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criminal law great britain cases matches 5 work(s)
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Cover for 9780198702313 Cover for 9780199202584 Cover for 9780199260706 Cover for 9780199279845
cover image for 9780198702313


9780198702313 | 14 edition (Oxford Univ Pr, August 4, 2015), cover price $62.00

cover image for 9780199586493


9780199586493 | 13 edition (Oxford Univ Pr, September 25, 2011), cover price $85.00

cover image for 9780199202584
Product Description: Smith & Hogan: Criminal Law is regarded as the leading doctrinal textbook on criminal law in England and Wales and has been for over 40 years. The book owes its consistent popularity to its accessible style, depth of analysis and breadth of more


9780199202584 | 12 edition (Oxford Univ Pr, September 15, 2008), cover price $85.00 | About this edition: Smith & Hogan: Criminal Law is regarded as the leading doctrinal textbook on criminal law in England and Wales and has been for over 40 years.

cover image for 9780199279845
The fourth edition of this well-established cases and materials book has been thoroughly revised and updated to include all the latest case law. There is expanded coverage of sexual offences, racial crimes, and corporate manslaughter. This new edition also includes a wide selection of relevant and interesting case law suitably abridged for students. It also contains a large number of questions designed especially to engage students in the learning process and to make students think critically about criminal law.


9780199279845 | 5th edition (Oxford Univ Pr, September 28, 2006), cover price $65.00
9780199260706 | 4th edition (Oxford Univ Pr, June 1, 2003), cover price $59.95 | About this edition: The fourth edition of this well-established cases and materials book has been thoroughly revised and updated to include all the latest case law.


9781886363632, titled "Cases in Crown Law: Determined by the Twelve Judges, by the Court of King's Bench, and by Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, from the Fourth" | 4th edition (Lawbook Exchange Ltd, November 1, 1998), cover price $55.01

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