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John Whitman has written 7 work(s)
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9781614514015 | Mouton De Gruyter, August 15, 2018, cover price $419.00
9781612435589 | 2 edition (Ulysses Pr, June 14, 2016), cover price $24.95
9781463672553 | Createspace Independent Pub, September 24, 2011, cover price $20.00
9780816675944 | Rev upd edition (Univ of Minnesota Pr, September 8, 2011), cover price $39.95
Product Description: Based on simple principles and instinctive movements, Krav Maga is perfect for new students because it is designed to teach real-world self-defense in the shortest possible time. This book was designed to immobilize an attacker and remove oneself from a dangerous situation as quickly as more
9781569756614 | Ulysses Pr, February 3, 2009, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: Based on simple principles and instinctive movements, Krav Maga is perfect for new students because it is designed to teach real-world self-defense in the shortest possible time.
9781847691187 | Multilingual Matters Ltd, December 15, 2008, cover price $139.95
9781847691194 | Multilingual Matters Ltd, December 15, 2008, cover price $49.95
9789027248091 | John Benjamins Pub Co, April 15, 2008, cover price $158.00
9789027248442 | John Benjamins Pub Co, March 13, 2008, cover price $59.00
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