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economic statistics matches 284 work(s)
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Cover for 9781785364921 Cover for 9780256103380 Cover for 9781849462495 Cover for 9780534177751 Cover for 9781942830054 Cover for 9780534515874 Cover for 9780865718043 Cover for 9780534515843 Cover for 9781608465705 Cover for 9780534265861 Cover for 9781780973364 Cover for 9781780976686 Cover for 9781598887969 Cover for 9789814644518 Cover for 9781598887891 Cover for 9781137415462 Cover for 9780538875936 Cover for 9781784715496 Cover for 9780534368302 Cover for 9781482806854 Cover for 9781464805509 Cover for 9780857933645 Cover for 9781782545170 Cover for 9780534421946 Cover for 9781305631502 Cover for 9780534358181 Cover for 9781111527327 Cover for 9781305631502 Cover for 9780324594270 Cover for 9780324594294 Cover for 9781285869643 Cover for 9781598887327 Cover for 9781451651201 Cover for 9780373612222 Cover for 9781451651225 Cover for 9780333300787 Cover for 9781840598797 Cover for 9780395585306 Cover for 9789264211216
cover image for 9781849462495


9781849462495 | Hart Pub, August 24, 2017, cover price $155.00
9780256103380, titled "Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics" | 8th edition (Richard d Irwin, October 1, 1992), cover price $66.95 | also contains Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics

cover image for 9781942830054
By Popular Book Company (corporate author)


9781942830054 | Popular Book Co Ltd, September 1, 2016, cover price $14.95
9780534177751, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics" | Prindle Weber & Schmidt, January 1, 1993, cover price $154.95 | also contains Statistics for Management and Economics

cover image for 9780865718043
This book emphasizes problem solving and teaches students how to systematically solve business problems. It provides a framework for applying statistical techniques by focusing on the relationship between the type of problem, the type of data involved and the appropriate technique. Its comprehensive coverage and integrated computer examples and instructions provides enough material for a two-semester course. Real data are used in the problems and case studies.


9780865718043 | New Society Pub, January 5, 2016, cover price $24.95
9780534515874, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics: A Systematic Approach" | 4 stg edition (South-Western Pub, April 1, 1997), cover price $73.95 | also contains Statistics for Management and Economics: A Systematic Approach | About this edition: This book emphasizes problem solving and teaches students how to systematically solve business problems.

cover image for 9781608465705


9780534515843, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics" | Har/dskt edition (South-Western Pub, July 1, 1996), cover price $211.95 | also contains Statistics for Management and Economics


9781608465705 | Reprint edition (Haymarket Books, March 15, 2016), cover price $16.00

cover image for 9781780976686
Product Description: Looking back at more than 100 years of Arsenal history, this guide covers records, statistics, players, and more The Official Arsenal FC Football Records is the most comprehensive one-stop reference book for an Arsenal fan to more


9781780976686 | 2 edition (Carlton Books Ltd, January 1, 2016), cover price $24.95 | About this edition: Looking back at more than 100 years of Arsenal history, this guide covers records, statistics, players, and more The Official Arsenal FC Football Records is the most comprehensive one-stop reference book for an Arsenal fan to own.
9781780973364 | Carlton Books Ltd, April 1, 2014, cover price $27.95
9780534265861, titled "Applied Regression Analysis for Business and Economics" | Har/dskt edition (South-Western Pub, January 1, 1996), cover price $148.95 | also contains Applied Regression Analysis for Business and Economics | About this edition: Intended for the regression analysis course for students of business and economics or as a second course in business statistics; found in schools of business or in departments of statistics and economics.

Product Description: This book emphasizes problem solving and teaches students how to systematically solve business problems. It provides a framework for applying statistical techniques by focusing on the relationship between the type of problem, the type of data involved and the appropriate more


9780534515867, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics: Student Solutions Manual" | 4th edition (South-Western Pub, June 1, 1999), cover price $54.95 | also contains Statistics for Management and Economics: Student Solutions Manual | About this edition: This book emphasizes problem solving and teaches students how to systematically solve business problems.

cover image for 9781598887969
Product Description: Patterns of Economic Change by State and Area: Income, Employment, and Gross Domestic Product is a special edition of Business Statistics of the United States.This title presents data on personal income, employment, and gross domestic product for the United States as a whole, and by region, state, and metropolitan statistical area (MSA) more
By Mary Meghan Ryan (editor)


9781598887969 | 3 edition (Bernan Pr, December 24, 2015), cover price $100.00 | About this edition: Patterns of Economic Change by State and Area: Income, Employment, and Gross Domestic Product is a special edition of Business Statistics of the United States.

cover image for 9789814644518
Product Description: This is the first handy pocket book on latest statistics on China's social and economic development. It presents comprehensive data analysis of China's national economy and social development. It provides facts and figures on topics such as foreign trade and economic cooperation, employment and wages, investment in fixed assets, finance, energy, population, education, public health and social services at both national and provincial more


9789814644518 | 1 edition (World Scientific Pub Co Inc, November 30, 2015), cover price $28.00 | About this edition: This is the first handy pocket book on latest statistics on China's social and economic development.

cover image for 9781137415462


9781137415462 | 3 pap/psc edition (Palgrave Macmillan, October 26, 2015), cover price $80.00

cover image for 9780538875936


9780538875936, titled "Statistics for Business and Economics" | Har/dskt edition (South-Western Pub, August 1, 1998), cover price $250.95 | also contains Statistics for Business and Economics


9780471413325, titled "Doing Statistics for Business With Excel: Data, Inference and Decision Making, Caliber Course" | John Wiley & Sons Inc, December 1, 2003, cover price $55.01 | also contains Doing Statistics for Business With Excel: Data, Inference and Decision Making, Caliber Course

cover image for 9780813937366


9780813937366 | Univ of Virginia Pr, September 21, 2015, cover price $25.00
9780534922382, titled "Applied Regression Analysis for Business and Economics" | Wadsworth Pub Co, September 1, 1995, cover price $133.95 | also contains Applied Regression Analysis for Business and Economics

cover image for 9781482806854


9780534368302, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics" | South-Western Pub, August 1, 1999, cover price $186.95 | also contains Statistics for Management and Economics


9781482806854 | Partridge Africa, April 13, 2015, cover price $15.99

cover image for 9781464805509
By World Bank (corporate author)


9781464805509 | 1 edition (World Bank, April 14, 2015), cover price $15.00

cover image for 9781782545170
By Fred Gault (editor)


9780857933645 | Edward Elgar Pub, August 13, 2013, cover price $256.00


9781782545170 | Edward Elgar Pub, February 26, 2015, cover price $65.00

cover image for 9781305631502
STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS, ABBREVIATED SIXTH EDITION is a subset of core chapters from the worldwide best selling and more comprehensive, STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS, Sixth Edition (2003). This text teaches students how to apply statistics to real business problems through the authors' unique three-step approach to problem solving. Students learn to IDENTIFY the right technique by focusing on the relationship between the problem and data type. They then learn to COMPUTE the answer either by hand, using Excel, or using MINITAB (SPSS and JMP output and instructions appear on the text Web site). Finally, they INTERPRET the results in the context of the problem. This approach enhances student comprehension as well as practical skills, and offers maximum flexibility to instructors wishing to teach concepts by hand or with the computer, or by using both hand and computer methods.


9781305631502, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics Abbreviated" | 10 lslf edition (Cengage Learning, November 13, 2014), cover price $176.95 | also contains Statistics for Management and Economics Abbreviated
9780534421946 | Hardcover with CD edition (Duxbury Pr, January 1, 2003), cover price $112.95 | also contains Sarah Morris Remembers | About this edition: STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS, ABBREVIATED SIXTH EDITION is a subset of core chapters from the worldwide best selling and more comprehensive, STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS, Sixth Edition (2003).


9780534358181 | Pap/cdr su edition (South-Western Pub, July 1, 1998), cover price $156.95

cover image for 9781305631502


9781305631502 | 10 lslf edition (Cengage Learning, November 13, 2014), cover price $176.95 | also contains Statistics for Management and Economics: Abbreviated
9781111527327 | 9 har/psc edition (South-Western Pub, January 5, 2011), cover price $310.95

cover image for 9781285869643
STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS ABBREVIATED, 8e, emphasizes applications over calculation. It illustrates how vital statistical methods and tools are for today's managers--and teaches you how to apply them to real business problems. Using a proven three-step "ICI" approach to problem solving, the text teaches you how to IDENTIFY the correct statistical technique by focusing on the problem objective and data type; how to COMPUTE the statistics doing them by hand, using Excel, or using MINITAB(TM); and how to INTERPRET results in the context of the problem. This unique approach enhances your comprehension and practical skills. The text's vast assortment of data-driven examples, exercises, and cases covers the various functional areas of business, demonstrating the statistical applications that marketing managers, financial analysts, accountants, economists, and others use. These comprehensive applications give you hands-on practice, while solid pedagogical elements make the material more accessible and easy to apply to your world. In addition, learning resources such as ThomsonNOW(TM) and the Student Suite CD-ROM maximize study time to help you achieve the results you want. Completely up-to-date, the eighth edition offers comprehensive coverage, current examples, and Excel 2007 and MINITAB 15(TM) content.


9781285869643, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics: Abbreviated Edition" | 10th edition (South-Western Pub, January 1, 2015), cover price $256.95
9781111688165, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics: Abbreviated Edition" | 8 cdr stu edition (South-Western Pub, January 30, 2011), cover price $61.95
9780324594270, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics: Abbreviated Edition" | 8 har/cdr edition (South-Western Pub, July 30, 2008), cover price $337.95
9780324594294, titled "Statistics for Management and Economics: Abbreviated Edition" | 8 edition (South-Western Pub, July 30, 2008), cover price $245.95 | About this edition: STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS ABBREVIATED, 8e, emphasizes applications over calculation.

cover image for 9781598887327
Product Description: Business Statistics of the United States is a comprehensive and practical collection of data from as early as 1890 that reflects the nation's economic performance. It provides over 80 years of annual, quarterly, and monthly data in industrial and demographic detail including key indicators such as: gross domestic product, personal income, spending, saving, employment, unemployment, the capital stock, and more


9781598887327 | 19 edition (Bernan Pr, December 17, 2014), cover price $165.00 | About this edition: Business Statistics of the United States is a comprehensive and practical collection of data from as early as 1890 that reflects the nation's economic performance.

cover image for 9781451651225


9781451651201 | Simon & Schuster, February 11, 2014, cover price $27.00


9781451651225 | Reprint edition (Simon & Schuster, December 30, 2014), cover price $16.00
9780373612222, titled "The World War III Game" | Harlequin Books, February 1, 1986, cover price $2.50 | also contains The World War III Game

cover image for 9781840598797
By Milet Publishing (corporate author)


9781840598797 | Brdbk blg edition (Milet Ltd, December 5, 2014), cover price $7.99
9780333300787, titled "Authorship Puzzles in the History of Economics: A Statistical Approach" | Macmillan Pub Ltd, October 1, 1982, cover price $37.00 | also contains Authorship Puzzles in the History of Economics: A Statistical Approach

cover image for 9789264211216


9780395585306, titled "Algebra: Structure and Method Book One" | Houghton Mifflin College Div, May 1, 1991, cover price $73.16 | also contains Algebra: Structure and Method Book One


9789264211216 | Organization for Economic, November 20, 2014, cover price $84.00

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