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english language rhetoric handbooks manuals etc matches 143 work(s)
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Cover for 9780312605063 Cover for 9781319027049 Cover for 9781457612671 Cover for 9780312488673 Cover for 9781319027049 Cover for 9781457612671 Cover for 9780393265750 Cover for 9780393264388 Cover for 9780393919592 Cover for 9780393930207 Cover for 9780393933826 Cover for 9780393264371 Cover for 9780321878427 Cover for 9780321945662 Cover for 9780133880618 Cover for 9780134089409 Cover for 9780134139869 Cover for 9780134271941 Cover for 9780205629084 Cover for 9780205661626 Cover for 9780205730766 Cover for 9780205805433 Cover for 9780205863792 Cover for 9780321420534 Cover for 9780321887061 Cover for 9780133890969 Cover for 9780134038667 Cover for 9780134090023 Cover for 9780134150789 Cover for 9780205235773 Cover for 9780205531462 Cover for 9780205707645 Cover for 9780205876716 Cover for 9780205878338 Cover for 9780321095312 Cover for 9780321923721 Cover for 9780321951304 Cover for 9780134080383 Cover for 9780134120706 Cover for 9780134150796 Cover for 9780134150802 Cover for 9780205620241 Cover for 9780205707652 Cover for 9780205780198 Cover for 9780205876655 Cover for 9780321277053 Cover for 9780321437815 Cover for 9780321923714 Cover for 9780136028604 Cover for 9780205656325 Cover for 9780205903603 Cover for 9781111354299 Cover for 9781305671836 Cover for 9781111838171 Cover for 9781133308782 Cover for 9781305659650 Cover for 9780312157784 Cover for 9780312536121 Cover for 9781457604423 Cover for 9781457640810 Cover for 9781457698484 Cover for 9781319016036 Cover for 9781457632501 Cover for 9780312611408 Cover for 9781457698170 Cover for 9780312196196 Cover for 9780312243470 Cover for 9780312243494 Cover for 9780312413231 Cover for 9780312413286 Cover for 9780312413903 Cover for 9780312433642 Cover for 9780312452803 Cover for 9780312459604 Cover for 9780312478599 Cover for 9780312488598 Cover for 9780312557102 Cover for 9780312557225 Cover for 9781319027056 Cover for 9781457600043 Cover for 9781457612695 Cover for 9781457653612 Cover for 9781457698477 Cover for 9780312452766 Cover for 9780312638146 Cover for 9781457683046 Cover for 9780312647957 Cover for 9780312568498 Cover for 9781319011130 Cover for 9780691165073 Cover for 9781921966514 Cover for 9780321990075 Cover for 9780134086316 Cover for 9780205823734 Cover for 9780321841742 Cover for 9780321989734 Cover for 9780133800333 Cover for 9780134118710 Cover for 9780205245741 Cover for 9780205319077 Cover for 9780205674596 Cover for 9780321876256 Cover for 9780312102128 Cover for 9780312102135 Cover for 9780312396947 Cover for 9780312443153 Cover for 9780312455149 Cover for 9781457620317 Cover for 9781457667244 Cover for 9780312138172 Cover for 9780312398286 Cover for 9780312413132 Cover for 9780312433499 Cover for 9780312443177 Cover for 9780312485757 Cover for 9780134051741 Cover for 9780134072920 Cover for 9780201747119 Cover for 9780205213078 Cover for 9780205585748 Cover for 9780205651719 Cover for 9780205662722 Cover for 9780205748037 Cover for 9780321075079 Cover for 9780321103505 Cover for 9780321275899 Cover for 9780321362780 Cover for 9780321389510 Cover for 9780321988270 Cover for 9780673398598 Cover for 9780673521323 Cover for 9780823049684 Cover for 9780321945945 Cover for 9780395961001 Cover for 9780547152943 Cover for 9780618294688 Cover for 9780618421633 Cover for 9780618445462 Cover for 9781111833015 Cover for 9781305092136 Cover for 9780393912753 Cover for 9780393937510 Cover for 9780415384193 Cover for 9781138778498 Cover for 9780415384209 Cover for 9780134038681 Cover for 9780205883103 Cover for 9780321920546 Cover for 9781457669552
cover image for 9781319027049
Product Description: Contexts for writing keep changing, and Andrea Lunsford knows that every writer needs to engage with audiences and communicate ideas every day. The Everyday Writer with Exercises shows novice writers how to navigate rhetorical situations and make effective choices everywhere they more


9781319027049 | 6 spi pap/ edition (Bedford/st Martins, February 6, 2016), cover price $86.65 | also contains The Everyday Writer with Exercises | About this edition: Contexts for writing keep changing, and Andrea Lunsford knows that every writer needs to engage with audiences and communicate ideas every day.
9781457612671 | 5 spi pap/ edition (Bedford/st Martins, November 24, 2012), cover price $86.65 | also contains The Everyday Writer with Exercises
9780312605063 | 4 pck spi edition (Bedford/st Martins, January 21, 2009), cover price $70.30

cover image for 9781319027049
Product Description: Contexts for writing keep changing, and Andrea Lunsford knows that every writer needs to engage with audiences and communicate ideas every day. The Everyday Writer with Exercises shows novice writers how to navigate rhetorical situations and make effective choices everywhere they more
By Andrea A. Lunsford, Paul Kei Matsuda (contributor) and Christine M. Tardy (contributor)


9781319027049 | 6 spi pap/ edition (Bedford/st Martins, February 6, 2016), cover price $86.65 | also contains The Everyday Writer With Exercises | About this edition: Contexts for writing keep changing, and Andrea Lunsford knows that every writer needs to engage with audiences and communicate ideas every day.
9781457612671 | 5 spi pap/ edition (Bedford/st Martins, November 24, 2012), cover price $86.65 | also contains The Everyday Writer With Exercises
9780312488673 | 4 spi edition (Bedford/st Martins, January 7, 2009), cover price $73.15 | About this edition: For introductory college-level english classes.

cover image for 9780393265750


9780393265750 | 4th edition (W W Norton & Co Inc, February 4, 2016), cover price $103.70


9780393264388, titled "The Norton Field Guide to Writing With Readings and Handbook" | 4th edition (W W Norton & Co Inc, January 19, 2016), cover price $96.60
9780393919592, titled "The Norton Field Guide to Writing With Readings and Handbook" | 3 edition (W W Norton & Co Inc, February 1, 2013), cover price $93.75
9780393933826, titled "The Norton Field Guide to Writing With Readings and Handbook" | 2 edition (W W Norton & Co Inc, December 15, 2009), cover price $85.20
9780393930207 | 1 pck edition (W W Norton & Co Inc, January 1, 2008), cover price $78.10

cover image for 9780393264371


9780393264371 | 4th edition (W W Norton & Co Inc, February 8, 2016), cover price $82.40

cover image for 9780134271941
Transforming student and instructor expectations for textbooks, The DK Handbook presents information in newly accessible, scientifically tested, and student-friendly ways.    Never before seen in the handbook market, The DK Handbook’s design is a true marriage of visual and textual content, in which each topic is presented in self-contained, two-page spreads for at-a-glance referencing. Explanations are concise and “chunked” to be more approachable and appealing for today’s readers, and accompanying visuals truly teach – making concepts and processes visible to students.  The ground-breaking layout creates a consistent look and feel that helps students connect with the material, find information, and recognize solutions to writing problems they often don’t have names for.


9780321945662, titled "The DK Handbook: Books a La Carte" | 3 lslf edition (Longman Pub Group, September 5, 2013), cover price $72.67
9780321878427 | 3 psc edition (Longman Pub Group, April 8, 2013), cover price $67.33


9780134139869 | 4 spi edition (Longman Pub Group, January 24, 2016), cover price $106.20
9780134089409 | 3 pck spi edition (Longman Pub Group, September 14, 2014), cover price $112.87
9780133880618 | 3 pck pap/ edition (Longman Pub Group, March 19, 2014), cover price $98.33
9780321887061 | 3 pck spi edition (Longman Pub Group, January 7, 2013), cover price $98.33
9780205863792 | 3 spi ind edition (Longman Pub Group, January 4, 2013), cover price $106.20
7 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)

cover image for 9780134150796
The Curious Writer, an assignment-oriented, all-in-one rhetoric-reader-handbook, stresses the connections between personal and academic writing. The Curious Writer emphasizes inquiry as both a method of discovery and learning and a driving force behind the writing process. The book operates on the principle that writers who begin with questions, rather than answers, achieve better results in their work. It treats research, revision, and critical reading skills (of both texts and visuals) as organic components of every writing process. Each of the eight writing assignment chapters offers integrated coverage of these three key activities and also provides special attention digital tools for invention and research. Offering a unique, entertaining, and personal author voice, The Curious Writer is sure to grab students’ interest and motivate them to write.


9780134090023 | 5th edition (Longman Pub Group, January 15, 2016), cover price $139.80
9780133890969, titled "The Curious Writer: Books a La Carte Edition" | 4 pck lslf edition (Longman Pub Group, November 29, 2014), cover price $72.00
9780134038667 | 4 har/psc edition (Longman Pub Group, August 6, 2014), cover price $147.80
9780321951304 | 4 pck lslf edition (Longman Pub Group, July 21, 2013), cover price $70.67
9780205878338, titled "The Curious Writer: Books a La Carte" | 4 pck lslf edition (Longman Pub Group, June 19, 2013), cover price $102.00 | About this edition: The Curious Writer, an assignment-oriented, all-in-one rhetoric-reader-handbook, stresses the connections between personal and academic writing.
7 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9780134150802 | 5 pap/psc edition (Longman Pub Group, February 21, 2016), cover price $142.00
9780134120706 | 5 concise edition (Longman Pub Group, January 16, 2016), cover price $93.40
9780134080383 | 5 brief edition (Longman Pub Group, January 15, 2016), cover price $134.00
9780321923714 | 4 pap/psc edition (Longman Pub Group, January 31, 2013), cover price $140.67 | About this edition: ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.
9780205876655 | 4 brief edition (Longman Pub Group, December 21, 2012), cover price $134.00
7 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)

cover image for 9780205903603


9780205903603 | 10th edition (Longman Pub Group, October 8, 2012), cover price $129.00
9780136028604 | 9 edition (Longman Pub Group, October 31, 2008), cover price $100.00
9780205656325 | 8 har/psc edition (Prentice Hall, June 1, 2008), cover price $79.33

cover image for 9781305659650


9781305671836, titled "The Writer’s Harbrace Handbook" | 6 lslf edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, January 1, 2016), cover price $118.95
9781111354299 | 5th edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, January 1, 2012), cover price $168.95


9781305659650 | 6 edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, January 1, 2016), cover price $168.95
9781133308782 | 5 spi bri edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, January 1, 2013), cover price $90.95
9781111838171 | 5th edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, January 1, 2012), cover price $131.95

cover image for 9781457698484
Product Description: Whether you have years of experience as a teacher or are new to the classroom, you and your students can count on The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing to provide the support you need in first-year composition, with a rhetoric, an array of engaging readings, a research manual, and a handbook, all in a single book — and available more


9781457640810, titled "The St. Martin's Guide to Writing" | 10 lslf edition (Bedford/st Martins, February 1, 2013), cover price $68.20
9781457604423, titled "The St. Martin's Guide to Writing" | 10th edition (Bedford/st Martins, January 11, 2013), cover price $104.40
9780312536121, titled "The St. Martin's Guide to Writing" | 9 edition (Bedford/st Martins, January 26, 2010), cover price $95.15
9789990013269, titled "The St Martins Guide To Writing" | 5th edition (Bedford/st Martins, February 1, 1997), cover price $0.02
9780312157784 | 5th edition (St Martins Pr, October 1, 1996), cover price $50.95
1 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9781319016036, titled "The St. Martin's Guide to Writing" | 11 edition (Bedford/st Martins, December 30, 2015), cover price $100.85 | About this edition: Whether you have years of experience as a teacher or are new to the classroom, you and your students can count on The St.
9781457632501, titled "The St. Martin's Guide to Writing" | 10th edition (Bedford/st Martins, January 11, 2013), cover price $100.85

cover image for 9781457698170


9781457698170 | 6 edition (Bedford/st Martins, December 18, 2015), cover price $63.20
9780312611408 | 5th edition (Bedford/st Martins, August 10, 2012), cover price $66.05

cover image for 9781319027056
Always attentive to the realities of the classroom — including emerging technologies — The Everyday Writer remains a truly practical and accessible tabbed reference handbook. Informed by Andrea Lunsford’s research and written in clear, straightforward language that students can understand, the third edition gives quick and simple advice for reading images and writing texts — every day.


9781457698477, titled "The Everyday Writer" | 6 spi ind edition (Bedford/st Martins, January 5, 2016), cover price $86.65
9781457653612, titled "The Everyday Writer" | 5 spi edition (Bedford/st Martins, December 6, 2012), cover price $86.65
9781457600043, titled "The Everyday Writer" | 5 spi ind edition (Bedford/st Martins, August 27, 2012), cover price $86.65
9781457612695, titled "The Everyday Writer" | 5 spi ind edition (Bedford/st Martins, August 27, 2012), cover price $86.65
9780312557225, titled "The Everyday Writer" | 4 spi pap/ edition (Bedford/st Martins, November 7, 2008), cover price $76.00
14 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)

cover image for 9781457683046


9781457683046 | 8 spi edition (Bedford/st Martins, November 11, 2015), cover price $52.55
9780312638146 | 6 pck spi edition (Bedford/st Martins, July 23, 2009), cover price $41.90 | also contains Rules for Writers
9780312452766 | 6 spi edition (Bedford/st Martins, October 3, 2007), cover price $41.90
9789990862874 | 5th edition (Bedford/st Martins, November 1, 2003), cover price $0.02 | also contains Rules for Writers

cover image for 9780312647957


9780312647957 | 7 spi edition (Bedford/st Martins, September 16, 2011), cover price $59.65

cover image for 9781319011130


9781319011130 | 7 spi edition (Bedford/st Martins, August 10, 2015), cover price $37.65 | also contains A Pocket Style Manual, Apa Version
9780312568498 | 6 spi edition (Bedford/st Martins, June 6, 2012), cover price $36.25

cover image for 9780134086316
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value—this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. Before purchasing, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyWritingLab™ does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyWritingLab search for: 0134173163 / 9780134173160  The Little DK Handbook, Books a la Carte Edition Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText - Access Card Package Package consists of: 0133954706 / 9780133954708  MyWritingLab with Pearson eText - Access Card 0321990072 / 9780321990075 The Little DK Handbook, Books a la Carte Edition MyWritingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. For first-year courses in Composition. An Accessible and Visually Engaging Guide to Writing Distinctively designed, The Little DK Handbook s tands apart from other handbooks. Visually rich two-page spreads marry design and content in a way that makes information appealing and understandable. Students will learn to narrow down topics, find and cite sources properly, present information clearly, craft arguments and hone their voices, and adhere to conventions. With more attention to research – particularly online research – than other handbooks, T he Little DK provides a solid foundation in information literacy. Grammar and documentation (MLA, APA, CMS, CSE) are presented in an approachable, accessible way. The groundbreaking layout creates a consistent look and feel that helps students connect with the material, find information, and recognize solutions to writing problems they often don’t know how to look up. Also Available with MyWritingLab™ This title is also available with MyWritingLab – an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.


9780321990075, titled "The Little DK Handbook: Books a La Carte Edition" | 2 lslf edition (Longman Pub Group, January 26, 2015), cover price $31.33 | About this edition: NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.


9780134086316 | 2 pck spi edition (Longman Pub Group, January 31, 2015), cover price $46.67
9780321989734 | 2 spi edition (Longman Pub Group, January 30, 2015), cover price $45.60
9780321841742 | Pck spi pa edition (Longman Pub Group, May 23, 2012), cover price $49.47 | About this edition: ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.
9780205823734 | Spiral-bound edition (Longman Pub Group, July 27, 2011), cover price $42.80

cover image for 9780134118710
Product Description: NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab& Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use Pearson's MyLab &Mastering products, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will more


9780133800333 | 7 edition (Longman Pub Group, January 18, 2015), cover price $74.40 | About this edition: NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product.
9780321876256 | 6 pck pap/ edition (Longman Pub Group, July 13, 2012), cover price $87.67 | About this edition: ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.
9780205245741 | 6 edition (Longman Pub Group, December 3, 2011), cover price $81.00
9780205674596 | 5th edition (Longman Pub Group, February 16, 2009), cover price $69.33
9780205319077 | 2nd edition (Allyn & Bacon, August 1, 2000), cover price $39.40 | About this edition: "A Brief Guide to Writing from Readings teaches readers to write the most common college-level papers: source-based essays that summarize, analyze, critique, and synthesize.
1 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)

cover image for 9781457667244
Andrea A. Lunsford's years of experience in the classroom and in the field have given her a unique understanding of how, what, where, and why today's students write. For her research for The St. Martin's Handbook -- ongoing for over two decades -- she has studied thousands of papers by composition students nationwide. Andrea Lunsford's trademark attention to rhetorical choice, language and style, and critical thinking and argument have always made The St. Martin's Handbook an accessible and thorough writing resource. Now informed by new research into student writing patterns and featuring expanded and more visual coverage of research, documentation, and writing in any discipline, The St. Martin's Handbook offers students more help than ever before with meeting the expectations of college work.


9781457620317 | 7 har/dgd edition (Bedford/st Martins, September 9, 2011), cover price $150.20
9780312482602, titled "St. Martin's Handbook" | 6 pck edition (Bedford/st Martins, February 28, 2008), cover price $82.40
9780312443153 | 6 edition (Bedford/st Martins, February 22, 2007), cover price $84.50
9780312455149, titled "St. Martin's Handbook" | 5 pck edition (Bedford/st Martins, November 9, 2005), cover price $76.00
9780312433482, titled "St. Martin's Handbook" | 5 pck edition (Bedford/st Martins, August 13, 2004), cover price $76.00
4 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9780312443177 | 6 edition (Bedford/st Martins, February 22, 2007), cover price $80.25
9780312433499 | 5 pck edition (Bedford/st Martins, August 13, 2004), cover price $70.30
9780312413132, titled "St. Martin's Handbook" | 5 updated edition (Bedford/st Martins, June 1, 2003), cover price $63.20
9789990138665, titled "St. Martin's Handbook" | 5th edition (Bedford/st Martins, June 1, 2003), cover price $0.02
9780312398286, titled "St. Martin's Handbook" | 5th edition (Bedford/st Martins, January 1, 2003), cover price $61.80 | About this edition: Andrea A.
2 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)

cover image for 9780134072920


9780321988270 | 13 edition (Longman Pub Group, January 9, 2015), cover price $122.80
9780134051741, titled "The Little, Brown Handbook" | 12 pck har edition (Longman Pub Group, August 6, 2014), cover price $128.07
9780205213078, titled "The Little, Brown Handbook" | 12 edition (Longman Pub Group, October 23, 2011), cover price $121.40
9780205748037, titled "The Little, Brown Handbook" | 11 pck har edition (Longman Pub Group, April 24, 2009), cover price $100.07
9780205651719, titled "The Little, Brown Handbook" | 11 edition (Longman Pub Group, January 2, 2009), cover price $93.40 | also contains The Little, Brown Handbook
16 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9780321945945, titled "The Little Brown Handbook: Books a La Carte Edition" | 12 unbnd edition (Longman Pub Group, May 2, 2014), cover price $82.00

cover image for 9781305092136


9781111833015 | 4 spi edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, January 1, 2012), cover price $56.95
9780547152943 | 3 spi edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, December 31, 2008), cover price $42.95
9780618804931 | 2 pck spi edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, March 21, 2006), cover price $27.96
9780618445462 | 2 spi edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, December 17, 2004), cover price $56.95
9780618421633 | Updated edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, April 1, 2003), cover price $28.95
15 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)

cover image for 9780393937510


9780393937510 | 3 edition (W W Norton & Co Inc, February 1, 2015), cover price $56.80
9780393912753 | 2 edition (W W Norton & Co Inc, November 15, 2011), cover price $56.80

cover image for 9781138778498
Product Description: Most international students need to write essays and reports for exams and coursework, but writing good academic English is one of the most demanding tasks students face. This new, fourth edition of Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students has been completely revised to help students reach this more


9781138778498 | 4th edition (Routledge, November 20, 2014), cover price $165.00 | About this edition: Most international students need to write essays and reports for exams and coursework, but writing good academic English is one of the most demanding tasks students face.
9780415384193 | 2 edition (Routledge, April 1, 2006), cover price $150.00 | About this edition: A guide to the writing process for international students provides information on such topics as writing skills, accuracy, and proofreading.


9780415384209 | 2 edition (Routledge, November 30, 2006), cover price $31.95 | About this edition: A guide to the writing process for international students provides information on such topics as writing skills, accuracy, and proofreading.


9780203087909 | 2 edition (Routledge, October 3, 2006), cover price $31.95

cover image for 9780134038681
Product Description:  ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not more


9780134038681 | 10 pap/psc edition (Longman Pub Group, October 1, 2014), cover price $101.40 | About this edition:  ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.
9780321920546 | 10 pck pap edition (Longman Pub Group, February 1, 2013), cover price $100.07 | About this edition: ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.
9780205883103 | 10 concise edition (Longman Pub Group, January 3, 2013), cover price $93.40

cover image for 9781457669552


9781457669552 | 7 edition (Bedford/st Martins, October 31, 2014), cover price $66.75

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