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MEDICAL / Nursing / Pharmacology matches 655 work(s)
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9780323359030 | 8 psc edition (Mosby Inc, December 23, 2015), cover price $108.00
Product Description: This internationally renowned guide to basic arithmetic for nursing students has been completely revised and updated for a new generation of readers. Now entering its ninth edition, Nursing Calculations comes with a quick-reference card fits in the pocket to remind readers of essential formulae and AN ON-LINE PROGRAM TO ALLOW FURTHER SELF-TESTING VIA THE USE OF COMPUTERS AND MOBILE more
9780702065378 | 9 psc edition (Churchill Livingstone, October 30, 2016), cover price $32.95 | About this edition: This internationally renowned guide to basic arithmetic for nursing students has been completely revised and updated for a new generation of readers.
9780826132536 | 2 edition (Springer Pub Co, September 28, 2016), cover price $115.00
In its updated Fourth Edition, this text presents essential pharmacology concepts in a streamlined, user-friendly fashion. Organized by body system, the book explains the rationale for each drug class's therapeutic actions, contraindications, and adverse effects. Each chapter opens with learning objectives and ends with NCLEXr-style and other questions. Illustrations, tables, side bars, and boxes summarize concepts and focus attention on critical thinking, patient safety, evidence-based practice, lifespan issues, patient teaching, and case study-based critical thinking exercises. A bound-in CD-ROM contains over 700 patient teaching printouts, Canadian drug regulations, a video on medication administration, NCLEXr-style questions, and additional learning tools. The LiveAdvise online tutoring and course assistance for students, powered by SmarthinkingT, is now available when you adopt this textbook. Visit for more information on how this service can help your students!
9781496318213 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, October 1, 2016, cover price $103.99 | also contains Focus on Nursing Pharmacology
9781605471860 | 4 pck pap/ edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, July 16, 2008), cover price $107.95
9781605472744 | 4 pck pap/ edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, July 2, 2008), cover price $102.95 | About this edition: In its updated Fourth Edition, this text presents essential pharmacology concepts in a streamlined, user-friendly fashion.
9780781789479 | 4 pck pap/ edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, August 27, 2007), cover price $100.95 | About this edition: In its updated Fourth Edition, Focus on Nursing Pharmacology presents essential pharmacology concepts in a streamlined, user-friendly fashion.
9780781790475 | 4 pck edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, December 1, 2006), cover price $79.95
9780781753708 | Pck edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, February 1, 2005), cover price $66.95
2 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)
9780323462617 | Elsevier Science Health Science div, September 28, 2016, cover price $98.99
9780803656598 | Revised edition (F A Davis Co, September 22, 2016), cover price $29.95
9780803627833 | New edition (F A Davis Co, September 1, 2016), cover price $89.95
9781522507543 | Medical Info Science Reference, August 31, 2016, cover price $215.00
9781522507512 | Medical Info Science Reference, August 31, 2016, cover price $210.00
9781496326324 | 4 pap/psc edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, July 26, 2016), cover price $50.99
9780323298407 | 33 psc edition (Mosby Inc, July 15, 2016), cover price $54.95
9780323297394 | 33 spi edition (Mosby Inc, July 15, 2016), cover price $54.95
9780323298391 | 33 psc edition (Mosby Inc, July 15, 2016), cover price $54.95
9781563638367 | Physicians Desk Reference Inc, July 12, 2016, cover price $43.95
9780134460055 | 5 pck har/ edition (Prentice Hall, June 25, 2016), cover price $186.73
9780803657052 | 15 pap/psc edition (F A Davis Co, June 15, 2016), cover price $47.95
9780803657069 | 15 rev cnd edition (F A Davis Co, June 15, 2016), cover price $47.95
9780803639768 | 14 pap/psc edition (F A Davis Co, June 5, 2014), cover price $46.95
9780803628335 | 13 pap/cdr edition (F A Davis Co, June 18, 2012), cover price $45.95
"The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients" is internationally recognised as the authoritative source of information on pharmaceutical excipients. "The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients" is a comprehensive guide to the uses, properties and safety of pharmaceutical excipients and is an essential reference for those involved in the development, production, control or regulation of pharmaceutical preparations. The handbook collects together essential data on the physical properties of excipients as well as providing information on their safe use and potential toxicity. All monographs are also thoroughly cross-referenced and indexed to allow their identification by chemical, non-proprietary or trade names.
9780853697947 | 6 pck har/ edition (Pharmaceutical Pr, July 31, 2009), cover price $740.00 | About this edition: "The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients" is internationally recognised as the authoritative source of information on pharmaceutical excipients.
9781582120881 | 5 har/cdr edition (Amer Pharmacists Assn, March 30, 2006), cover price $540.00 | About this edition: "The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients" is a comprehensive, uniform guide to the uses, properties, and safety of pharmaceutical excipients.
9781582120584 | 5th edition (Amer Pharmacists Assn, January 1, 2006), cover price $364.00
9780853696223 | 5 har/cdr edition (Pharmaceutical Pr, December 30, 2005), cover price $575.00
9780853696186 | Pharmaceutical Pr, December 2, 2005, cover price $375.00
3 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)
9788416353811, titled "EnfermerÃÂa fácil - Cálculo y administración de medicamentos / Easy Nursing - Drug Calculation and Administration" | 5th edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, May 22, 2016), cover price $26.00
9780134441962 | Prentice Hall, May 22, 2016, cover price $59.93
9780415548991 | Routledge, May 7, 2016, cover price $160.00
9780415549004 | Routledge, May 7, 2016, cover price $48.95
9780323442916 | W B Saunders Co, April 29, 2016, cover price $39.95
9780323448260 | 30 pap/psc edition (Mosby Inc, April 13, 2016), cover price $44.95
9780323448222 | 30 psc edition (Mosby Inc, April 13, 2016), cover price $44.95
9780323448246 | 30 psc edition (Mosby Inc, April 13, 2016), cover price $44.95
Product Description: Find reliable drug information that’s easy to use and understand! Mosby's Drug Guide for Nursing Students, 12th Edition provides the latest information on more than 4,000 generic and trade name drugs ― including 20 new FDA-approved more
9780323448048 | 12 psc edition (Mosby Inc, April 8, 2016), cover price $43.95 | About this edition: Find reliable drug information that’s easy to use and understand!
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