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L. G. Wade, Jr. has written 5 work(s)
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9780321853530 | 8 pck har/ edition (Prentice Hall, June 22, 2012), cover price $309.40
9780321829597 | 8 pck har/ edition (Prentice Hall, June 1, 2012), cover price $324.07 | About this edition: This package contains: 0321768140 / 9780321768148 Organic Chemistry with Mastering Chemistry 0321842146 / 9780321842145 Solution Manual for Organic Chemistry, Books a la Carte Edition Â
9780321782267 | 8 pck har/ edition (Prentice Hall, May 24, 2012), cover price $322.73
9780321832979 | 8 pck har/ edition (Prentice Hall, January 27, 2012), cover price $337.40
9780321768148 | 8 pck har/ edition (Prentice Hall, December 30, 2011), cover price $324.07
5 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)
9780321773890 | 8 sol edition (Prentice Hall, January 10, 2012), cover price $160.00
9780321598714 | 7 sol edition (Prentice Hall, March 27, 2009), cover price $128.60
9780321773876 | 8 pck lslf edition (Prentice Hall, January 6, 2012), cover price $225.07
9780321666321 | 7 pck unbn edition (Prentice Hall, July 7, 2009), cover price $162.00 | About this edition: Well used, a very good source for organic chemistry, comes with a binder that holds all the pages together
9780321777690 | 8 lslf edition (Prentice Hall, January 14, 2012), cover price $210.40
9780321956279 | 8 pck box edition (Prentice Hall, July 29, 2013), cover price $376.20
9780321888716 | 8 pck har/ edition (Prentice Hall, May 25, 2012), cover price $343.27
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