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Loic Wacquant has written 14 work(s)
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Cover for 9783658026790 Cover for 9781477303641 Cover for 9781477303658 Cover for 9780192620934 Cover for 9780745631233 Cover for 9780822344049 Cover for 9780822344223 Cover for 9780816639007 Cover for 9780816639014 Cover for 9780745631226 Cover for 9780745631240 Cover for 9780745631257 Cover for 9788420641829 Cover for 9780745634876 Cover for 9780745634883 Cover for 9789871220342 Cover for 9780761940333 Cover for 9780761940340 Cover for 9788449310126
cover image for 9783658026790
Product Description: Die Verdammten der Stadt führt uns mitten ins schwarze Ghetto im Inneren Chicagos und in die sich deindustrialisierende Banlieue in den Außenzonen von Paris und entdeckt, dass städtische Marginalität nicht überall gleich more


9783658026790, titled "Die Verdammten Der Stadt: Eine Vergleichende Soziologie Fortgeschrittener Marginalität" | Vs Verlag Fur Sozialwissenschaften, October 21, 2016, cover price $49.99 | About this edition: Die Verdammten der Stadt führt uns mitten ins schwarze Ghetto im Inneren Chicagos und in die sich deindustrialisierende Banlieue in den Außenzonen von Paris und entdeckt, dass städtische Marginalität nicht überall gleich ist.

cover image for 9781477303641
Product Description: Austin, Texas, is renowned as a high-tech, fast-growing city for the young and creative, a cool place to live, and the scene of internationally famous events such as SXSW and Formula 1. But as in many American cities, poverty and penury are booming along with wealth and material abundance in contemporary more
By Loic Wacquant (other contributor)


9781477303641 | Univ of Texas Pr, September 1, 2015, cover price $75.00 | About this edition: Austin, Texas, is renowned as a high-tech, fast-growing city for the young and creative, a cool place to live, and the scene of internationally famous events such as SXSW and Formula 1.


9781477303658 | Univ of Texas Pr, September 1, 2015, cover price $24.95

cover image for 9780192620934
Product Description: This new, comprehensive, and well-referenced textbook provides thorough coverage of the field of clinical nephrology. Edited by leading experts in renal disease who have organized an international team of contributors, this text will assist the nephrologist or general physician in solving clinical problems on the basis of a thorough understanding of scientific more
By Loic Wacquant (trans)


9780192620934, titled "Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology" | Oxford Univ Pr, April 1, 1992, cover price $350.00 | also contains Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology | About this edition: This new, comprehensive, and well-referenced textbook provides thorough coverage of the field of clinical nephrology.

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9780745631233 | Polity Pr, October 6, 2014, cover price $24.95

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9780822344049 | Duke Univ Pr, June 1, 2009, cover price $94.95


9780822344223 | Duke Univ Pr, June 1, 2009, cover price $26.95

cover image for 9780816639007
Product Description: In this title, the author examines how penal policies emanating from the United States have spread thoughout the world. The author argues that the policies have their roots in a network of Reagan-era conservative think tanks, which used them as weapons in their crusade to dismantle the welfare state and, in effect, criminalise more


9780816639007 | Expanded edition (Univ of Minnesota Pr, December 31, 2009), cover price $60.00 | About this edition: In this title, the author examines how penal policies emanating from the United States have spread thoughout the world.


9780816639014 | Expanded edition (Univ of Minnesota Pr, December 31, 2009), cover price $20.00

cover image for 9780745631226
Product Description: This outstanding book explores the rise of prison populations in the US, in Britain and in other European countries, as well as in Latin America. Beginning with a rich, ethnographic account of being inside the Men’s Central Jail in Los Angeles, the author moves on to develop an argument about the connections between neoliberalism as a political doctrine, and incarceration as a social more


9780745631226 | Polity Pr, May 30, 2014, cover price $59.95 | About this edition: This outstanding book explores the rise of prison populations in the US, in Britain and in other European countries, as well as in Latin America.

cover image for 9780745631240


9780745631240 | Polity Pr, December 4, 2007, cover price $79.95


9780745631257 | Polity Pr, November 16, 2007, cover price $24.95

cover image for 9788420641829
Product Description: &ldquo,En agosto de 1988, por una serie de circunstancias, me inscribí en un club de boxeo del gueto negro de Chicago. Nunca había practicado ese deporte, ni siquiera se me había pasado por la imaginación hacerlo&hellip, Durante tres años me entrené junto a boxeadores del barrio, aficionados y profesionales, entre tres y more


9788420641829 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $41.95 | About this edition: &ldquo,En agosto de 1988, por una serie de circunstancias, me inscribí en un club de boxeo del gueto negro de Chicago.

cover image for 9780745634876
By Pierre Bourdieu (editor) and Loic Wacquant (editor)


9780745634876 | Polity Pr, June 17, 2005, cover price $69.95


9780745634883 | Polity Pr, June 17, 2005, cover price $26.95

cover image for 9789871220342
Product Description: Esta obra es una impecable introduccion al universo de uno de los grandes pensadores contemporaneos, a la que se suma el aporte de Loïc Wacquant, considerado uno de los sociologos mas importantes de la actualidad, quien mantiene con Bourdieu una serie de dialogos criticos, no exentos de tensiones y polemicas, como ocurre en toda buena conversacion more


9789871220342 | Italian edition edition (Siglo Xxi Ediciones, January 30, 2005), cover price $36.95 | About this edition: Esta obra es una impecable introduccion al universo de uno de los grandes pensadores contemporaneos, a la que se suma el aporte de Loïc Wacquant, considerado uno de los sociologos mas importantes de la actualidad, quien mantiene con Bourdieu una serie de dialogos criticos, no exentos de tensiones y polemicas, como ocurre en toda buena conversacion teorica.

cover image for 9780761940333
By Nancy Scheper-Hughes (editor) and Loic Wacquant (editor)


9780761940333 | Sage Pubns Ltd, April 3, 2003, cover price $167.00


9780761940340 | Sage Pubns Ltd, April 3, 2003, cover price $75.00

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