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Thomas J. Savides, M. D. has written 2 work(s)
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9781405157216 | 1 har/dvdr edition (Blackwell Pub, January 11, 2012), cover price $177.95
Product Description: Year on year, there continue to be dramatic changes in endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) since it was first introduced 30 years ago. Advances in technology have meant that as well as being used in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders, EUS is now one of the primary diagnostic and therapeutic modalities used in GI more
9781118781104 | 3 edition (Blackwell Pub, March 21, 2016), cover price $119.95 | About this edition: Year on year, there continue to be dramatic changes in endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) since it was first introduced 30 years ago.
9781405157223 | 2 edition (Blackwell Pub, April 20, 2009), cover price $121.95 | About this edition: Want to learn how to use EUS in the treatment of pancreatic cysts?
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