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Peter Selz has written 26 work(s)
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Cover for 9780983587026 Cover for 9781877675799 Cover for 9780520202535 Cover for 9781597141413 Cover for 9781597141406 Cover for 9780935314755 Cover for 9781877675706 Cover for 9781877675690 Cover for 9788420670850 Cover for 9781929641000 Cover for 9782940033676 Cover for 9781880566008 Cover for 9780847822546 Cover for 9780810941076 Cover for 9780934418515 Cover for 9781890789053 Cover for 9783791314860 Cover for 9780940872226 Cover for 9781558598898 Cover for 9780789201195 Cover for 9781880566091 Cover for 9780815000075 Cover for 9780028628097 Cover for 9780847816408 Cover for 9780810907997 Cover for 9780936827018 Cover for 9780520011618 Cover for 9780520025158
cover image for 9781877675799
By Susan Noyes Platt and Peter Selz (introduced by)


9781877675799 | Reprint edition (Midmarch Arts Pr, January 28, 2011), cover price $28.00

cover image for 9781597141413
Product Description: Walking the streets with a camera in hand can yield insightful and surprising interpretations of daily life. For thirty years, photographer Richard Nagler has sought out these insights by pairing isolated words found in his environment with random more
By Richard Nagler (photographer) and Peter Selz (foreword by)


9781597141413 | Heyday Books, November 1, 2010, cover price $45.00 | About this edition: Walking the streets with a camera in hand can yield insightful and surprising interpretations of daily life.


9781597141406 | Heyday Books, November 1, 2010, cover price $25.00

cover image for 9780935314755
By Peter Selz (foreword by)


9780935314755 | Grand Central Pr, January 1, 2009, cover price $34.95

cover image for 9781877675706
Product Description: This book is one of the few essay collections dealing with the history of a remarkable and often overlooked art center: Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. Concentrating on the final quarter of the 20th century with focused studies of the 1920s through the 1960s, Relocations is ideal reading for artists, critics, teachers, collectors and curators interested in how regional art centers evolve and more
By Peter Selz (introduced by)


9781877675706 | Midmarch Arts Pr, May 31, 2008, cover price $36.00 | About this edition: This book is one of the few essay collections dealing with the history of a remarkable and often overlooked art center: Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.


9781877675690 | Midmarch Arts Pr, May 31, 2008, cover price $28.00

cover image for 9781880566008


9781880566008 | Jack Rutberg Fine Arts Inc, May 1, 2000, cover price $20.00

cover image for 9780810941076
Celebrating the unique stylings of sculptor Barbara Chase-Riboud, one hundred illustrations from the acclaimed artist's repertoire reveal how she has successfully blended African-American history, archaeology, spiritualism, and the Baroque tradition in her work.


9780810941076 | Harry N Abrams Inc, October 1, 1999, cover price $39.95 | About this edition: Celebrating the unique stylings of sculptor Barbara Chase-Riboud, one hundred illustrations from the acclaimed artist's repertoire reveal how she has successfully blended African-American history, archaeology, spiritualism, and the Baroque tradition in her work.

cover image for 9780521554138


9780521554138 | Cambridge Univ Pr, March 1, 1998, cover price $79.95


9780521556248 | Cambridge Univ Pr, January 28, 1998, cover price $49.99

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9780934418515 | Museum of Contemporary Art San, February 1, 1998, cover price $20.00

cover image for 9781890789053


9781890789053 | Univ of Washington Pr, January 1, 1998, cover price $24.95

Explores the work of the German artist, looking at his stern self-portraits and violent eroticism, and discusses the influences of Nietzsche and his World War II experiences


9781558598898 | Abbeville Pr, May 1, 1996, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Explores the work of the German artist, looking at his stern self-portraits and violent eroticism, and discusses the influences of Nietzsche and his World War II experiences


9780030234880, titled "Da Capo" | 4th edition (Harcourt College Pub, August 1, 1997), cover price $92.95 | also contains Da Capo
9780789201195 | Abbeville Pr, May 1, 1996, cover price $25.00

cover image for 9780815000075


9780815000075 | Wittenborn Art Books, December 1, 1992, cover price $20.00

cover image for 9780028628097
A guide to civil service exams for postal workers provides full-length sample exams with answers, test-taking strategies, and application information


9780028628097, titled "Postal Clerk and Carrier" | 21st edition (Arco Pub, January 1, 1999), cover price $10.95 | also contains Postal Clerk and Carrier | About this edition: A guide to civil service exams for postal workers provides full-length sample exams with answers, test-taking strategies, and application information
9780847816408 | Rizzoli Intl Pubns, October 1, 1992, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Shows and describes Beckmann's self-portraits from age fourteen to sixty-six, and discusses what they reveal about his development as an artist

cover image for 9780810907997


9780810907997 | Harry N Abrams Inc, October 1, 1986, cover price $75.00

cover image for 9780520025158
Traces the development of Expressionism in Dresden, Munich, and Vienna between 1905 and 1914


9780520011618 | Univ of California Pr, June 1, 1974, cover price $49.50 | About this edition: Traces the development of Expressionism in Dresden, Munich, and Vienna between 1905 and 1914


9780520025158, titled "German Expressionist Painting." | Univ of California Pr, October 1, 1974, cover price $41.95 | About this edition: Traces the development of Expressionism in Dresden, Munich, and Vienna between 1905 and 1914

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