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learning handbooks manuals etc matches 14 work(s)
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During the past twenty years researchers have made exciting progress in the science of learning (i.e., how people learn) and the science of instruction (i.e., how to help people learn). This Handbook examines learning and instruction in a variety of classroom and non-classroom environments and with a variety of learners, both K-16 students and adult learners. The chapters are written by leading researchers from around the world, all of whom are highly regarded experts on their particular topics. The book is divided into two sections: learning and instruction. The learning section consists of chapters on how people learn in reading, writing, mathematics, science, history, second languages, and physical education, as well as learning to think critically, learning to self-monitor, and learning with motivation. The instruction section consists of chapters on effective instructional methods – feedback, examples, self-explanation, peer interaction, cooperative learning, inquiry, discussion, tutoring, visualizations, and computer simulations. Each chapter reviews empirical research in a specific domain and is structured as follows: Introduction – Defines key constructs and provides illustrative examples or cases. Historical Overview – Summarizes the historical context for the topic or domain. Theoretical Framework – Summarizes major models or theories related to the topic or domain. Current Trends and Issues – Synthesizes the research literature and highlights key findings or conclusions. Practical Implications – Suggests relevance of the research for educational practice. Future Directions – Considers next steps or stages needed for future research.
9781138831759 | 2 revised edition (Routledge, October 10, 2016), cover price $295.00
9780415804608 | Routledge, December 14, 2010, cover price $340.00 | About this edition: During the past twenty years researchers have made exciting progress in the science of learning (i.
9781138831766 | 2 revised edition (Routledge, October 10, 2016), cover price $119.95
9780415804615 | Routledge, December 13, 2010, cover price $140.95
9781416614685, titled "A Handbook for Classroom Instruction That Works" | 2 csm edition (Assn for Supervision & Curriculum, October 29, 2012), cover price $32.95
9780132678070 | 4th edition (Prentice Hall, August 23, 2012), cover price $134.40
9780826493682, titled "The Teaching Assistant's Guide to Understanding and Supporting Learning: Teaching Assistant's Guide" | Continuum Intl Pub Group, May 9, 2009, cover price $39.95
9780205578443 | 3 edition (Allyn & Bacon, March 21, 2008), cover price $100.00
Are you looking for a book that explains all the key ideas on how children learn, and how to best support children in that learning? This book covers all the major themes. Teaching assistants studying for foundation degrees, or for the higher level teaching assistant qualification, will find this book meets their needs.
9781412912730 | Sage Pubns Ltd, February 16, 2007, cover price $130.00
9781412912747 | Sage Pubns Ltd, February 16, 2007, cover price $42.00 | About this edition: A guide to teachers' assistants provides information on learning and social development of children.
9780205457212 | 2 edition (Allyn & Bacon, April 29, 2005), cover price $74.67
9780205354979 | Allyn & Bacon, May 1, 2002, cover price $51.80
9780131195059 | Prentice Hall, April 27, 2004, cover price $38.40
Product Description: This handbook acts as an essential guide to understanding and using reflective and experiential learning - whether it be for personal or professional development, or as a tool for learning.It takes a fresh look at experiential and reflective learning, locating them within an overall theoretical framework for learning and exploring the relationships between different more
9780415335157 | Routledge, June 1, 2004, cover price $195.00
9780415335164 | Routledge, June 1, 2004, cover price $59.95 | About this edition: This handbook acts as an essential guide to understanding and using reflective and experiential learning - whether it be for personal or professional development, or as a tool for learning.
9780203416150 | Routledge, April 23, 2004, cover price $56.95
9780871205223 | Assn for Supervision & Curriculum, November 1, 2001, cover price $31.95 | About this edition: Provides instructional strategies to improve student achievement.
9781417779246 | Turtleback Books, November 1, 2001, cover price $47.65 | About this edition: Provides instructional strategies to improve student achievement.
9781571100498 | Stenhouse Pub, November 1, 1996, cover price $19.00 | About this edition: Book by Bridges, Lois
Product Description: The Handbook of Classroom Assessment takes a multi-dimensional approach to classroom assessment. A successful combination of theory and practice, the book emphasizes the assessment of classroom learning within content areas and the development of standards for more
9780125541558 | Academic Pr, October 1, 1996, cover price $110.95 | About this edition: The Handbook of Classroom Assessment takes a multi-dimensional approach to classroom assessment.
9780125541565 | Academic Pr, October 1, 1996, cover price $69.95
9780205161577 | Pap/dis edition (Allyn & Bacon, May 1, 1995), cover price $36.00
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