9781782852827, titled "The Elephants' Ears" | Barefoot Books, March 31, 2016, cover price $8.99 |
About this edition: This contemporary fable of how the African and Indian elephant first found their homelands also shows children that it is important to be loved and cherished for one's own unique characteristics.
9781841482491, titled "The Elephants' Ears" | Reprint edition (Barefoot Books, September 1, 2004), cover price $6.99 |
About this edition: In an original fable of how the African and Indian elephants find their homelands, Palo and Mala, brother and sister elephants, grow up to develop very different characters.
9781841480534 | Barefoot Books, December 1, 2000, cover price $10.01
9781841480527, titled "The Elephants' Ears" | Barefoot Books, March 1, 2000, cover price $15.95 |
About this edition: In an original fable of how the African and Indian elephants find their homelands, Palo and Mala, brother and sister elephants, grow up to develop very different characters, and when it is time for them to go out into the world, their mother worries about how they will find happiness.