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autistic children biography matches 23 work(s)
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Cover for 9781785920103 Cover for 9781632207197 Cover for 9780312029883 Cover for 9780983934691 Cover for 9781849050999 Cover for 9780253352972 Cover for 9780253220660 Cover for 9780980028843 Cover for 9781843108894 Cover for 9780980183603 Cover for 9781843108375 Cover for 9781596922495 Cover for 9781590511299 Cover for 9781600940033 Cover for 9781569242919 Cover for 9781931282888 Cover for 9781843103318 Cover for 9781843107828 Cover for 9781843101055 Cover for 9780743204453 Cover for 9781416567769 Cover for 9781843108023 Cover for 9781853029790 Cover for 9780312029883 Cover for 9781559270403 Cover for 9780385053808 Cover for 9780316690768
cover image for 9780983934691
Product Description: Digging into vivid moments within the metaphor of archaeology, Bruce Mills's remarkable memoir maps the artifacts of life as a father of a boy with autism, and as a boy himself growing up in rural Iowa. An Archaeology of Yearning is not ultimately about autism; instead it reaches into the world of human connection and illuminates how storytelling and an understanding of language keep that connection more


9780312029883, titled "Win the Food Fight: The 7 Week Victory Diet" | St Martins Pr, March 1, 1989, cover price $17.95 | also contains Win the Food Fight: The 7 Week Victory Diet | About this edition: Suggests healthful, low-fat recipes, outlines a program of proper nutrition and exercise, and describes the eating habits


9780983934691 | Etruscan Pr, November 5, 2013, cover price $15.00 | About this edition: Digging into vivid moments within the metaphor of archaeology, Bruce Mills's remarkable memoir maps the artifacts of life as a father of a boy with autism, and as a boy himself growing up in rural Iowa.

cover image for 9781849050999
Product Description: When we tell someone that our child is autistic, the most common response is a sad face and an apologetic look. I hate it when people say 'I'm sorry to hear that' Parenting a child on the autistic spectrum can be tough at the best of times, but few books take the time to celebrate the love and laughter an autistic child can elicit in their parents and those around more


9781849050999 | Jessica Kingsley Pub, June 15, 2010, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: When we tell someone that our child is autistic, the most common response is a sad face and an apologetic look.

cover image for 9780253220660


9780253352972 | Indiana Univ Pr, January 14, 2009, cover price $50.00


9780253220660 | Indiana Univ Pr, January 15, 2009, cover price $19.95

cover image for 9781843108894
By Kim Miller (illustrator)


9781843108894 | Jessica Kingsley Pub, October 1, 2008, cover price $31.95

cover image for 9781843108375
By Gary Cole (foreword by), Teddi Cole (foreword by), Firestone and Catherine Lord (foreword by)


9781843108375 | Jessica Kingsley Pub, October 15, 2007, cover price $39.95

cover image for 9781596922495


9781596922495 | Macadam Cage Pub, August 24, 2007, cover price $18.00

cover image for 9781590511299
Traces the development of a non-verbal, autistic, and badly abused six-year-old foster child who throughout the years following his adoption was able to attend and earn high marks at regular school while reconnecting with his sister, in an account told from the boy's perspective.


9781590511299 | Other Pr Llc, May 1, 2007, cover price $25.95 | About this edition: Traces the development of a non-verbal, autistic, and badly abused six-year-old foster child who throughout the years following his adoption was able to attend and earn high marks at regular school while reconnecting with his sister, in an account told from the boy's perspective.

cover image for 9781600940033
A father's attempt to understand his son's autism offers insights into a bizarre and mysterious world of mental isolation.


9781600940033 | Da Capo Pr, August 28, 2006, cover price $25.95 | About this edition: A father's attempt to understand his son's autism offers insights into a bizarre and mysterious world of mental isolation.


9781569242919 | Da Capo Pr, August 17, 2006, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: A father's attempt to understand his son's autism offers insights into a bizarre and mysterious world of mental isolation.

cover image for 9781843103318
Product Description: 'Had we had just one wish to be granted in the past in coping with Mark's autism, what would we have asked for? We would have asked for the gift of wisdom. The wisdom that comes with knowledge.' - Ann Hewetson, Chapter 19 Laughter and Tears is a first-hand account of parenting Mark, a young man with autism, and also of a mother's struggle to understand and appreciate her son's more


9781843103318 | 1 edition (Jessica Kingsley Pub, March 30, 2005), cover price $26.95 | About this edition: 'Had we had just one wish to be granted in the past in coping with Mark's autism, what would we have asked for?

cover image for 9781843107828
Describes how Karston, who suffers from autism-related problems, struggled with food and environmental allergies, and presents the 'Allergy Buster System' with four 'Allergy Buster Keys' that he and his caregivers use to manage them.


9781843107828 | Jessica Kingsley Pub, September 30, 2004, cover price $18.95 | About this edition: Describes how Karston, who suffers from autism-related problems, struggled with food and environmental allergies, and presents the 'Allergy Buster System' with four 'Allergy Buster Keys' that he and his caregivers use to manage them.

cover image for 9781416567769
The mother of a child diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome shares her ordeal with this often misunderstood disease, introducing readers to the ins and outs of high-functioning autism. 25,000 first printing.


9780743204453 | Free Pr, April 1, 2002, cover price $25.00 | About this edition: The mother of a child diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome shares her ordeal with this often misunderstood disease, introducing readers to the ins and outs of high-functioning autism.


9781416567769 | Free Pr, June 25, 2007, cover price $17.95
9781843108023 | Revised edition (Jessica Kingsley Pub, June 30, 2005), cover price $22.95

cover image for 9781559270403
Suggests healthful, low-fat recipes, outlines a program of proper nutrition and exercise, and describes the eating habits


9780312029883 | St Martins Pr, March 1, 1989, cover price $17.95 | also contains An Archaeology of Yearning | About this edition: Suggests healthful, low-fat recipes, outlines a program of proper nutrition and exercise, and describes the eating habits

Cassette/Spoken Word:

9781559270403 | St Martins Pr, April 1, 1990, cover price $9.95

A clinical psychoanalyst recounts his agonized struggle to teach a twelve-year-old girl to speak


9780385053808 | Doubleday, June 1, 1970, cover price $8.95 | About this edition: A clinical psychoanalyst recounts his agonized struggle to teach a deformed twelve-year-old girl to speak


9780440364573, titled "No Language but a Cry" | Reissue edition (Laurel Leaf, May 1, 1988), cover price $6.50 | About this edition: A clinical psychoanalyst recounts his agonized struggle to teach a twelve-year-old girl to speak


9780606041867, titled "No Language but a Cry" | Demco Media, May 1, 1988, cover price $12.64 | About this edition: A clinical psychoanalyst recounts his agonized struggle to teach a twelve-year-old girl to speak

cover image for 9780316690768
A mother depicts her struggle with the autism of her child, Elly, and describes Elly's increasing communication abilities, range of emotions, and human relations


9780316690768 | Revised edition (Little Brown & Co, May 1, 1982), cover price $14.95 | About this edition: A mother depicts her struggle with the autism of her child, Elly, and describes Elly's increasing communication abilities, range of emotions, and human relations

The author describes what it is like to raise an autistic child, explains the biological causes of autism, and tells how to help such children lead a more normal life


9780879491673 | Ashley Books, December 1, 1981, cover price $26.95 | About this edition: The author describes what it is like to raise an autistic child, explains the biological causes of autism, and tells how to help such children lead a more normal life

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