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Sam Smiles has written 15 work(s)
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9781907372858 | Paul Holberton Pub, November 19, 2015, cover price $40.00
She took a deep breath, then plunged ahead! To save the home she loved, Kathryn proposed to Zac. There were no messy emotions attached--it was nice and simple. Several things puzzled her though--the elation she felt when he accepted, and the dull pain around her heart when she learned of a rival for Zac's affections. And why wasn't she relieved when she found another way out of her predicament? But when she was cradled in Zac's masterful embrace, she knew all the answers....
9781606064276 | Reprint edition (J Paul Getty Museum Pubns, November 1, 2014), cover price $49.95
9780373025701, titled "Not the Marrying Kind" | Harlequin Books, September 1, 1983, cover price $1.75 | also contains Not the Marrying Kind | About this edition: She took a deep breath, then plunged ahead!
Product Description: J. M. W. Turner (1775–1851) is probably Britain’s greatest painter. Both profoundly original and astonishingly prolific, he helped transform landscape painting into an expressive art form of enormous range and power. This book reveals the extent to which Turner wanted his paintings to communicate intellectually as well as emotionally and how he used landscape as a vehicle for deep ruminations on society, politics, and the human more
9781849761918 | Reprint edition (Tate Gallery Pubn, May 6, 2014), cover price $24.95 | About this edition: J.
9781854373335 | Tate Gallery Pubn, October 1, 2007, cover price $16.50 | About this edition: This work assesses the range and complexity of Turner's work, exploring his artistic and literary influences and interpreting his political views.
9780691070582 | Princeton Univ Pr, October 1, 2000, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: J.
9781907372520 | Paul Holberton Pub, October 19, 2013, cover price $30.00
Product Description: Accompanying a major exhibition at Compton Verney, Warwickshire, this book examines the innate human desire to transcend the limitations of physiology and gravity – and to fly. Through an intriguing combination of paintings, sculpture, photographs, drawings, prints and video, including works by Leonardo da Vinci, José Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Paul Nash, Peter Lanyon and Hiraki Sawa, the reader will be provided with a unique overview of artists' creative responses to flight, from the earliest imaginings to an era in which space travel has allowed us to glimpse other more
9781907372377 | Paul Holberton Pub, July 19, 2012, cover price $30.00 | About this edition: Accompanying a major exhibition at Compton Verney, Warwickshire, this book examines the innate human desire to transcend the limitations of physiology and gravity – and to fly.
9780754667476 | Ashgate Pub Co, July 15, 2010, cover price $149.95
Product Description: Alone of his contemporaries, J.M.W. Turner is commonly held to have prefigured modern painting, as signalled in the existence of The Turner Prize for contemporary art. Our celebration of his achievement is very different to what Victorian critics made of his more
9780719077081 | Manchester Univ Pr, November 27, 2007, cover price $95.00 | About this edition: Alone of his contemporaries, J.
Product Description: Tate Publishing is proud to announce a new series on important international artists, beautifully designed and with superbly printed reproductions. The Essential Artists series provides, in each volume, everything necessary for the enjoyment and understanding of the world’s greatest more
9781854375728 | Tate Gallery Pubn, March 1, 2007, cover price $29.95 | About this edition: Tate Publishing is proud to announce a new series on important international artists, beautifully designed and with superbly printed reproductions.
9781405111515 | Blackwell Pub, February 4, 2005, cover price $158.00
Product Description: Envisioning the Past: Archaeology and the Image is a groundbreaking collection of original essays that brings together archaeologists, art historians and anthropologists to provide new perspectives on the construction of knowledge concerning the antiquity of more
9781405111508 | Blackwell Pub, February 4, 2005, cover price $57.95 | About this edition: Envisioning the Past: Archaeology and the Image is a groundbreaking collection of original essays that brings together archaeologists, art historians and anthropologists to provide new perspectives on the construction of knowledge concerning the antiquity of man.
9781840146363 | Ashgate Pub Ltd, November 1, 2000, cover price $99.95
9781871516951 | Intellect L & D E F A E, June 1, 1998, cover price $28.50
Product Description: Often regarded as quintessentially English, Devon has for years provided artists with a rich source of inspiration. Virtually every major landscape painter of this era, including Turner, visited Devon, and this catalogue shows how they responded to the charm of Devon’s unique combination of landscape elements: coastal views, pastoral landscape, picturesque cottages and historical more
9780905227412 | Lund Humphries Pub Ltd, November 1, 1995, cover price $50.00 | About this edition: Often regarded as quintessentially English, Devon has for years provided artists with a rich source of inspiration.
Product Description: The antiquarians and artists of the 18th and 19th centuries had an important influence on modern ideas surrounding Ancient Britain, and the way that it is popularly pictured. Whilst many of their ideas have been superseded by modern archaeological excavation many of their myths and images, particularly that of the Druid, survive more
9780300058147 | Paul Mellon Ctr for Studies, August 1, 1994, cover price $60.00 | About this edition: The antiquarians and artists of the 18th and 19th centuries had an important influence on modern ideas surrounding Ancient Britain, and the way that it is popularly pictured.
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