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Lee Weeks has written 23 work(s)
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Cover for 9780785149491 Cover for 9780785195658 Cover for 9780515130171 Cover for 9781401249472 Cover for 9781401254889 Cover for 9781849838573 Cover for 9780785159773 Cover for 9780785152705 Cover for 9780785158943 Cover for 9780785146148 Cover for 9780785146131 Cover for 9781847561275 Cover for 9780785134091 Cover for 9780785133032 Cover for 9780785124221 Cover for 9781417816705 Cover for 9780785124849 Cover for 9780785127987 Cover for 9780785115434 Cover for 9781569712313 Cover for 9781563893643 Cover for 9780785101093 Cover for 9781569710401 Cover for 9780871359650
cover image for 9780785195658
By Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9780785149491 | Marvel Enterprises, November 24, 2010, cover price $39.99


9780785195658 | Marvel Enterprises, April 5, 2016, cover price $34.99

cover image for 9780515130171
After risking his life to rescue a young Lakota woman in trouble, Slocum is adopted by her tribe and finds himself taking on the some powerful forces in Washington when the federal government decides to move the Lakota to a reservation. Original.
By Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9780515130171, titled "Slocum and the Lakota Lady" | Jove Pubns, February 1, 2001, cover price $4.99 | also contains Slocum and the Lakota Lady | About this edition: After risking his life to rescue a young Lakota woman in trouble, Slocum accepts adoption into her tribe and finds himself taking on some powerful forces in Washington when the federal government decides to move the Lokota to a reservation.

cover image for 9781401254889
By Sandra Hope (illustrator), Aaron Kuder (illustrator), Scott McDaniel (illustrator), Greg Pak and Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9781401249472 | Dc Comics, December 30, 2014, cover price $22.99


9781401254889, titled "Superman Action Comics 5: What Lies Beneath" | Dc Comics, June 16, 2015, cover price $14.99

cover image for 9781849838573


9781849838573 | Gardners Books, December 6, 2012, cover price $11.85

cover image for 9780785159773
By John Byrne, Howard Mackie, A. A. Ward (contributor), Lee Weeks (illustrator) and Gregory Wright (contributor)


9780785159773 | Marvel Enterprises, August 22, 2012, cover price $39.99

cover image for 9780785152705
By Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9780785152705, titled "The Iron Age" | Marvel Enterprises, October 30, 2015, cover price $24.99

cover image for 9780785163350
By Ed Brubaker, Gene Colan (illustrator), Marko Djurdjevic (illustrator), Michael Lark (illustrator) and Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9780785163350 | Marvel Enterprises, June 13, 2012, cover price $29.99

cover image for 9780785158943
By Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9780785158943 | Marvel Enterprises, October 19, 2011, cover price $29.99

cover image for 9780785146148
By Michael Gaydos (illustrator), Roger Stern, Fred Van Lente and Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9780785146148 | Marvel Enterprises, February 9, 2011, cover price $14.99

cover image for 9780785146131
By Michael Gaydos (contributor), Fred Van Lente, Roger Stern and Lee Weeks (contributor)


9780785146131 | Marvel Enterprises, August 18, 2010, cover price $19.99

cover image for 9781847561275


9781847561275 | Harpercollins Pub Ltd, July 22, 2010, cover price $10.95

cover image for 9780785137856
By David Aja (illustrator), Ed Brubaker, Stefano Gaudiano (illustrator), Michael Lark (illustrator) and Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9780785137856 | Marvel Enterprises, June 17, 2009, cover price $74.99

cover image for 9780785134091
By Brian Reed and Lee Weeks (other contributor)


9780785134091 | Marvel Enterprises, March 25, 2009, cover price $19.99

cover image for 9780785124221
By Brian Reed and Lee Weeks (contributor)


9780785133032, titled "Captain Marvel Secret Invasion: Premiere Edition" | Marvel Enterprises, August 13, 2008, cover price $19.99


9780785124221, titled "Captain Marvel: Secret Invasion" | Marvel Enterprises, February 4, 2009, cover price $14.99

cover image for 9781417816705
By Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9781417816705 | Turtleback Books, March 1, 2008, cover price $27.00

cover image for 9780785124849
By Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark (contributor) and Lee Weeks (contributor)


9780785124849 | Marvel Enterprises, October 10, 2007, cover price $14.99

cover image for 9780785127987
Follows the adventures of Captain America, who clashes with the government and faces numerous villains, including the Red Skull and the Winter Soldier.
By Ed Brubaker, Mike Perkins (illustrator) and Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9780785127987 | Marvel Enterprises, May 16, 2007, cover price $11.99 | About this edition: Follows the adventures of Captain America, who clashes with the government and faces numerous villains, including the Red Skull and the Winter Soldier.

cover image for 9780785115434
Thinking about Bruce Banner's past, the Hulk wanders onto a tropical island populated with victims and some unexpected monsters and other characters that should not be there.
By Peter David and Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9780785115434 | Marvel Enterprises, August 24, 2005, cover price $14.99 | About this edition: Thinking about Bruce Banner's past, the Hulk wanders onto a tropical island populated with victims and some unexpected monsters and other characters that should not be there.

cover image for 9781569712313
Tarzan's friend and the ruler of Pellucidar, David Innes, mysteriously vanishes, and Tarzan must travel to the Earth's core to track him down and save him from pending doom. Original.


9781569712313 | Dark Horse Comics, October 8, 1997, cover price $12.95 | About this edition: Tarzan's friend and the ruler of Pellucidar, David Innes, mysteriously vanishes, and Tarzan must travel to the Earth's core to track him down and save him from pending doom.

cover image for 9781563893643
By Bruce Canwell, Scott Peterson (editor) and Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9781563893643 | Dc Comics, September 1, 1997, cover price $4.95

cover image for 9780785101093


9780785101093 | Marvel Enterprises, July 1, 1995, cover price $12.95

cover image for 9781569710401
By Lee Weeks (illustrator)


9781569710401 | Dark Horse Comics, October 1, 1994, cover price $7.95

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