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junior high schools juvenile fiction matches 6 work(s)
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9780810997127 | Harry N Abrams Inc, March 1, 2011, cover price $6.95
CD/Spoken Word:
9780545091015 | Unabridged edition (Scholastic Audio Cassette, October 1, 2008), cover price $29.95
9780606265249 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, March 1, 2011), cover price $17.15
9780810970670 | Harry N Abrams Inc, September 1, 2008, cover price $16.95
In addition to being harassed by the principals and the bullies at his school, outcast Vlad has to find a way to curb his vampire cravings and hide his enlarged fangs, but when a substitute teacher becomes too inquisitive and he learns that he is being hunted by a vampire killer, Vlad's social life becomes the least of his concerns.
9780525478119, titled "Eighth Grade Bites: Eighth Grade Bites" | Dutton Childrens Books, August 16, 2007, cover price $16.99 | About this edition: For thirteen years, Vlad, aided by his aunt and best friend, has kept secret that he is half-vampire, but when his missing teacher is replaced by a sinister substitute, he learns that there is more to being a vampire, and to his parents' deaths, than he could have guessed.
9780547152608 | Clarion Books, April 5, 2011, cover price $16.99
9780544022805 | Reprint edition (Houghton Mifflin, February 5, 2013), cover price $7.99 | also contains Okay for Now
9781617073137 | Unabridged edition (Random House, April 26, 2011), cover price $54.99
9780606316705 | Turtleback Books, February 5, 2013, cover price $18.40 | also contains Okay for Now
9780544022805 | Reprint edition (Houghton Mifflin, February 5, 2013), cover price $7.99 | also contains Okay for Now
CD/Spoken Word:
9780307915894 | Unabridged edition (Listening Library, April 5, 2011), cover price $40.00
9780606316705 | Turtleback Books, February 5, 2013, cover price $18.40 | also contains Okay for Now
9780880924221 | Royal Fireworks Pr, December 1, 2001, cover price $9.99 | About this edition: Jake was on top of the game in sixth grade, but seventh grade is a different story.
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