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cognitive learning matches 56 work(s)
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Cover for 9780415438469 Cover for 9781138689800 Cover for 9781138689817 Cover for 9781138689800 Cover for 9780415438476 Cover for 9781138689817 Cover for 9781138640153 Cover for 9781138640160 Cover for 9780132931816 Cover for 9781138802636 Cover for 9781118944493 Cover for 9781138940116 Cover for 9781138940130 Cover for 9781620362839 Cover for 9781620362846 Cover for 9781138842359 Cover for 9781138842366 Cover for 9780807757147 Cover for 9780807757123 Cover for 9781107070158 Cover for 9780393708455 Cover for 9781493919710 Cover for 9781493934898 Cover for 9781848724884 Cover for 9781848724891 Cover for 9781461475781 Cover for 9781489990808 Cover for 9781462520794 Cover for 9781462520787 Cover for 9780190255015 Cover for 9780190235772 Cover for 9781681231358 Cover for 9781681231341 Cover for 9781466681422 Cover for 9780387968698 Cover for 9780531211465 Cover for 9780330292399 Cover for 9780521845540 Cover for 9781107033252 Cover for 9780330296700 Cover for 9780521607773 Cover for 9781107626577 Cover for 9781595589965 Cover for 9781611632262 Cover for 9780262027571 Cover for 9783631648995
cover image for 9781138689800


9781138689800 | 2 revised edition (Routledge, October 19, 2016), cover price $160.00 | also contains How We Learn: Learning and Non-learning in School and Beyond
9780415438469 | 1 edition (Routledge, November 15, 2007), cover price $180.00


9781138689817 | 2 revised edition (Routledge, October 19, 2016), cover price $53.95 | also contains How We Learn: Learning and Non-learning in School and Beyond


9780203939895 | Routledge, October 4, 2007, cover price $37.95 | also contains How We Learn: Learning and Non-learning in School and Beyond

cover image for 9781138689800
Deals with the fundamental issues of the processes of learning, critically assessing different types of learning and obstacles to learning. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to both traditional learning theory and the international research into learning processes.


9781138689800 | 2 revised edition (Routledge, October 19, 2016), cover price $160.00 | also contains How We Learn: Learning and Non-learning in School and Beyond


9781138689817 | 2 revised edition (Routledge, October 19, 2016), cover price $53.95 | also contains How We Learn: Learning and Non-learning in School and Beyond
9780415438476 | Routledge, December 4, 2007, cover price $48.95 | About this edition: Deals with the fundamental issues of the processes of learning, critically assessing different types of learning and obstacles to learning.


9780203939895 | Routledge, October 4, 2007, cover price $37.95 | also contains How We Learn: Learning and Non-learning in School and Beyond

cover image for 9781138640160


9781138640153 | Routledge, September 7, 2016, cover price $160.00


9781138640160 | Routledge, September 7, 2016, cover price $64.95

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9781138940116 | Routledge, January 20, 2016, cover price $155.00


9781138940130 | Routledge, January 22, 2016, cover price $40.95

cover image for 9781620362839
By Gavin W. Henning (foreword by), Marilee J. Bresciani Ludvik (editor) and Ralph Wolff (foreword by)


9781620362839 | Stylus Pub Llc, February 1, 2016, cover price $95.00


9781620362846 | Stylus Pub Llc, January 18, 2016, cover price $35.00

cover image for 9781138842359
Product Description: Current trends in education suggest that pupils should have more responsibility for their own learning, but how can they if they don’t understand the what, the why and the how? This practical guide explores the idea that a metacognitive approach enables pupils to develop skills for lifelong more


9781138842359 | Routledge, January 21, 2016, cover price $160.00 | About this edition: Current trends in education suggest that pupils should have more responsibility for their own learning, but how can they if they don’t understand the what, the why and the how?


9781138842366 | Routledge, January 7, 2016, cover price $40.95 | About this edition: Current trends in education suggest that pupils should have more responsibility for their own learning, but how can they if they don’t understand the what, the why and the how?

cover image for 9780807757147


9780807757147 | Teachers College Pr, December 18, 2015, cover price $78.00


9780807757123 | Reprint edition (Teachers College Pr, December 18, 2015), cover price $37.95

cover image for 9781107070158
By R. Keith Sawyer (editor)


9781107070158 | Cambridge Univ Pr, February 5, 2016, cover price $99.99

cover image for 9781493934898
Product Description: This book offers a new framework for providing psychological services in schools at the individual, group, and systemic levels. It examines a variety of disorders common to school children, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, and conduct disorder, and outlines treatment options from evidence-based cognitive and cognitive-behavioral more
By Eva Levine (editor)


9781493919710 | Springer Verlag, December 10, 2014, cover price $99.00


9781493934898 | Springer Verlag, November 3, 2015, cover price $49.99 | About this edition: This book offers a new framework for providing psychological services in schools at the individual, group, and systemic levels.

cover image for 9781848724884
By Jennifer L. Jipson (editor)


9781848724884 | Psychology Pr, November 30, 2015, cover price $160.00


9781848724891 | Psychology Pr, November 19, 2015, cover price $54.95

cover image for 9781489990808
By Eva L. Baker (editor)


9781461475781 | Springer Verlag, July 30, 2013, cover price $179.00


9781489990808 | Reprint edition (Springer Verlag, August 8, 2015), cover price $179.00

cover image for 9781462520787
By Kathy Headley (editor), Lesley Mandel Morrow (foreword by) and Sheri R. Parris (editor)


9781462520794 | 3 edition (Guilford Pubn, July 6, 2015), cover price $90.00


9781462520787 | 3 edition (Guilford Pubn, July 7, 2015), cover price $45.00

cover image for 9780190235772


9780190255015, titled "Kodály Today: A Cognitive Approach to Elementary Music Education" | 2 edition (Oxford Univ Pr on Demand, September 14, 2015), cover price $99.00


9780190235772, titled "Kodály Today: A Cognitive Approach to Elementary Music Education" | 2 edition (Oxford Univ Pr, September 14, 2015), cover price $65.00

cover image for 9781681231358
By Slava Kalyuga (editor)


9781681231358 | Information Age Pub Inc, May 1, 2015, cover price $85.99


9781681231341 | Information Age Pub Inc, May 1, 2015, cover price $45.99

cover image for 9780531211465


9780387968698, titled "Cognitive Strategy Research: From Basic Research to Educational Applications" | Springer Verlag, May 1, 1989, cover price $99.00 | also contains Cognitive Strategy Research: From Basic Research to Educational Applications


9780531211465 | Franklin Watts, February 1, 2015, cover price $174.00

cover image for 9781107033252
This collection of creatures includes the Boneless Bird of Paradise, the Two-Headed Amphisbaena, the Eight-Forked Serpent and the Wild Beast of Barriesdale. Some of the creatures are real, some don't exist - or do they?
By R. Keith Sawyer (editor)


9781107033252 | 2 edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, November 30, 2014), cover price $160.00
9780521845540 | 1 edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, April 24, 2005), cover price $189.99
9780330292399, titled "The Cats of Seroster" | Macmillan Pub Ltd, October 1, 1995, cover price $5.95 | also contains The Cats of Seroster


9781107626577 | 2 edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, November 30, 2014), cover price $65.00
9780521607773 | 1 edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, April 30, 2006), cover price $74.99
9780330296700, titled "A Dictionary of Monsters and Mysterious Beasts" | Alpha Book Dist, April 1, 1988, cover price $6.50 | also contains A Dictionary of Monsters and Mysterious Beasts | About this edition: This collection of creatures includes the Boneless Bird of Paradise, the Two-Headed Amphisbaena, the Eight-Forked Serpent and the Wild Beast of Barriesdale.

cover image for 9783631648995
Product Description: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an established approach to support multilingualism in Europe by teaching various school subjects in an additional language. The practices used, however, vary considerably. Our book considers this diversity by looking at CLIL scenarios, defined as learning environments supporting content learning, language learning and skill development in task-based learning settings, with a strong focus on interaction in different curricular contexts (primary and secondary school and CLIL teacher education at university) and at various levels of proficiency (primary, secondary, tertiary) more
By Carmen Becker (editor)


9783631648995 | Peter Lang Pub Inc, June 23, 2014, cover price $30.95 | About this edition: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an established approach to support multilingualism in Europe by teaching various school subjects in an additional language.

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