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Carl M. Tomlinson has written 4 work(s)
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9780133066739 | 8 edition (Prentice Hall, May 16, 2013), cover price $112.80
9780133522273 | 3 edition (Prentice Hall, February 7, 2014), cover price $108.00
9780137043149 | 2 edition (Prentice Hall, October 16, 2009), cover price $93.60
9780205290147 | Allyn & Bacon, November 1, 2006, cover price $67.40
9780205459087 | 5th edition (Allyn & Bacon, December 15, 2004), cover price $66.20
9780810834477 | Scarecrow Pr, January 1, 1998, cover price $61.00 | About this edition: An annotated bibliography of 724 children's titles originally published outside of the United States between 1950 and 1996
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