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critical theory matches 105 work(s)
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Cover for 9789004217249 Cover for 9781608466962 Cover for 9780830851294 Cover for 9789004308695 Cover for 9780231177160 Cover for 9780745684482 Cover for 9780745684499 Cover for 9780415749497 Cover for 9780299306502 Cover for 9780505515674 Cover for 9780231173247 Cover for 9781509502264 Cover for 9781509502271 Cover for 9781783486007 Cover for 9781783486014 Cover for 9781107107373 Cover for 9781107514713 Cover for 9780226233123 Cover for 9780226233260 Cover for 9781783482832 Cover for 9781783482849 Cover for 9781137385154 Cover for 9781783482924 Cover for 9781783482931 Cover for 9780231171007 Cover for 9781441113399 Cover for 9781501311017 Cover for 9789004261211 Cover for 9781608464906 Cover for 9781472447739 Cover for 9780739192108 Cover for 9780739199268 Cover for 9780415524209 Cover for 9780434271863 Cover for 9781138920583 Cover for 9780415695664 Cover for 9780415695657 Cover for 9781138808768 Cover for 9783110411485 Cover for 9780398057459 Cover for 9781629580111 Cover for 9781629580128
cover image for 9781608466962


9789004217249 | Brill Academic Pub, October 8, 2015, cover price $163.00


9781608466962 | Haymarket Books, October 11, 2016, cover price $28.00

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9780745684482 | Polity Pr, May 2, 2016, cover price $69.95


9780745684499 | Polity Pr, May 2, 2016, cover price $24.95

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9780299306502 | Univ of Wisconsin Pr, April 21, 2016, cover price $44.95


9780505515674, titled "Killing Edge" | Dorchester Pub Co Inc, June 1, 1980, cover price $1.75 | also contains Killing Edge

cover image for 9781509502264


9781509502264 | Polity Pr, December 7, 2015, cover price $49.95


9781509502271 | Polity Pr, November 16, 2015, cover price $12.95

cover image for 9781783486007
Michel Foucault defined critique as an exercise in de-subjectivation. To what extent did this claim shape his philosophical practice? What are its theoretical and ethical justifications? Why did Foucault come to view the production of subjectivity as a key site of political and intellectual emancipation in the present? Andrea Rossi pursues these questions in The Labour of Subjectivity. The book re-examines the genealogy of the politics of subjectivity that Foucault began to outline in his lectures at the Collège de France in the late 1970s and early 1980s. He explores Christian confession, raison d’état, biopolitics and bioeconomy as the different technologies by which Western politics has attempted to produce, regulate and give form to the subjectivity of its subjects. Ultimately Rossi argues that Foucault’s critical project can only be comprehended within the context of this historico-political trajectory, as an attempt to give the extant politics of the self a new horizon.


9781783486007 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, December 7, 2015, cover price $120.00


9781783486014 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, November 30, 2015, cover price $39.95 | About this edition: Michel Foucault defined critique as an exercise in de-subjectivation.

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9781107107373 | Cambridge Univ Pr, October 14, 2015, cover price $99.99


9781107514713 | Cambridge Univ Pr, August 31, 2015, cover price $34.99

cover image for 9780226233260
Product Description: Though contemporary European philosophy and critical theory have long had a robust engagement with Christianity, there has been no similar engagement with Buddhism—a surprising lack, given Buddhism’s global reach and obvious affinities with much of Continental more


9780226233123 | Univ of Chicago Pr, October 16, 2015, cover price $72.00


9780226233260 | Univ of Chicago Pr, October 16, 2015, cover price $24.00 | About this edition: Though contemporary European philosophy and critical theory have long had a robust engagement with Christianity, there has been no similar engagement with Buddhism—a surprising lack, given Buddhism’s global reach and obvious affinities with much of Continental philosophy.

cover image for 9781783482832


9781783482832 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, October 30, 2015, cover price $120.00


9781783482849 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, October 21, 2015, cover price $39.95

cover image for 9781783482924
By Nathan Ross (editor)


9781783482924 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, August 27, 2015, cover price $120.00


9781783482931 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, August 27, 2015, cover price $39.95

cover image for 9781501311017


9781441113399 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, January 2, 2014, cover price $130.00


9781501311017 | Reprint edition (Bloomsbury USA Academic, July 30, 2015), cover price $39.95

cover image for 9781608464906
Collaborative Projects - An Interdisciplinary Study presents research in disciplines ranging from Education, Psychotherapy and Social Work to Literacy and anti-poverty Project Management to Social Movement studies and Political Science. All the contributions are unified by use of the concept of 'project'. 'Project' is 'leading activity' for Child Development, whilst 'life project' may play a crucial role in personal development and Psychotherapy; the social fabric of a community can be understood as woven from projects which may be sustained by NGOs, or develop from social movements to institutions. Giving concrete content to the concept of 'project' in each domain of research, opens a prospect of a genuinely interdisciplinary human science. Contributors are: Igor Arievitch, Michael Arnold, Lynn Beaton, William Blanton, Andy Blunden, Michael Cole, Brecht De Smet, Natalia Gajdamaschko, Virginia Gordon, Manfred Holodynski, Naja Berg Hougaard, Vera John-Steiner, Elena Kravtsova, Gennadiy Kravtsov, Ron Lubensky, Morten Nissen, Jennifer Power, Mike Rifino, Keiko Matsuura, Francisco Medina, Anna Stetsenko, Greg Thompson, Chiel van der Veen, Eduardo Vianna, Lynne Wolbert, and Helena Worthen.
By Andy Blunden (editor)


9789004261211 | Brill Academic Pub, June 6, 2014, cover price $167.00 | About this edition: Collaborative Projects - An Interdisciplinary Study presents research in disciplines ranging from Education, Psychotherapy and Social Work to Literacy and anti-poverty Project Management to Social Movement studies and Political Science.


9781608464906 | Haymarket Books, March 1, 2016, cover price $28.00

cover image for 9780739199268
Product Description: By examining Amilcar Cabral's theories and praxes, Reiland Rabaka reintroduces and analyzes several of the core characteristics of the Africana critical theory. Ultimately, this book promotes the ways in which classical black radicalism should inform contemporary black radicalism, and contemporary Africana critical more


9780739192108 | Lexington Books, July 16, 2014, cover price $100.00


9780739199268 | Reprint edition (Lexington Books, August 25, 2015), cover price $44.99 | About this edition: By examining Amilcar Cabral's theories and praxes, Reiland Rabaka reintroduces and analyzes several of the core characteristics of the Africana critical theory.

cover image for 9781138920583
Running a one-woman agency in Strasbourg, Arlette Van der Valk sets out to uncover an illegal fur-trader's activities and ends up in the Argentine searching for a runaway. What ensues is a chilling warning from a mysterious voice on the telephone. It seems that one of her murdered husband's rivals has finally caught up with her. Life for Arlette is just one damn thing after another. Nicolas Freeling (March 3, 1927 – July 20, 2003), was a British crime novelist, best known as the author of the van der Valk series of detective novels. Freeling's The King of the Rainy Country received a 1967 Edgar Award, from the Mystery Writers of America, for Best Novel. He also won the Gold Dagger of the Crime Writers' Association, and France's Grand Prix de Littérature Policière. In 1968 his novel Love in Amsterdam was adapted as the film Amsterdam Affair directed by Gerry O'Hara and starring Wolfgang Kieling as van Der Valk.


9780415524209 | Routledge, November 8, 2012, cover price $145.00
9780434271863, titled "One Damn Thing After Another" | Wm Collins & Sons & Co, April 1, 1981, cover price $14.95 | also contains One Damn Thing After Another | About this edition: Running a one-woman agency in Strasbourg, Arlette Van der Valk sets out to uncover an illegal fur-trader's activities and ends up in the Argentine searching for a runaway.


9781138920583 | Routledge, May 21, 2015, cover price $44.95

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9780415695664 | Routledge, May 6, 2015, cover price $125.00


9780415695657 | Routledge, April 27, 2015, cover price $29.95
9780440209096, titled "Whisper in the Darkness" | Reprint edition (Dell Pub Co, December 1, 1991), cover price $3.99 | also contains Whisper in the Darkness

cover image for 9781138808768


9781138808768 | Routledge, April 7, 2015, cover price $145.00
9780403046201, titled "Forty Years of Psychic Research" | Scholarly Pr, June 1, 1936, cover price $25.00 | also contains Forty Years of Psychic Research

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9783110411485 | Bilingual edition (Walter De Gruyter Inc, April 17, 2015), cover price $154.00

cover image for 9781629580111
By Penny A. Pasque (editor)


9781629580111 | Left Coast Pr, March 31, 2015, cover price $94.00
9780398057459, titled "Crisis Intervention in Criminal Justice/Social Service" | Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd, October 1, 1991, cover price $55.95 | also contains Crisis Intervention in Criminal Justice/Social Service


9781629580128 | 1 edition (Left Coast Pr, March 31, 2015), cover price $36.95

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