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Merry E. Wiesner has written 35 work(s)
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Cover for 9781111341435 Cover for 9780618946075 Cover for 9780618946341 Cover for 9780618946334 Cover for 9780618766116 Cover for 9780618474806 Cover for 9780618159260 Cover for 9780618357420 Cover for 9780618431076 Cover for 9780618043675 Cover for 9780618526376 Cover for 9781111341428 Cover for 9780618526383 Cover for 9780195176728 Cover for 9780195222647 Cover for 9780618379309 Cover for 9781111837174 Cover for 9780395976142 Cover for 9780618312931 Cover for 9780521650915 Cover for 9780521658843 Cover for 9780395976135 Cover for 9780618125234 Cover for 9780618312924 Cover for 9780618766109 Cover for 9781111837167 Cover for 9780395796696 Cover for 9780618246687 Cover for 9780582418738 Cover for 9780618057788 Cover for 9780618043682 Cover for 9780521384599 Cover for 9780521771054 Cover for 9780521386135 Cover for 9780521778220 Cover for 9780395970522
cover image for 9780618946075
Product Description: 'A History of Western Society' examines the lives of both historical figures and ordinary people, providing a balanced account of Western history as a whole.


9780618946075 | Houghton Mifflin College Div, October 23, 2007, cover price $117.95 | About this edition: 'A History of Western Society' examines the lives of both historical figures and ordinary people, providing a balanced account of Western history as a whole.

cover image for 9780618946341
Product Description: 'A History of Western Society' examines the lives of both historical figures and ordinary people, providing a balanced account of Western history as a whole.


9780618946341 | 9 edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, October 23, 2007), cover price $88.95 | About this edition: 'A History of Western Society' examines the lives of both historical figures and ordinary people, providing a balanced account of Western history as a whole.

cover image for 9780618946334
Product Description: A History of Western Society, Vol. I


9780618946334 | 9 edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, October 22, 2007), cover price $101.95 | About this edition: A History of Western Society, Vol.

cover image for 9780618474806
By Merry E. Wiesner (editor)


9780618474806 | Wadsworth Pub Co, December 18, 2006, cover price $74.95

cover image for 9780618159260
Product Description: Book by Wiesner, Merry E.


9780618159260 | 4th edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, July 11, 2006), cover price $206.95 | About this edition: Book by Wiesner, Merry E.
9780618431076 | 5th edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, August 11, 2003), cover price $73.95 | About this edition: Book by Wiesner, Merry E.
9780618357420 | 4th edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, December 19, 2002), cover price $57.95 | About this edition: Discovering the Western Past, Custom Publication

cover image for 9781111341428
This successful world history version of the popular Discovering series contains a multi-part pedagogical framework that guides students through the process of historical inquiry and explanation. The text emphasizes historical study as interpretation rather than memorization of data. The Third Edition integrates new documents and revised coverage throughout, while the comparative chapters contribute to a more thorough and balanced examination of global history. Each chapter is organized within the same pedagogical framework: The Problem, Background, The Method, The Evidence, Questions to Consider, and Epilogue.


9781111341428 | 4th edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, March 5, 2011), cover price $135.95
9780618526376 | 3 edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, June 13, 2006), cover price $149.95 | About this edition: This successful world history version of the popular Discovering series contains a multi-part pedagogical framework that guides students through the process of historical inquiry and explanation.
9780618043675 | 2 edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, July 27, 2001), cover price $124.95

cover image for 9780195222647
'This book provides coverage of the political, cultural, and social history of the world from 1350 to 1600. Contact among regions of the world expanded through trade networks, enabling a transferal of knowledge and culture between western and eastern societies. With a strong focus on the Renaissance, Reformation, and Ming China, the text comes from ordinary people, travelers, bureaucrats, children, housewives, poets, and religious thinkers.'--Supplied by publisher.Provides coverage of the political, cultural, and social history of the world from 1350 to 1600.


9780195222647 | Oxford Univ Pr, January 1, 2006, cover price $32.95 | About this edition: 'This book provides coverage of the political, cultural, and social history of the world from 1350 to 1600.
9780195176728 | Oxford Univ Pr, June 23, 2005, cover price $32.95 | About this edition: 'This book provides coverage of the political, cultural, and social history of the world from 1350 to 1600.

cover image for 9781111837174


9781111837174 | 7 edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, January 1, 2014), cover price $135.95
9789990008807 | 5th edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, July 1, 2003), cover price $0.02

cover image for 9780618312931


9780618312931 | 5th edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, July 16, 2003), cover price $149.95
9780395976142 | Houghton Mifflin College Div, January 1, 2000, cover price $68.95

cover image for 9780521650915


9780521650915 | Cambridge Univ Pr, April 28, 2003, cover price $89.99


9780521658843 | Cambridge Univ Pr, March 1, 2003, cover price $34.99

cover image for 9780618312924
Product Description: This successful western history version of the popular Discovering series provides a broad range of both visual and written sources within a unique pedagogical framework. Its unique structure promotes critical thinking, sharpens analytical skills, and builds student interest in the subject more


9780618312924 | 5th edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, April 1, 2003), cover price $149.95 | About this edition: This successful western history version of the popular Discovering series provides a broad range of both visual and written sources within a unique pedagogical framework.
9780618125234 | 4th edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, July 1, 2000), cover price $58.95
9780395976135 | Houghton Mifflin College Div, September 10, 1999, cover price $82.95

cover image for 9781111837167


9781111837167, titled "Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence, to 1789" | 7 edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, January 1, 2014), cover price $135.95
9780618766109 | 6 edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, June 29, 2007), cover price $143.95
9789990008685, titled "Discovering The Western Past: A Look At The Evidence To 1789" | 5th edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, April 1, 2003), cover price $0.02 | also contains Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence to 1789


9789990008685 | 5th edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, April 1, 2003), cover price $0.02 | also contains Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence: to 1789
9780395796696 | Houghton Mifflin College Div, November 1, 1996, cover price $71.95

cover image for 9780618246687
Product Description: This primary source reader contains a multi-part pedagogical framework to guide the student through the process of historical inquiry and explanation. Its unique structure promotes critical thinking, sharpens analytical skills, and builds student interest in the subject more


9780618246687 | Wadsworth Pub Co, December 2, 2002, cover price $124.95 | About this edition: This primary source reader contains a multi-part pedagogical framework to guide the student through the process of historical inquiry and explanation.


9789990864519 | Houghton Mifflin College Div, November 1, 2001, cover price $0.02 | also contains Discovering the Global Past
9780395877234 | Pck edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, June 1, 1997), cover price $145.96
9780618057788 | Pck edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, June 1, 1997), cover price $33.56
9780618024803 | Pck edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, June 1, 1997), cover price $33.56

cover image for 9780618043682


9780618043682 | Wadsworth Pub Co, November 8, 2001, cover price $90.95
9789990864519 | Houghton Mifflin College Div, November 1, 2001, cover price $0.02 | also contains Discovering the Global Past


9780618135615 | 4 pck edition (Houghton Mifflin College Div, October 1, 2000), cover price $70.76

cover image for 9780521778220


9780521771054 | 2 edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, August 1, 2000), cover price $100.00
9780521384599 | Cambridge Univ Pr, December 1, 1993, cover price $54.95 | also contains Linn-watson Radiographic Pathology + Dutton Torres' Patient Care in Imaging Technology, 8th Ed.


9780521778220 | 2 edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, August 1, 2000), cover price $25.99
9780521386135 | Cambridge Univ Pr, January 1, 1994, cover price $16.95 | also contains Ecuador Nature Guide: Southwest Forests

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