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hostage negotiations psychological aspects matches 2 work(s)
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9781508143796 | Reprint edition (Powerkids Pr, January 15, 2016), cover price $8.25
9781508143819 | Powerkids Pr, January 15, 2016, cover price $23.60
Product Description: While there are many books on crisis negotiation, most of the current literature focuses on the history and mechanics of this dynamic process, leaving out critical elements that are required for a successful encounter with a hostage-taker or other more
9781439880050 | 2 edition (CRC Pr I Llc, December 1, 2011), cover price $81.95 | About this edition: While there are many books on crisis negotiation, most of the current literature focuses on the history and mechanics of this dynamic process, leaving out critical elements that are required for a successful encounter with a hostage-taker or other malfeasant.
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