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MEDICAL / Audiology & Speech Pathology matches 697 work(s)
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9783662467794, titled "Phoniatrics I: Fundamentals ââ¬â Disorders of Voice ââ¬â Disorders of Hearing, Language, and Literacy Development" | Har/dvdr edition (Springer Verlag, March 9, 2017), cover price $99.00
Product Description: Whether you're a graduate student, hearing instrument specialist or clinical audiologist, the Second Edition of Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids aims to provide you with the latest in concise and practical information across a broad spectrum of more
9781597566506 | 2 edition (Plural Pub Inc, September 15, 2016), cover price $89.95 | About this edition: Whether you're a graduate student, hearing instrument specialist or clinical audiologist, the Second Edition of Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids aims to provide you with the latest in concise and practical information across a broad spectrum of topics.
9781630912710 | Slack Inc, September 15, 2016, cover price $65.95
Product Description: Laryngeal cancer is a complex medical condition, and its treatments, both surgical and nonsurgical, typically affect a variety of life functions. These complex consequences of laryngeal cancer necessitate that many different medical specialties work together as a cohesive, collaborative care team to support patients and their caregivers/ more
9781630911591 | Slack Inc, September 15, 2016, cover price $55.95 | About this edition: Laryngeal cancer is a complex medical condition, and its treatments, both surgical and nonsurgical, typically affect a variety of life functions.
9781597567244 | 3 edition (Plural Pub Inc, September 1, 2016), cover price $79.95
9781597565059 | 2 edition (Plural Pub Inc, November 30, 2012), cover price $74.95
9780323339384 | 2 psc edition (Mosby Inc, September 1, 2016), cover price $76.95
9780323339346 | 2 edition (Mosby Inc, September 1, 2016), cover price $76.95
9781597567237 | 2 edition (Plural Pub Inc, September 1, 2016), cover price $139.95
9781284074987 | Har/psc edition (Jones & Bartlett Pub, September 1, 2016), cover price $79.95
Product Description: Aphasia Rehabilitation: Clinical Challenges focuses on specific aphasia symptoms and clinical issues that present challenges for rehabilitation professionals. Contributed by experts in the field, each chapter presents a clinically relevant topic in detail while blending theoretical concepts with practical clinical more
9781284042719 | Jones & Bartlett Pub, September 1, 2016, cover price $75.95 | About this edition: Aphasia Rehabilitation: Clinical Challenges focuses on specific aphasia symptoms and clinical issues that present challenges for rehabilitation professionals.
9780323339407 | 2 psc edition (Mosby Inc, September 1, 2016), cover price $76.95
9781630913021 | 2 edition (Slack Inc, September 15, 2016), cover price $74.95
9783319298979 | Springer Verlag, May 24, 2016, cover price $79.99
9781138916913 | Routledge, August 9, 2016, cover price $160.00
9781138916937 | Routledge, August 9, 2016, cover price $44.95
9780132755962 | Prentice Hall, June 10, 2016, cover price $132.00
9780134170718 | 8 reprint edition (Prentice Hall, June 4, 2016), cover price $180.00
9781597567916 | Plural Pub Inc, June 30, 2016, cover price $69.95
9781597568883 | Plural Pub Inc, May 30, 2016, cover price $79.95
9781597569415 | 1 edition (Plural Pub Inc, May 15, 2016), cover price $59.95
Product Description: The cases in the book are divided neatly by type of hearing loss....An excellent variety of audiograms and cases are presented. The wide range in case histories for people who demonstrate normal peripheral hearing was particularly more
9781626231757 | Workbook edition (Thieme Medical Pub, May 20, 2016), cover price $49.99 | About this edition: The cases in the book are divided neatly by type of hearing loss.
9781597568005 | 2 dvd edition (Plural Pub Inc, May 1, 2016), cover price $79.95
9780309388757 | 1 edition (Natl Academy Pr, May 1, 2016), cover price $79.00
9781597569392, titled "The F.I.L.T.E.R. Approach: Social Communication Skills for Students With Autism Spectrum Disoders" | 1 csm spi edition (Plural Pub Inc, April 15, 2016), cover price $49.95
9780128015292 | Academic Pr, April 18, 2016, cover price $125.00
9780763751968 | 1 edition (Jones & Bartlett Pub, April 1, 2016), cover price $107.95
9780136442615, titled "Sociology" | 4 student edition (Prentice Hall, June 1, 1999), cover price $12.60 | also contains Sociology
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