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Frank Vlastnik has written 3 work(s)
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9781579128494 | Rev upd edition (Black Dog & Leventhal Pub, October 27, 2010), cover price $45.00
9781579123901 | Black Dog & Leventhal Pub, October 1, 2004, cover price $34.95
9781579123130 | Black Dog & Leventhal Pub, May 1, 2008, cover price $22.95
9781579127527 | Black Dog & Leventhal Pub, November 1, 2007, cover price $29.95 | About this edition: Describes one hundred and one of the most influential, popular, and enduring sitcoms, discussing their actors, creators, plots, running length, and appeal.
9781579125578 | Wal edition (Black Dog & Leventhal Pub, June 1, 2006), cover price $12.95
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