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Rose Shepherd has written 3 work(s)
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9781782492573 | Cico Books, October 15, 2015, cover price $24.95
9780444415455, titled "Submersibles and Their Use in Oceanography and Ocean Engineering" | Elsevier Science Ltd, October 1, 1981, cover price $132.00 | also contains Submersibles and Their Use in Oceanography and Ocean Engineering
Product Description: Delve behind the facade to take an intimate peek at the life and times of this famous Tudor king. Henry VIII is one of the most recognizable of English monarchs, famous for his great weight, and his six wives. But what was it really like to be Henry VIII, or to be married to him? How did he live, and where? Who were his servants and what did they do? What clothes did he and his wives wear, how did they entertain themselves, and who did they choose to spend time with? Behind the well-known image of Henry in his later years lies a fascinating story of a man driven by private passions—the desire for a legitimate son and heir, a compulsion to collect wealth and to spend it—and by the need to control the constant power struggles among his more
9781782491606 | Cico Books, October 1, 2014, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: Delve behind the facade to take an intimate peek at the life and times of this famous Tudor king.
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