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Pamela S. Wiegartz, Ph. D. has written 3 work(s)
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Product Description: A traves de técnicas de relajación, métodos para mejorar las relaciones, sugerencias para transformar los pensamientos aprensivos y autoevaluaciones, emtre otros, este libro le llevará a vencer la angustia y vivir relajado, confiando y seguro de sà more
9789707322899 | Quarzo, September 15, 2009, cover price $15.90 | About this edition: A traves de técnicas de relajación, métodos para mejorar las relaciones, sugerencias para transformar los pensamientos aprensivos y autoevaluaciones, emtre otros, este libro le llevará a vencer la angustia y vivir relajado, confiando y seguro de sàmismo.
9781572245891 | 1 edition (New Harbinger Pubns Inc, June 1, 2009), cover price $21.95
Product Description: We all worry about things from time to time, but some of us just can’t seem to stop expecting the worst—even when our expectations are very unlikely to occur. This condition, chronic worry, is disruptive all by itself, and it can lead to other, more serious anxiety more
9781572244658 | New Harbinger Pubns Inc, December 1, 2006, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: We all worry about things from time to time, but some of us just can’t seem to stop expecting the worst—even when our expectations are very unlikely to occur.
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