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blessing cursing fiction matches 186 work(s)
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Cover for 9781492637424 Cover for 9781492623243 Cover for 9781492623274 Cover for 9780316283939 Cover for 9780387531274 Cover for 9780316283946 Cover for 9781101932698 Cover for 9781101932704 Cover for 9780316298704 Cover for 9780385392792 Cover for 9780385392822 Cover for 9780385392808 Cover for 9781606845912 Cover for 9781512426281 Cover for 9781512413496 Cover for 9781512413267 Cover for 9781512413571 Cover for 9781512413229 Cover for 9780553539479 Cover for 9780553539486 Cover for 9780143177951 Cover for 9780379117516 Cover for 9780062364357 Cover for 9780451471345 Cover for 9781619634442 Cover for 9780380795345 Cover for 9781619635180 Cover for 9780606385480 Cover for 9781420137149 Cover for 9780373053919 Cover for 9780385392501 Cover for 9780553552270 Cover for 9780385392471 Cover for 9780385392501 Cover for 9780385392488 Cover for 9780373053919 Cover for 9780385392501 Cover for 9781419713712 Cover for 9780756408954 Cover for 9780373244720 Cover for 9780756410766 Cover for 9780192823779 Cover for 9781530830510 Cover for 9780140437867 Cover for 9781530830510 Cover for 9780141192437 Cover for 9781103431243 Cover for 9781103431212 Cover for 9781530830510 Cover for 9780765388445 Cover for 9780803739840
cover image for 9781492637424


9781492637424 | Sourcebooks Landmark, March 1, 2017, cover price $15.99

cover image for 9781492623274


9781492623243 | Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, January 5, 2016, cover price $16.99


9781492623274 | Reprint edition (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, January 1, 2017), cover price $7.99

cover image for 9780316283946


9780316283939 | Little Brown & Co, May 19, 2015, cover price $18.00
9780387531274, titled "Current-Induced Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Quasi-One Dimensional Superconductors" | Springer Verlag, March 1, 1991, cover price $89.00 | also contains Current-Induced Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Quasi-One Dimensional Superconductors


9780316283946 | Little Brown & Co, November 1, 2016, cover price $9.99

cover image for 9781101932698


9781101932698 | Alfred a Knopf Inc, September 13, 2016, cover price $16.99


9781101932704 | Alfred a Knopf Inc, September 13, 2016, cover price $19.99

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9780316298704 | Little Brown & Co, September 6, 2016, cover price $17.99

cover image for 9780385392822


9780385392792 | Alfred a Knopf Inc, September 8, 2015, cover price $17.99


9780385392822 | Ember, September 6, 2016, cover price $9.99


9780385392808 | Alfred a Knopf Inc, September 8, 2015, cover price $20.99

cover image for 9781512426281


9781606845912 | Egmont USA, January 27, 2015, cover price $17.99


9781512426281 | Reprint edition (Carolrhoda Lab, August 1, 2016), cover price $9.99

cover image for 9781512413496


9781512413496 | Reprint edition (Darby Creek Pub, August 1, 2016), cover price $7.99


9781512413267 | Darby Creek Pub, August 1, 2016, cover price $26.65

cover image for 9781512413571


9781512413571 | Reprint edition (Darby Creek Pub, August 1, 2016), cover price $7.99


9781512413229 | Darby Creek Pub, August 1, 2016, cover price $26.65

cover image for 9780553539479


9780553539479 | Alfred a Knopf Inc, July 26, 2016, cover price $17.99


9780553539486 | Alfred a Knopf Inc, July 26, 2016, cover price $20.99

cover image for 9780143177951
Product Description: Clarinet Reid is a pretty typical teenager. On the surface. She’s smart, but a bit of a slacker; outgoing, but just a little insecure; not exactly a mischief-maker … but trouble tends to find her wherever she goes. Also? She unwittingly carries a centuries-old Druid Blood Curse running through her more


9780143177951 | Razorbill, July 13, 2011, cover price $12.99 | About this edition: Clarinet Reid is a pretty typical teenager.

cover image for 9780062364357
By Barbara Cantini (illustrator)


9780379117516, titled "Guide to Foreign Legal Materials: French, German, Swiss" | Oceana Pubns, June 1, 1959, cover price $30.00 | also contains Guide to Foreign Legal Materials: French, German, Swiss


9780062364357 | Greenwillow, May 3, 2016, cover price $7.99

cover image for 9781619635180
Detective John Salvatore Paris sets out to find the relation among the assassination of a dirty cop, the suicide of a fashion model, the ritual sacrifice of a street hustler, and the seventeen-year-old murder of a corrupt man, only to discover that these horrors are wired to the souls of an ancient evil. Reprint.


9781619634442 | Bloomsbury USA, May 5, 2015, cover price $18.99


9781619635180 | Reissue edition (Bloomsbury USA, May 3, 2016), cover price $10.99
9780380795345, titled "Kiss of Evil" | Reprint edition (Harpercollins, March 1, 2002), cover price $6.99 | also contains Kiss of Evil | About this edition: Detective John Salvatore Paris sets out to find the relation among the assassination of a dirty cop, the suicide of a fashion model, the ritual sacrifice of a street hustler, and the seventeen-year-old murder of a corrupt man, only to discover that these horrors are wired to the souls of an ancient evil.


9780606385480 | Turtleback Books, May 3, 2016, cover price $22.10

cover image for 9780385392501


9780385392501, titled "The Enchanted Files: Cursed" | Dgs edition (Yearling Books, July 26, 2016), cover price $6.99 | also contains Diary of a Mad Brownie, Diary of a Mad Brownie
9780373053919, titled "Betrayed by Love" | Harlequin Books, December 1, 1987, cover price $2.50 | also contains Betrayed by Love, Diary of a Mad Brownie

CD/Spoken Word:

9780553552270 | Unabridged edition (Listening Library, June 30, 2015), cover price $35.00

cover image for 9780385392501


9780385392471 | Random House Childrens Books, June 30, 2015, cover price $16.99


9780385392501, titled "The Enchanted Files: Cursed" | Dgs edition (Yearling Books, July 26, 2016), cover price $6.99 | also contains Diary of a Mad Brownie, Diary of a Mad Brownie


9780385392488 | Random House Childrens Books, June 30, 2015, cover price $19.99

cover image for 9780385392501


9780385392501, titled "The Enchanted Files: Cursed" | Dgs edition (Yearling Books, July 26, 2016), cover price $6.99 | also contains Diary of a Mad Brownie, Diary of a Mad Brownie
9780373053919, titled "Betrayed by Love" | Harlequin Books, December 1, 1987, cover price $2.50 | also contains Betrayed by Love, Diary of a Mad Brownie

cover image for 9781419713712


9781419713712 | Harry N Abrams Inc, March 1, 2016, cover price $14.95

cover image for 9780756410766


9780756408954 | Daw Books, November 3, 2015, cover price $19.95


9780756410766 | Daw Books, September 6, 2016, cover price $7.99
9780373244720, titled "But Not for Me" | Harlequin Books, June 1, 2002, cover price $4.50 | also contains But Not for Me

cover image for 9781530830510


9780141192437 | Reprint edition (Penguin Classics, September 28, 2010), cover price $20.00
9781103431243 | Reprint edition (Bibliolife, February 28, 2009), cover price $30.99


9781530830510 | Createspace Independent Pub, March 31, 2016, cover price $7.75 | also contains The Hound of the Baskervilles: Another Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, The Hound of the Baskervilles: Another Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, The Hound of the Baskervilles: Another Adventure of Sherlock Holmes
9781103431212 | Reprint edition (Bibliolife, February 28, 2009), cover price $18.99

cover image for 9780765388445


9780765388445 | Reprint edition (Tom Doherty Assoc Llc, March 15, 2016), cover price $12.99

cover image for 9780803739840


9780803739840 | Dial Books for Young Readers, March 15, 2016, cover price $12.99

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