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nationalism south asia matches 7 work(s)
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9780415565660 | Routledge, December 22, 2010, cover price $150.00
9780415704847 | Routledge, May 7, 2013, cover price $54.95
9781137007056 | Palgrave Macmillan, October 16, 2012, cover price $100.00
Product Description: While postcolonial creative writing in English has come of age in South Asia, scholarly examination of this rich body of writing has remained largely confined to the narrow domain of literary criticism. This unusual and well-written book instead foregrounds issues relating to identity, nationalism and gender in contemporary literary more
9780761932024 | Sage Pubns Pvt Ltd, May 25, 2004, cover price $80.00 | About this edition: While postcolonial creative writing in English has come of age in South Asia, scholarly examination of this rich body of writing has remained largely confined to the narrow domain of literary criticism.
9780761932031 | Sage Pubns Ltd, April 1, 2004, cover price $22.01
9780312238520 | Palgrave Macmillan, October 5, 2001, cover price $170.00
9781555879679 | Lynne Rienner Pub, July 1, 2001, cover price $52.00
9780813387505 | Westview Pr, June 1, 1995, cover price $67.50
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