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industrial risk analysis engineering matches 53 work(s)
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Cover for 9781118911044 Cover for 9780471958031 Cover for 9781451617818 Cover for 9780471958116 Cover for 9781451617825 Cover for 9781442388413 Cover for 9781442388444 Cover for 9781628997460 Cover for 9780470282373 Cover for 9780471240051 Cover for 9780471480488 Cover for 9781119017981 Cover for 9781782545828 Cover for 9781118347232 Cover for 9781447134114 Cover for 9780849333460 Cover for 9781439839560 Cover for 9780849308802 Cover for 9781420000092 Cover for 9780470454626 Cover for 9780470387955 Cover for 9780470517703 Cover for 9780521883153 Cover for 9780521709606 Cover for 9780470512845 Cover for 9780471997658 Cover for 9781933115535 Cover for 9781933115542 Cover for 9789681861537 Cover for 9780471793526 Cover for 9780412402500 Cover for 9780849330902 Cover for 9780412750502 Cover for 9781405130127 Cover for 9780470853559 Cover for 9780471958048 Cover for 9780415204910 Cover for 9780415236553 Cover for 9780792366560 Cover for 9789048155972
cover image for 9781451617825


9781451617818 | Atria Books, August 11, 2015, cover price $27.00
9780471958253, titled "Doing Business in Emerging Markets: Entry and Negotiation Strategies" | John Wiley & Sons Inc, September 1, 1998, cover price $55.00 | also contains Doing Business in Emerging Markets: Entry and Negotiation Strategies
9780471958031, titled "Quantitative Risk Analysis: A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulation Modelling" | John Wiley & Son Ltd, June 1, 1996, cover price $115.50 | also contains Quantitative Risk Analysis: A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulation Modelling


9781451617825 | Reprint edition (Washington Square Pr, April 5, 2016), cover price $16.00
9780471958116, titled "Bacteria in Biology, Biotechnology and Medicine" | John Wiley & Sons Inc, July 1, 1995, cover price $42.00 | also contains Bacteria in Biology, Biotechnology and Medicine

CD/Spoken Word:

9781442388413 | Unabridged edition (Simon & Schuster, August 11, 2015), cover price $39.99
9781442388444 | Abridged edition (Simon & Schuster, August 11, 2015), cover price $29.99


9781628997460 | Large print edition (Center Point Pub, November 1, 2015), cover price $36.95

cover image for 9781119017981


9781119017981 | 4th edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, August 3, 2015), cover price $165.00
9780470282373 | 3 edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, January 14, 2009), cover price $183.00
9780471480488, titled "Risk Modeling, Assessment and Management" | 2 sub edition (Wiley-Interscience, April 12, 2004), cover price $159.50
9780471240051 | Wiley-Interscience, August 1, 1998, cover price $136.00


9780470422489 | 3 onl edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, January 27, 2009), cover price $140.00
9780471723905 | 2 onl edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, February 7, 2005), cover price $150.00


9780470422472 | 3 edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, January 23, 2009), cover price $148.00
9780471723899 | 2 edition (Wiley-Interscience, February 4, 2005), cover price $159.50

cover image for 9781118347232


9781118347232, titled "Managing Risk in Construction Projects" | 3 edition (Blackwell Pub, February 3, 2014), cover price $81.00


9781405172745 | 2 edition (Blackwell Pub, March 10, 2009), cover price $89.99

cover image for 9781447134114
Product Description: IE-2 > FV 5E-3 > FV IE-3 > FV IE-4 > FV Trun- Total IST and IST Components Total IST FV> IE-2 Type >5E-3 > IE-3 > IE-4 >0 cated IPE Components Not Modeled in PRA Components 11 3 6 5 27 73 100 AOV 2 CV 4 21 24 16 12 77 94 171 4 6 10 HOV 4 34 158 MOV 2 5 35 33 24 25 124 43 43 MV 2 PORV 1 1 2 PUMP 12 5 6 1 3 27 9 36 54 54 SOV SRV 20 3 23 23 Total 39 17 73 61 49 45 284 313 597 ------- --- Table more
By Carlo Cacciabue (editor) and Ioannis A. Papazoglou (editor)


9781447134114, titled "Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management ’96: Esrel’96 - Psam-iii June 24–28 1996, Crete, Greece" | Reprint edition (Springer-Verlag New York Inc, August 2, 2012), cover price $129.00 | About this edition: IE-2 > FV 5E-3 > FV IE-3 > FV IE-4 > FV Trun- Total IST and IST Components Total IST FV> IE-2 Type >5E-3 > IE-3 > IE-4 >0 cated IPE Components Not Modeled in PRA Components 11 3 6 5 27 73 100 AOV 2 CV 4 21 24 16 12 77 94 171 4 6 10 HOV 4 34 158 MOV 2 5 35 33 24 25 124 43 43 MV 2 PORV 1 1 2 PUMP 12 5 6 1 3 27 9 36 54 54 SOV SRV 20 3 23 23 Total 39 17 73 61 49 45 284 313 597 ------- --- Table 2.

cover image for 9781439839560


9781439839560 | 3 edition (Auerbach Pub, March 16, 2010), cover price $90.95
9780849333460 | 2 edition (Auerbach Pub, April 27, 2005), cover price $87.95


9780849308802 | Auerbach Pub, January 1, 2001, cover price $74.95


9780203997505 | Auerbach Pub, January 23, 2001, cover price $74.95
9781420000092 | Auerbach Pub, January 23, 2001, cover price $74.95


9780470454626, titled "Security Risk Management: Body of Knowledge" | 1 edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, August 17, 2009), cover price $109.95


9780470494967 | John Wiley & Sons Inc, September 17, 2009, cover price $89.95

cover image for 9780470387955


9780470387955 | John Wiley & Sons Inc, April 27, 2009, cover price $49.95


9780470483435, titled "The Failure of Risk Management: Why It's Broken and How to Fix It" | John Wiley & Sons Inc, April 3, 2009, cover price $45.00

cover image for 9780470517703
Product Description: How to apply operational risk theory to real-life banking data Modelling Operational and Reputational Risks shows practitioners the best models to use in a given situation, according to the type of risk an organization is facing. Based on extensive applied research on operational risk models using real bank datasets, it offers a wide range of various testing models and fitting techniques for financial more


9780470517703 | 1 edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, March 23, 2009), cover price $140.00 | About this edition: How to apply operational risk theory to real-life banking data Modelling Operational and Reputational Risks shows practitioners the best models to use in a given situation, according to the type of risk an organization is facing.

cover image for 9780521709606
By Paul Bracken (editor)


9780521883153 | Cambridge Univ Pr, September 30, 2008, cover price $105.00


9780521709606 | Cambridge Univ Pr, September 30, 2008, cover price $34.99

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9780470512845 | 3 edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, May 16, 2008), cover price $191.70
9780471997658 | 2 sub edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, May 1, 2000), cover price $190.00

cover image for 9781933115535


9781933115535, titled "Choosing Safety: A Guide to Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis in Complex, High-Consequence Systems" | Routledge, July 15, 2008, cover price $140.00


9781933115542, titled "Choosing Safety: A Guide to Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis in Complex, High-Consequence Systems" | Routledge, July 15, 2008, cover price $51.95

cover image for 9780471793526


9780471793526 | John Wiley & Sons Inc, March 5, 2007, cover price $110.00


9780470168110 | Onl edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, January 29, 2007), cover price $75.00

cover image for 9780849330902
This book provides a detailed analysis of the behavioural, psychological and human dimensions of health and safety in the workplace. "The Human Side of Safety" offers clear practical advice on the way safety relates to the behaviour of individuals, groups and whole organizations. It is based on rigorous theoretical perspectives and emprirical findings and uses significant real life examples and cases. This book should be of interest to safety officers, occupational psychologists, human resource managers and general managers with a responsibility for safety or participating on a safety course; trainers, lecturers, senior students specifically studying health and safety, general management, business, HRM, personnel, organizational behaviour, psychology, engineering, environmental health and nursing studies.


9780849330902 | 2 edition (CRC Pr I Llc, May 31, 2006), cover price $132.95
9780412402500 | Chapman & Hall, January 1, 1995, cover price $82.95 | About this edition: This book provides a detailed analysis of the behavioural, psychological and human dimensions of health and safety in the workplace.


9780412750502 | Thomson Learning Emea, May 1, 1998, cover price $47.99 | About this edition: This book provides a detailed analysis of the behavioural, psychological and human dimensions of health and safety in the workplace.

cover image for 9781405130127
Product Description: Written by a group of academics and practitioners, this guide is for construction practitioners having to manage real projects. It shows how the risk management process improves decision making in conditions of uncertainty. This new edition includes the input of the Turnbull report, as well as to introduce the concept of corporate, strategic business, and project level more


9781405130127 | 2 edition (Blackwell Pub, March 3, 2006), cover price $89.99 | About this edition: Written by a group of academics and practitioners, this guide is for construction practitioners having to manage real projects.


9780470853559, titled "Project Risk Management: Processes, Techniques, and Insights" | 2 edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, December 2, 2003), cover price $88.05


9780470871317, titled "Project Risk Management: Processes, Techniques, and Insights" | 2 edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, May 5, 2004), cover price $60.00 | also contains Project Risk Management: Processes, Techniques and Insights


9780471958048 | John Wiley & Sons Inc, February 1, 1997, cover price $115.00


9780470871317, titled "Project Risk Management: Processes, Techniques, and Insights" | 2 edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, May 5, 2004), cover price $60.00 | also contains Project Risk Management: Processes, Techniques and Insights

cover image for 9780415204910
Product Description: Business Continuity Management (BCM) is broadly defined as a business process that seeks to ensure that organizations are able to withstand any disruption to normal functioning. This exciting and fully comprehensive new text tackles the issue of BCM from both a theoretical and empirical more


9780415204910 | Routledge, February 1, 2002, cover price $60.95 | About this edition: Business Continuity Management (BCM) is broadly defined as a business process that seeks to ensure that organizations are able to withstand any disruption to normal functioning.

cover image for 9780415236553
Safety analysis has become a methodology that is applied to a growing extent in technologically advanced fields such as chemicals processing and nuclear industries. There it has become an important tool for obtaining safer production, but in terms of the number of people killed and injured, occupational accidents constitute a much greater problem area. There is also a need to apply systematic, tested approaches in this field. The aim of this book is to show how safety analysis can be practically applied in the field of occupational safety. Its emphasis lies on explaining how different methods work and it gives step-by-step instructions. The main focus is on qualitative (and rather simple) methods. Safety analysis has three main elements: identification of hazards; assessment of the risks that arise; and the generation of measures that can increase the level of safety. Experiences from its application are favourable. With a suitable design, an analysis that takes just a few hours or a few days can give good results. One theme concerns the analytical procedure - that is, the various stages that make up an analysis and how these are related to one another. Safety work and safety management represents a further theme, and one section fo the book is devoted to economic appraisals of safety analysis. A number of examples are provided as demonstrations of applications and of results. They also show that the methodology tends to be profiable for companies to use. The book has been written primarily with safety engineers and the Labour Inspectorate in mind, but it should also be of interest to anyone involved in occupational injury prevention.


9780415236553 | 2 edition (CRC Pr I Llc, December 1, 2001), cover price $172.95
9781851669561 | Routledge, June 1, 1993, cover price $86.95 | About this edition: Safety analysis has become a methodology that is applied to a growing extent in technologically advanced fields such as chemicals processing and nuclear industries.

cover image for 9780792366560
Product Description: This volume is intended to stimulate a change in the practice of decision support, advocating an interdisciplinary approach centred on both social and natural sciences, both theory and practice. It addresses the issue of analysis and management of uncertainty and risk in decision support corresponding to the aims of Integrated more


9780792366560 | Kluwer Academic Pub, November 1, 2000, cover price $249.00 | About this edition: This volume is intended to stimulate a change in the practice of decision support, advocating an interdisciplinary approach centred on both social and natural sciences, both theory and practice.


9789048155972 | Springer Verlag, November 1, 2000, cover price $249.00 | About this edition: This volume is intended to stimulate a change in the practice of decision support, advocating an interdisciplinary approach centred on both social and natural sciences, both theory and practice.

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