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Gerard Way has written 9 work(s)
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9788467907056 | Italian edition edition (Norma Editorial Sa, November 18, 2011), cover price $29.95
9780256195088, titled "Production and Operations Analysis" | 3rd edition (Richard d Irwin, August 1, 1996), cover price $109.35 | also contains Production and Operations Analysis
9781595823458 | Dark Horse Comics, November 4, 2009, cover price $17.99
Product Description: Dark Horse has gained legions of fans with The Umbrella Academy, conceived and written by Gerard Way with interior art by Eisner Award-winning artist Gabriel Ba. Dark Horse has designed a new pack of four buttons, featuring the Umbrella icon from the second mini-series, Dallas; Agent #5 logo; Hazel and Cha Cha; and the Prime-8's more
9781596178182, titled "The Umbrella Academy Button Pack 2" | Pck toy edition (Dark Horse Comics, July 29, 2009), cover price $5.99 | About this edition: Dark Horse has gained legions of fans with The Umbrella Academy, conceived and written by Gerard Way with interior art by Eisner Award-winning artist Gabriel Ba.
Product Description: Dark Horse has gained legions of fans with The Umbrella Academy, conceived and written by Gerard Way with interior art by Eisner Award-winning artist Gabriel Ba. This composition book is a high-quality, 120-page notebook designed in the style of those vintage, black-and-white books you carried from class to class, filling with notes and more
9781596178175 | Dark Horse Comics, June 17, 2009, cover price $6.99 | About this edition: Dark Horse has gained legions of fans with The Umbrella Academy, conceived and written by Gerard Way with interior art by Eisner Award-winning artist Gabriel Ba.
9781596175754 | Toy edition (Dark Horse Comics, May 20, 2009), cover price $39.99
9788498478648 | Italian edition edition (Norma Editorial Sa, April 30, 2009), cover price $6.95
9781596177444, titled "The Umbrella Academy Book & Figure Set" | Box har/to edition (Dark Horse Comics, April 15, 2009), cover price $24.99
9781595821638 | Slp ltd edition (Dark Horse Comics, March 30, 2009), cover price $79.95
Product Description: This is the story of Red Rocket Seven: The entire history of rock 'n' roll as seen through the eyes of the seventh clone of a man from a distant world. RR7 rubs shoulders with every legend from the birth of rock in the '50s, through the British invasion of the '60s, through the advent of Heavy Metal and Glam rock in the '70s, the New Wave of the '80s, the Grunge Rock and Indie/ more
9781582409986 | Image Comics, September 24, 2008, cover price $16.99 | About this edition: This is the story of Red Rocket Seven: The entire history of rock 'n' roll as seen through the eyes of the seventh clone of a man from a distant world.
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