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law great britain interpretation construction matches 2 work(s)
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Language skills, study skills, argument skills and legal knowledge are vital to every law student, professional lawyer and academic. Learning Legal Skills and Reasoning discusses the main sources of English law and explains how to work with legal texts in order to construct credible legal arguments which can be applied in coursework, exams or presentations. Learning Legal Skills and Reasoning Discusses how to find and understand sources of both domestic and European Union Law Develops effective disciplined study techniques, including referencing, general reading, writing and oral skills and explains how to make good use of the university print and e-library Contains chapters on writing law essays, problem questions and examinations, and on oral skills including presentations and mediation skills Packed full of practical examples and diagrams across the range of legal skills from language and research skills to mooting and negotiation, this textbook will be invaluable to law students seeking to acquire a range of discreet legal skills in order to use them together to produce competent assessed work.
9780415830201 | 4th edition (Routledge, September 17, 2015), cover price $160.00 | About this edition: Language skills, study skills, argument skills and legal knowledge are vital to every law student, professional lawyer and academic.
9780415830195 | 4th edition (Routledge, December 30, 2015), cover price $53.95
9780395611586, titled "Horace''s Compromise: The Dilemma of the American High School" | Reprint edition (Houghton Mifflin, January 1, 1992), cover price $10.95 | also contains Horace''s Compromise: The Dilemma of the American High School | About this edition: Based on a two-year examination of a wide range of American high schools, the chairman of the Study of American High Schools files the group's first report and discloses a system beset by contradictory goals and a stultifying bureaucracy
Product Description: As a critical analysis of the law-making process, this book has no equal. For more than three decades it has filled a gap in the requirements of students in law or political science taking introductory courses on the legal system and is now in its 7th more
9781849465625, titled "The Law-Making Process" | Hart Pub, February 25, 2015, cover price $55.00 | About this edition: As a critical analysis of the law-making process, this book has no equal.
9780521609890, titled "The Law-Making Process" | 6 edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, January 31, 2005), cover price $64.99
9780406904096 | Cambridge Univ Pr, November 1, 1999, cover price $34.99
9780406035028, titled "The Law-Making Process" | 4th edition (Northwestern Univ Pr, June 1, 1994), cover price $44.00
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