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newborn infants care juvenile literature matches 4 work(s)
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9780688010447 | Lothrop Lee & Shepard, April 1, 1983, cover price $8.95 | About this edition: Advice and information for the pregnant teenager on sex, birth control, pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, adoption, marriage, and babies.
9780688519612 | William Morrow & Co, April 1, 1983, cover price $14.93 | About this edition: Advice and information for the pregnant teenager on sex, birth control, pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, adoption, marriage, and babies.
School and Library:
9780316788281 | Little Brown & Co, September 1, 2001, cover price $13.00 | About this edition: Explains to prospective older siblings about a new baby's needs and demands, and suggests ways that they can participate in the new arrival's care.
9781448883974 | Rosen Pub Group, December 15, 2012, cover price $35.60
9781575424279 | Board book edition (Free Spirit Pub, March 21, 2014), cover price $6.99
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