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christianity other religions hinduism matches 18 work(s)
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9781785920868 | Jessica Kingsley Pub, July 1, 2016, cover price $80.00
9780199987696 | Oxford Univ Pr on Demand, October 15, 2015, cover price $99.00
9780199987702 | Oxford Univ Pr, October 15, 2015, cover price $39.95
9781138847019 | Routledge, April 1, 2015, cover price $145.00
9780395755075, titled "Insight Pocket Guides Singapore" | Apa Productions, October 1, 1995, cover price $12.95
Modern value analysis is a unique problem-solving system for designing high-quality products or projects at low cost. Evolving from a process first developed by General Electric more than 50 years ago, and already implemented in organizations throughout the United States and in 38 other countries, value analysis can result in dramatic product or process improvement and reduced costs when correctly applied. Unfortunately, too many organizations proceeding with a value analysis approach continue to employ the original GE model rather than the later, more effective version described in this book. Value Analysis in Design introduces, in step-by-step fashion, the rigorous eight-stage value analysis job plan, which can be applied to a limitless number of products, projects, and organizational processes. The book's sequentially structured description of the plan is so complete that readers need never refer to outside resources. Supported by 36 case studies that demonstrate the extraordinary versatility of modern value analysis, Value Analysis in Design goes on to offer readers steady guidance that will enable them to institute an ongoing value analysis system, whatever their environment.
9780471290315, titled "Value Analysis in Design" | John Wiley & Sons Inc, July 1, 1990, cover price $69.95 | also contains Value Analysis in Design | About this edition: Modern value analysis is a unique problem-solving system for designing high-quality products or projects at low cost.
9781625644688 | Cascade Books, March 5, 2015, cover price $26.00
9780281066759 | Society for Promoting Christian, October 16, 2014, cover price $39.40
9780253012876 | Indiana Univ Pr, May 27, 2014, cover price $80.00
9780253012944 | Indiana Univ Pr, May 27, 2014, cover price $30.00
Product Description: The intensity and meaningfulness of aesthetic experience have often been described in theological terms. By designating basic human emotions as rasa, a word that connotes taste, flavor, or essence, Indian aesthetic theory conceptualizes emotional states as something to be more
9780823257386 | Fordham Univ Pr, June 16, 2014, cover price $85.00
9780314734358, titled "Employment Discrimination: Cases & Materials" | West Group, July 1, 1990, cover price $42.95 | also contains Employment Discrimination: Cases & Materials | About this edition: An authoritative reference book about Employment Discrimination Law.
9780317020076, titled "Juvenile Smoking Initiation and Advertising: A 16 Country Survey of the Perceived Role of Advertising and Other Factors Bearing on Juvenile Smoking" | Intl Advertising Assn, June 1, 1989, cover price $40.00 | also contains Juvenile Smoking Initiation and Advertising: A 16 Country Survey of the Perceived Role of Advertising and Other Factors Bearing on Juvenile Smoking
9780823257393 | Fordham Univ Pr, June 16, 2014, cover price $28.00 | About this edition: The intensity and meaningfulness of aesthetic experience have often been described in theological terms.
9781441152633 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, October 18, 2012, cover price $120.00
9781628921335 | Reprint edition (Bloomsbury USA Academic, April 10, 2014), cover price $39.95 | also contains Non-dualism in Eckhart, Julian of Norwich and Traherne: A Theopoetic Reflection
9783643904591 | Lit Verlag, January 17, 2014, cover price $59.95
9780804776806 | Stanford Univ Pr, December 4, 2013, cover price $85.00
9780804776813 | Stanford Univ Pr, December 4, 2013, cover price $24.95
9781935205166 | Upper Room, October 1, 2013, cover price $16.00
9781570759321 | Orbis Books, October 1, 2011, cover price $30.00
Product Description: This book looks at religion in a transnational and global context and presents a systematic account of the methods undertaken by modern day missionaries to convert people.The author seeks to understand the outworking of the American phenomenon of televangelism in India, in a new historical, cultural, religious, political and economic more
9788132104735 | Sage Pubns Pvt Ltd, September 8, 2010, cover price $51.00 | About this edition: This book looks at religion in a transnational and global context and presents a systematic account of the methods undertaken by modern day missionaries to convert people.
Product Description: The present study makes use of the comparative method incorporating historical, exegetical and critical analysis of the important text and words of the Bhagavadgitia and St. John of the cross. In these two traditions the dynamism of spiritual growth in the process of God-realisation is compared and contrasted through an exhaustive study on God, man and the more
9788876526992 | Gregorian Univ Pr, January 1, 1996, cover price $32.00 | About this edition: The present study makes use of the comparative method incorporating historical, exegetical and critical analysis of the important text and words of the Bhagavadgitia and St.
9780029171806, titled "Transcultural Psychiatry" | Free Pr, May 1, 1972, cover price $16.95 | also contains Transcultural Psychiatry
9780687100088 | Abingdon Pr, November 1, 1994, cover price $21.99
9780314734358 | West Group, July 1, 1990, cover price $42.95 | also contains Tastes of the Divine: Hindu and Christian Theologies of Emotion | About this edition: An authoritative reference book about Employment Discrimination Law.
9780317020076 | Intl Advertising Assn, June 1, 1989, cover price $40.00 | also contains Tastes of the Divine: Hindu and Christian Theologies of Emotion
9780883445235 | Subsequent edition (Orbis Books, September 1, 1981), cover price $18.00
9780029171806 | Free Pr, May 1, 1972, cover price $16.95 | also contains The Crucified Guru: An Experiment in Cross-Cultural Christology
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