 1996), cover price $129.00 | also contains Obstetrics: Normal & Problem Pregnancies


9781452142869 | Gftwp edition (Chronicle Books Llc, August 25, 2015), cover price $16.95

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Product Description: Now that Monk and Natalie are both in San Francisco again, life is almost back to normal for the duo, with one exception: Natalie is studying for her PI license, the last step to becoming Monk's full partner.


9780451240934 | New Amer Library, June 4, 2013, cover price $23.95
9780443081958, titled "Critical Care of the Obstetric Patient" | Churchill Livingstone, September 1, 1983, cover price $59.00 | also contains Critical Care of the Obstetric Patient


9780451240941 | 1 edition (Signet, December 3, 2013), cover price $7.99


9781628995800 | Large print edition (Center Point Pub, June 1, 2015), cover price $35.95 | About this edition: Now that Monk and Natalie are both in San Francisco again, life is almost back to normal for the duo, with one exception: Natalie is studying for her PI license, the last step to becoming Monk's full partner.

cover image for 9781573677448
Product Description: An instructional technique CD-ROM that helps stitchers perfect their skills Presenting projects and stitch illustrations, this CD-ROM teaches and improves stitching skills to intermediate and experienced craftspeople.


9780932437037 | Just Cross Stitch, July 1, 1994, cover price $39.95


9781596358164, titled "The Proper Stitch: A Guide for Counted Thread" | Rev exp edition (Annies Attic Llc, March 27, 2013), cover price $35.99 | About this edition: Presenting projects and stitch illustrations that teach and improve stitching skills, this revised edition features 24 new pages, two never-before-published projects, and five new stitch illustrations, as well as updated photos and revised illustrations.
9780443044397, titled "Ctg Made Easy" | Churchill Livingstone, November 1, 1992, cover price $25.00 | also contains Ctg Made Easy | About this edition: Cardiotography (CTG) is the most convenient and well-tried method of monitoring fetal heart rate available to midwives and obstetricians.

CD/Spoken Word:

9781573677448, titled "The Proper Stitch: A Guide for Counted Thread" | Rev exp edition (Annies Attic Llc, May 1, 2015), cover price $35.99 | About this edition: An instructional technique CD-ROM that helps stitchers perfect their skills Presenting projects and stitch illustrations, this CD-ROM teaches and improves stitching skills to intermediate and experienced craftspeople.

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9789351521990 | Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub, April 30, 2015, cover price $69.00

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An account of point estimation in Euclidean sample space, this text covers numerous applications to exponential and group families and offers a systematic discussion of the rich body of statistical problems relevant to these subjects. Together with the authors' "Testing Statistical Hypotheses", this text is designed for graduate-level courses in the theory and applications of mathematical statistics.


9780387982090, titled "Theory of Point Estimation" | Springer Verlag, June 1, 1997, cover price $64.95 | also contains Theory of Point Estimation | About this edition: An account of point estimation in Euclidean sample space, this text covers numerous applications to exponential and group families and offers a systematic discussion of the rich body of statistical problems relevant to these subjects.


9781482241921 | 5th edition (CRC Pr I Llc, April 8, 2015), cover price $83.95
9781841847399 | 4 ppk rev edition (CRC Pr I Llc, October 30, 2010), cover price $299.95
9781841847375 | 4th edition (Informa Healthcare, October 15, 2010), cover price $83.95
9781841845807 | 3 edition (Informa Healthcare, June 30, 2006), cover price $100.00
9781841841182 | Informa Healthcare, January 1, 2002, cover price $59.95

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9780071786133 | 1 edition (McGraw-Hill Professional Pub, March 23, 2015), cover price $80.00

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9780443087141, titled "Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies" | 2nd edition (Churchill Livingstone, August 1, 1991), cover price $105.00 | also contains Obstetrics: Normal & Problem Pregnancies


9780987467485 | 2 edition (Sitepoint Pty Ltd, March 27, 2015), cover price $39.95
9780980846904 | Sitepoint Pty Ltd, May 19, 2011, cover price $39.95

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By Alfred Music (corporate author) and Garth Brooks (composer)


9781470623913 | Alfred Pub Co, March 1, 2015, cover price $19.99
9780443031786, titled "Postnatal Depression: A Guide for Health Professionals" | Churchill Livingstone, October 1, 1986, cover price $10.00 | also contains Postnatal Depression: A Guide for Health Professionals

cover image for 9781488881848
Product Description: An excellent Guide of MKTO. There has never been a MKTO Guide like this. It contains 46 answers, much more than you can imagine; comprehensive answers and extensive details and references, with insights that have never before been offered in more


9781488881848 | Lightning Source Inc, January 31, 2015, cover price $29.95 | About this edition: An excellent Guide of MKTO.
9780471907992, titled "Obstetrics in Outline" | Wiley-Liss, February 1, 1986, cover price $15.00 | also contains Obstetrics in Outline | About this edition: This essentially practical guide to obstetric management is intended for doctors embarking on their first obstetric post, and equally for those who require a swift update on standard procedures in the clinic, ward and delivery suite.

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Product Description: The field of project management experiences conceptual, technological, and decision issues when projects are created, implemented, and executed without the needed strategic connection. It is important to improve the connection between knowledge management and project management more
By Fernanda Ribeiro (editor)


9781466675360 | Business Science Reference, January 31, 2015, cover price $285.00 | About this edition: The field of project management experiences conceptual, technological, and decision issues when projects are created, implemented, and executed without the needed strategic connection.
9780407000957, titled "Principles of Obstetrics" | Butterworth-Heinemann, September 1, 1988, cover price $185.00 | also contains Principles of Obstetrics

cover image for 9780443040160
Product Description: This popular guide uses illustrations and very brief text to describe the essentials of obstetric practice today. From the physiology of reproduction through antenatal care and disorders in pregnancy to labor and the puerperium period, readers will find an easy-to-grasp presentation of the field's most important more


9780443040160, titled "Obstetrics Illustrated" | 4th edition (Churchill Livingstone, February 1, 1990), cover price $39.95 | also contains Obstetrics Illustrated | About this edition: This popular guide uses illustrations and very brief text to describe the essentials of obstetric practice today.

cover image for 9780443050411
Product Description: The latest edition of a very successful, highly illustrated obstetrics textbook. Text and illustrations are closely linked to ensure maximum ease of understanding and learning. Comprehensive coverage of obstetrics includes; introductory sections on basic sciences and a section on the care of the newborn make this a reliable and easy to understand more


9780443050411, titled "Obstetrics Illustrated" | Churchill Livingstone, January 1, 1998, cover price $51.95 | also contains Obstetrics Illustrated | About this edition: The latest edition of a very successful, highly illustrated obstetrics textbook.

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9782503553252 | Brepols Pub, December 11, 2014, cover price $144.00
9780387943350, titled "Pathology of the Human Placenta" | 3rd edition (Springer Verlag, January 1, 1995), cover price $175.00 | also contains Pathology of the Human Placenta

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9780702045912 | 3 har/psc edition (Churchill Livingstone, December 8, 2014), cover price $256.99

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Now in its thoroughly revised, updated Sixth Edition, this Spiral(R) Manual provides practical, easily accessible information on the management of the pregnant patient. Major sections cover pregnancy and its complications, the fetus, labor and delivery, and care of the newborn.More than half of this edition's contributing authors are new. The chapters on endocrine disorders, infectious disease complications, neurologic disorders, and dermatologic complications have been extensively rewritten, and a new chapter on multiple gestation has been added. This edition also includes new information on eclampsia and pre-eclampsia, preterm delivery, antibiotic therapy, and obstetric ultrasound.Paperback edition available only in selected countries. Please check with your local representative or distributor.


9781451186772 | 8 edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, June 25, 2014), cover price $76.99
9780781796965 | 7 edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, April 1, 2007), cover price $71.99
9780781724043 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, February 1, 2000, cover price $54.95 | About this edition: Now in its thoroughly revised, updated Sixth Edition, this Spiral(R) Manual provides practical, easily accessible information on the management of the pregnant patient.
9780316611725 | Little Brown & Co, January 1, 1996, cover price $37.95 | also contains Life: The Play of Life on the Stage of the World in Fine Arts, Stage-Play, and Literature

cover image for 9789351520719
Product Description: Presented as 25 clinical scenarios, Step by Step: Case Studies in Obstetrics & Gynecology presents postgraduate trainees with the latest concepts in the management of obstetrical and gynaecological disorders. Designed to help trainees prepare for USMLE examinations, each case is presented in blocks and follows the same format - symptoms, history, investigation, management and follow more


9789351520719 | 1 edition (Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub, June 1, 2014), cover price $96.00 | About this edition: Presented as 25 clinical scenarios, Step by Step: Case Studies in Obstetrics & Gynecology presents postgraduate trainees with the latest concepts in the management of obstetrical and gynaecological disorders.

cover image for 9781468447149
Product Description: The births of more than 100 apparently normal infants at term following pregnancies initiated by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer testifies to the successful clinical application of insights obtained from studies in reproductive biology over the last 20 more


9780306416231 | Plenum Pub Corp, April 1, 1984, cover price $99.00


9781468447149 | Reprint edition (Springer Verlag, November 25, 2012), cover price $99.00 | About this edition: The births of more than 100 apparently normal infants at term following pregnancies initiated by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer testifies to the successful clinical application of insights obtained from studies in reproductive biology over the last 20 years.

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9780306474491 | Springer Verlag, February 1, 2003, cover price $209.00


9781475777833 | Springer Verlag, March 17, 2013, cover price $149.00

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