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genetics technique matches 6 work(s)
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Cover for 9781588297341 Cover for 9781627037204 Cover for 9781617377488 Cover for 9781107027527 Cover for 9780321690869 Cover for 9780321732507 Cover for 9781588295750 Cover for 9781617376511 Cover for 9780632036592 Cover for 9780199636112
cover image for 9781627037204
Product Description: The determination of protein function has been a major goal of molecular biology since the founding of the discipline. However, as we learn more about gene function, we discover that the context within which a gene is expressed controls the specific function of that more
By Michael F. Ochs (editor)


9781627037204 | 2 edition (Humana Pr Inc, November 14, 2013), cover price $139.00 | About this edition: The determination of protein function has been a major goal of molecular biology since the founding of the discipline.
9781588297341 | 1 edition (Humana Pr Inc, September 19, 2007), cover price $169.00 | About this edition: With the advent of high-throughput technologies following completion of the human genome project and similar projects, the number of genes of interest has expanded and the traditional methods for gene function analysis cannot achieve the throughput necessary for large-scale exploration.


9781617377488 | Humana Pr Inc, November 19, 2010, cover price $169.00 | About this edition: With the advent of high-throughput technologies following completion of the human genome project and similar projects, the number of genes of interest has expanded and the traditional methods for gene function analysis cannot achieve the throughput necessary for large-scale exploration.

cover image for 9781107027527
Product Description: This study explores the fundamental questions facing students: who was responsible for the Cold War? Was it inevitable or could the whole episode have been avoided? Was Stalin genuinely interested in a postwar agreement? Was a great opportunity lost by the world powers, one which could have brought immense benefits to both sides as well as to the rest of the more
By Marina Vannucci (editor)


9781107027527 | 1 edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, June 30, 2013), cover price $175.00 | About this edition: This study explores the fundamental questions facing students: who was responsible for the Cold War?

cover image for 9780321690869


9780321690869 | Pck har/ps edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 2, 2012), cover price $218.53
9780321732507 | Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, December 24, 2011, cover price $211.20

cover image for 9781617376511
Completion of the sequence of the human genome represents an unpar- leled achievement in the history of biology. The project has produced nearly complete, highly accurate, and comprehensive sequences of genomes of s- eral organisms including human, mouse, drosophila, and yeast. Furthermore, the development of high-throughput technologies has led to an explosion of projects to sequence the genomes of additional organisms including rat, chimp, dog, bee, chicken, and the list is expanding. The nearly completed draft of genomic sequences from numerous species has opened a new era of research in biology and in biomedical sciences. In keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the new scientific era, the chapters in Gene Mapping, Discovery, and Expression: Methods and Protocols recapitulate the necessity of integration of experimental and computational tools for solving - portant research problems. The general underlying theme of this volume is DNA sequence-based technologies. At one level, the book highlights the importance of databases, genome-browsers, and web-based tools for data access and ana- sis. More specifically, sequencing projects routinely deposit their data in p- licly available databases including GenBank, at the National Center of Biotechnology (NCBI) in the United States; EMBL, maintained by the European Bioinformatics Institute; and DDBJ, the DNA Data Bank of Japan. Currently, several browsers offer facile access to numerous genomic DNA sequences for gene mapping and data retrieval.
By Minou Bina (editor)


9781588295750 | Humana Pr Inc, April 21, 2006, cover price $169.00 | About this edition: Completion of the sequence of the human genome represents an unpar- leled achievement in the history of biology.


9781617376511 | Reprint edition (Humana Pr Inc, December 9, 2010), cover price $169.00

Authored by a very eminent geneticist, this text gives students a thorough appreciation of the development and potential of analytical genetic techniques. Beginning with a consideration of both the classical Mendelian and the molecular biological aspects of genetic analysis, the book goes on to discuss progress in three key areas of genetics. Firstly the elucidation of the detailed structure and overall organization of the genome, secondly the way that genetic differences at the molecular level account for heritable variation in populations, and finally an explanation of how the genes control the metabolism and development of the whole organism. Professor Fincham takes as his theme the links between classical and molecular genetics, and throughout the book shows how the combination of these two approaches can be a powerful tool for the advancement of genetic research. A clear and simple text from one of the world's leading geneticists Abundant and innovative illustrations Links classical Mendelian genetics with the new molecular genetic techniques
By John R. S. Fincham (editor)


9780632036592 | Blackwell Pub, December 12, 1994, cover price $110.95 | About this edition: Authored by a very eminent geneticist, this text gives students a thorough appreciation of the development and potential of analytical genetic techniques.


9781444313826 | Blackwell Pub, June 16, 2009, cover price $89.95

cover image for 9780199636112
Product Description: Many different kinds of mutation can occur in a genome, from large-scale chromosomal rearrangements to small-scale point mutations. These different mutations require a variety of techniques for their detection. Most difficult to detect is the point muta


9780199636112 | Oxford Univ Pr, January 31, 1998, cover price $23.95 | About this edition: Many different kinds of mutation can occur in a genome, from large-scale chromosomal rearrangements to small-scale point mutations.

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