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medical instruments apparatus industry law legislation united states matches 9 work(s)
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9780935184792 | Interpharm Pr, July 1, 1995, cover price $249.00
9780945999416 | Independent Inst, February 1, 1995, cover price $14.95
9780873893770 | Asq Pr, October 1, 1996, cover price $89.25 | About this edition: This guidebook provides essential informantion for anyone who needs to understand and implement the new U.
9781574910254 | Interpharm Pr, June 1, 1997, cover price $119.00 | About this edition: Book by Kuwahara, Steven S.
Product Description: This book provides a single roadmap for compliance with the US QSR, the European Medical Device Directives, and ISO Standards for device and diagnostic products. Written in case-study format, it begins with information on how to establish a QSR documentation more
9780873894265 | Asq Pr, February 1, 1998, cover price $25.00 | About this edition: This book provides a single roadmap for compliance with the US QSR, the European Medical Device Directives, and ISO Standards for device and diagnostic products.
9781930872219 | 1 edition (Thompson Pub Group, June 30, 2006), cover price $399.00 | About this edition: Book by Tosh, Dennis A.
Product Description: Pharmaceutical Law Regulation of Research, Development, and Marketing is the only resource available that provides expert commentary and authoritative insights into a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical law issues.In fact, no other single volume discusses these complex issues in the detail required for transactional healthcare attorneys to adequately advise their clients on the opportunities and the liabilities in this more
9781570185762 | Bna Books, September 30, 2007, cover price $355.00 | About this edition: Pharmaceutical Law Regulation of Research, Development, and Marketing is the only resource available that provides expert commentary and authoritative insights into a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical law issues.
9780873897402 | 2 edition (Asq Pr, May 30, 2008), cover price $134.00
Product Description: Navigating Drug and Medical Device Legal Issues provides an authoritative, insider's perspective on assisting clients in dealing with legal concerns relating to the medical and pharmaceutical industry, including developing and trademarking brand names, complying with FDA regulations, and preventing or addressing claims of more
9780314292438 | Aspatore Books, June 1, 2014, cover price $90.00 | About this edition: Navigating Drug and Medical Device Legal Issues provides an authoritative, insider's perspective on assisting clients in dealing with legal concerns relating to the medical and pharmaceutical industry, including developing and trademarking brand names, complying with FDA regulations, and preventing or addressing claims of fraud.
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