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Wendy Wheeler-Smith has written 3 work(s)
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cover image for 9781845877989
By Mick Sinclair (contributor) and Wendy Wheeler-Smith


9781845877989 | Poc fol ha edition (Compass Maps Ltd, April 23, 2010), cover price $10.95

cover image for 9780762747108
Product Description: The Los Angeles CityGuide is an information-packed pocket guide, taking the guesswork out of a visit to the city. Overview maps show places of interest such as the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Detailed PopOut maps feature downt
By Cindy Boynton (contributor), Fiona Quinn (contributor) and Wendy Wheeler-Smith


9780762747108 | 1 pop pap/ edition (Globe Pequot Pr, March 18, 2008), cover price $9.95 | About this edition: The Los Angeles CityGuide is an information-packed pocket guide, taking the guesswork out of a visit to the city.

By Cindy Boynton (contributor), Karen Cure (contributor), Mick Sinclair (contributor) and Wendy Wheeler-Smith


9780762747160 | 1 pop pap/ edition (Globe Pequot Pr, March 18, 2008), cover price $9.95

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