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court congestion delay united states matches 13 work(s)
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9780984900510 | Onward Pub Inc, September 4, 2012, cover price $14.95
Product Description: The Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 (CJRA) required that each federal district court develop a case management plan to reduce costs and delay. The legislation also created a pilot program to test six principles of case management and required an independent evaluation to assess their more
9780833025791 | Rand Corp, June 1, 1998, cover price $15.00 | About this edition: The Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 (CJRA) required that each federal district court develop a case management plan to reduce costs and delay.
9780833024725 | Rand Corp, January 1, 1997, cover price $8.00
Product Description: From the Foreword: "Wedged squarely between the mandate to assure due process, the compelling State interest in protecting and rehabilitating minor children, geometrically expanding caseloads, rapidly eroding resources, and an unprecedented escalation in public demands for "pounds of flesh" to assuage our fears of juvenile crime, the Nation's juvenile courts are finding it increasingly difficult to move young offenders through the legal process with more
9780910099165 | Natl Center for Juvenile Justice, June 1, 1996, cover price $18.00 | About this edition: From the Foreword: "Wedged squarely between the mandate to assure due process, the compelling State interest in protecting and rehabilitating minor children, geometrically expanding caseloads, rapidly eroding resources, and an unprecedented escalation in public demands for "pounds of flesh" to assuage our fears of juvenile crime, the Nation's juvenile courts are finding it increasingly difficult to move young offenders through the legal process with dispatch.
9780833024558 | Rand Corp, February 1, 1996, cover price $20.00
9780896561090 | Natl Center for State Courts, December 1, 1991, cover price $6.00
Product Description: Book by
9780801424052 | Cornell Univ Pr, February 1, 1991, cover price $55.00 | About this edition: Book by
9780801496868 | Cornell Univ Pr, January 1, 1991, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: Book by
9780896561021 | Natl Center for State Courts, June 1, 1990, cover price $8.50
9780833010414 | Rand Corp, April 1, 1990, cover price $7.50
9780815752776 | Brookings Inst Pr, January 1, 1990, cover price $8.95 | About this edition: Book by Task Force
9780896560949 | Natl Center for State Courts, October 1, 1989, cover price $7.95 | About this edition: Book by Goerdt, John
9780896560871 | Natl Center for State Courts, April 1, 1989, cover price $8.95
9780896560864 | Natl Center for State Courts, May 1, 1988, cover price $7.50
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