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effective teaching united states handbooks manuals etc matches 13 work(s)
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9780761945185 | Corwin Pr, June 10, 2002, cover price $80.95
9781634507202 | Skyhorse Pub Co Inc, October 4, 2016, cover price $19.99
9780761945192 | Corwin Pr, June 10, 2002, cover price $36.95
9781412967143 | 2 edition (Corwin Pr, April 21, 2009), cover price $90.95
9780761939160 | Corwin Pr, December 15, 2003, cover price $80.95 | About this edition: One of the most comprehensive introductions to teaching available, this book provides essential knowledge and skills for becoming an exceptional teacher at any level.
9781632205728 | Reprint edition (Skyhorse Pub Co Inc, August 18, 2015), cover price $16.99
9781412967150 | 2 edition (Corwin Pr, April 21, 2009), cover price $39.95
9780761939177 | Corwin Pr, December 15, 2003, cover price $38.95
9781416614685, titled "A Handbook for Classroom Instruction That Works" | 2 csm edition (Assn for Supervision & Curriculum, October 29, 2012), cover price $32.95
Product Description: This book provides a timely master plan to lead educators through today's difficult times. It charts out a journey that doesn't cost any money and that will afford educators and those they are the closest to with a priceless opportunity to live happy lives even in times of great more
9781607099093 | Rowman & Littlefield Education, September 30, 2010, cover price $77.00
9781607099109 | Rowman & Littlefield Education, September 30, 2010, cover price $33.00 | About this edition: This book provides a timely master plan to lead educators through today's difficult times.
9780137149438 | 5th edition (Prentice Hall, May 5, 2008), cover price $12.60
9780136130468 | 4th edition (Prentice Hall, January 3, 2007), cover price $13.33
9780131708587 | 3 edition (Prentice Hall, October 28, 2004), cover price $10.40
9780131196261 | 3 edition (Prentice Hall, May 14, 2004), cover price $5.33
9780761946373 | Corwin Pr, November 1, 2005, cover price $58.95 | About this edition: This handbook clearly explains the concept of "highly qualified teachers" as described by No Child Left Behind, and discusses how to recruit, develop, and retain such teachers.
9780761946380 | Corwin Pr, November 1, 2005, cover price $28.95 | About this edition: This handbook clearly explains the concept of "highly qualified teachers" as described by No Child Left Behind, and discusses how to recruit, develop, and retain such teachers.
Offers first year teachers advice on planning, preparation, curriculum, classroom management, instruction, professional responsibilities, and assessment.
9781575179377 | Corwin Pr, April 4, 2005, cover price $44.95 | About this edition: Offers first year teachers advice on planning, preparation, curriculum, classroom management, instruction, professional responsibilities, and assessment.
9780131195059 | Prentice Hall, April 27, 2004, cover price $38.40
9780871205223 | Assn for Supervision & Curriculum, November 1, 2001, cover price $31.95 | About this edition: Provides instructional strategies to improve student achievement.
9781417779246 | Turtleback Books, November 1, 2001, cover price $47.65 | About this edition: Provides instructional strategies to improve student achievement.
9780139738357 | Tch edition (Prentice Hall, June 1, 1998), cover price $14.15
Product Description: Have you experienced a MegaSkills Moment? Consider the following: 'A parent called to tell me what a difference she sees in her child since he's been in my class.' This book shows what you can do easily and quickly to make these moments more
9780810620063 | Natl Education Assn, June 1, 1998, cover price $11.95 | About this edition: Have you experienced a MegaSkills Moment?
9781555919337 | Fulcrum Pub, December 1, 1995, cover price $19.95
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