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Linda Chaffee Taylor has written 11 work(s)
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9780842316378, titled "Does God Care If I Can't Pay My Bills?: Comfort and Encouragement for Tough Times" | Tyndale House Pub, September 1, 1995, cover price $8.99 | About this edition: This book provides strong encouragement based on God's Word, as well as tools to overcome any financial crisis.
9780060976279, titled "The Dissolution of Nicholas Dee; His Researches: His Researches" | Reprint edition (Perennial, September 1, 1994), cover price $12.00 | also contains Life Application Bible Commentary: 1 & 2 Thessalonians, The Dissolution of Nicholas Dee; His Researches: His Researches | About this edition: Trade paperback
9780842328524 | Tyndale House Pub, February 1, 1998, cover price $17.99
9780842328746 | Tyndale House Pub, March 1, 2000, cover price $15.99
Product Description: Whether you are teaching a class, leading a small group, or just looking for a challenging personal study, Life Application Bible Studies are for you. With thought-provoking questions, complete lesson format, the full biblical text of each featured book, and the most extensive commentary available in a Bible-study booklet, this study guide gives you everything you need for understanding God’s Word and applying it to your more
9781414326498 | Tyndale House Pub, November 2, 2009, cover price $7.99 | About this edition: Whether you are teaching a class, leading a small group, or just looking for a challenging personal study, Life Application Bible Studies are for you.
9780842334617 | Tyndale House Pub, August 1, 2000, cover price $12.99
Product Description: Ideal for anyone looking for a daily devotional to learn more about Jesus and grow closer to him. These 365 daily readings present the life of Christ in chronological order with selections from the four Gospels. Also included for each day are a Life Application note to provide insight and encouragement, and an information note to provide interesting background and helpful more
9780842345972 | Tyndale House Pub, September 1, 1995, cover price $10.99 | About this edition: Ideal for anyone looking for a daily devotional to learn more about Jesus and grow closer to him.
Product Description: Contains 120 devotionals based on God's promises from the Bible. Guides the reader in praying about priorities (Praying the Promises of God for Busy People), children (Praying the Promises of God for My Child), mariage (Praying the Promises of God for My Marriage/I>), and life challenges (Praying the Promises of God in Tough Times/I>) more
9780842356084 | Tyndale House Pub, August 1, 2002, cover price $7.99 | About this edition: Contains 120 devotionals based on God's promises from the Bible.
9781416566779 | Howard Pub Co, August 19, 2008, cover price $17.99
Product Description: Helping readers find what God has to say about their particular needs is what the TouchPoints series is all about. TouchPoints for Leaders puts God's words of encouragement and affirmation at the fingertips of today's Christian more
9780842351300 | Tyndale House Pub, August 1, 2004, cover price $3.99 | About this edition: Helping readers find what God has to say about their particular needs is what the TouchPoints series is all about.
9780842335522 | Pap/com edition (Tyndale House Pub, October 1, 2001), cover price $24.99
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