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Margriet Ruurs has written 22 work(s)
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Cover for 9781629795355 Cover for 9780534527501 Cover for 9781590780930 Cover for 9780887769733 Cover for 9780887763847 Cover for 9780887769405 Cover for 9781590786017 Cover for 9781550051278 Cover for 9781550051261 Cover for 9780887767753 Cover for 9781550419528 Cover for 9781590782002 Cover for 9780887764769 Cover for 9780887766855 Cover for 9780606302333 Cover for 9780613773508 Cover for 9781552852644 Cover for 9781552855218 Cover for 9780773733145 Cover for 9781550050769 Cover for 9780613707220 Cover for 9780773731400 Cover for 9780613650915 Cover for 9780887766275 Cover for 9780773729728 Cover for 9780773733343 Cover for 9780773758988 Cover for 9780968689981 Cover for 9780929895444 Cover for 9780929895437 Cover for 9780888650863
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9781629795355, titled "Mi bibliotecaria es un camello / My Librarian is a Camel: Cómo llegan los libros a los niños en todo el mundo / How Books are Brought to Children Around the World" | Boyds Mills Pr, September 29, 2015, cover price $16.95

cover image for 9781590780930
An intriguing photo essay shows the many unconventional ways that librarians deliver books to children who live in remote areas, including by boat, bus, train, elephant, donkey, and even wheelbarrow.


9780534527501, titled "Drugs: An Introduction" | Wadsworth Pub Co, September 1, 2000, cover price $83.95 | also contains Drugs: An Introduction

School and Library:

9781590780930 | Boyds Mills Pr, August 15, 2005, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: Introduces the many ways books are delivered to readers in different countries around the world, including by camel, bicycle, and wheelbarrow.

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Product Description: Did you know that the oldest insect lived more than 350 million years ago? That’s more than 100 million years before the dinosaurs! Did you know that a slug has three noses, an octopus has three hearts, and that an earthworm has no eyes, no nose, no ears, and no lungs, but it has five hearts?By compiling facts that astound her and whet her own curiosity, Margriet Ruurs encourages young readers to observe the natural world around them and to share her sense of wonder and respect for more
By W. Allan Hancock (illustrator) and Margriet Ruurs


9780887769733 | Tundra Books, March 8, 2011, cover price $17.95 | About this edition: Did you know that the oldest insect lived more than 350 million years ago?

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Product Description: Mountains are an impressive sight anywhere in the world but those of the western mountain region of North America offer riches that are truly unique. This lavishly illustrated picture book presents snowcapped peaks, emerald lakes, tall pines and magnificent maples, and a range of birds and animals that will fill readers of all ages with more
By Andrew Kiss (illustrator) and Margriet Ruurs


9780887763748 | Tundra Books, November 1, 1996, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: Presents Rocky Mountain scenes, from avalanche slopes to zigzagging trails


9780887769405 | Reprint edition (Tundra Books, October 13, 2009), cover price $7.95 | About this edition: Mountains are an impressive sight anywhere in the world but those of the western mountain region of North America offer riches that are truly unique.
9780887763847 | Tundra Books, September 1, 1996, cover price $8.95 | About this edition: Presents Rocky Mountain scenes, from avalanche slopes to zigzagging trails

cover image for 9781550051278
Emma, the hen, is happy to join her farmer's family at the fair, but does not understand how she can win a ribbon like all the other animals.
By Margriet Ruurs and Barbara Spurll (illustrator)


9781550051278 | Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd, August 1, 2007, cover price $7.95 | About this edition: Emma, the hen, is happy to join her farmer's family at the fair, but does not understand how she can win a ribbon like all the other animals.

cover image for 9781550051261
Emma, the hen, is happy to join her farmer's family at the fair, but does not understand how she can win a ribbon like all the other animals.
By Margriet Ruurs and Barbara Spurll (illustrator)


9781550051261 | Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd, September 2, 2005, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: Emma, the hen, is happy to join her farmer's family at the fair, but does not understand how she can win a ribbon like all the other animals.

cover image for 9780887767753
From the singing of little wrens in spring to baby possums climbing into mother's pouch in winter, nature and backyard animals are celebrated throughout the seasons, in a title with cut-paper illustrations and helpful hints on how to turn a backyard into an inviting place for wildlife.
By Ron Broda (illustrator) and Margriet Ruurs


9780887767753 | Tundra Books, March 13, 2007, cover price $18.95 | About this edition: From the singing of little wrens in spring to baby possums climbing into mother's pouch in winter, nature and backyard animals are celebrated throughout the seasons.

cover image for 9781550419528
Young Henry Rooster, who's just not a morning bird, must take over for his father when his dad goes to a convention for a week, and everyone is depending on Henry to get the sun up on time.
By Sean Cassidy (illustrator) and Margriet Ruurs


9781550419528 | Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd, May 30, 2006, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: Henry the rooster loves to stay up late at night and sleep in in the morning, but when Henry's father goes away to a convention, Henry must find a way to crow the sun up in the morning, lest the farm fall into disrepair.


9781894131872 | Penumbra Press, September 30, 2005, cover price $14.95

cover image for 9781590782002
Having one stuffed animal for each letter of the alphabet, a young girl's sleep is disrupted when she realizes one of her friends is missing and so must review all of them, from A to Z, to find out which one is not in its proper place.
By Jennifer Emery (illustrator) and Margriet Ruurs


9781590782002 | Wordsong, July 8, 2005, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: Having one stuffed animal for each letter of the alphabet, a young girl's sleep is disrupted when she realizes that one of her friends is missing and so must review all of them, from A to Z, to find out which one is not in its proper place.

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A family spends the day pitching a tent, swimming, fishing, and exploring during a camping trip.
By Andrew Kiss (other contributor) and Margriet Ruurs


9780887764769 | Tundra Books, March 1, 2001, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: A family spends the day pitching a tent, swimming, fishing, and exploring during a camping trip.


9780887766855 | Tundra Books, April 1, 2004, cover price $8.95 | About this edition: A family spends the day pitching a tent, swimming, fishing, and exploring during a camping trip.


9780606302333 | Demco Media, April 30, 2004, cover price $16.90 | About this edition: A family spends the day pitching a tent, swimming, fishing, and exploring during a camping trip.


9780613773508 | Turtleback Books, April 1, 2004, cover price $18.45 | About this edition: In this beautifully illustrated book, one busy family finds lots to do from sun up to sunset.

cover image for 9781552855218
Product Description: From the top of Alaska to the tip of Mexico, the Pacific Coast of North America comes to life in this vividly illustrated alphabet book. From albatrosses and orcas to Zodiac boats, children can identify objects that start with each letter and read along with the lilting more
By Dianna Bonder (illustrator) and Margriet Ruurs


9781552852644 | Whitecap Books Ltd, November 1, 2001, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: From the top of Alaska to the tip of Mexico, the Pacific Coast of North America comes to life in this vividly illustrated alphabet book.


9781552855218 | Whitecap Books Ltd, February 1, 2004, cover price $8.95 | About this edition: From the top of Alaska to the tip of Mexico, the Pacific Coast of North America comes to life in this vividly illustrated alphabet book.


9781417639151, titled "Pacific Alphabet" | Turtleback Books, February 1, 2004, cover price $19.60 | About this edition: From the top of Alaska to the tip of Mexico, the Pacific Coast of North America comes to life in this vividly illustrated alphabet book.

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On a frosty winter day, Emma the hen sets out to solve the problem of a cold chicken coop.


9780773733145 | Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd, March 1, 2002, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: On a frosty winter day, Emma the hen sets out to solve the problem of a cold chicken coop.


9781550050769 | Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd, January 1, 2004, cover price $8.95


9780613707220 | Turtleback Books, December 1, 2003, cover price $19.60 | About this edition: Canadian Children's Book Centre Starred Our Choice Selection, 2002 Mr.

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Product Description: Grand Prize, Ex aequo - 2000 Luxcanada, illustration, children's book Most chickens have enough sense to run when a coyote comes near. Not Emma. She thinks she can outfox a hungry canine despite the warnings of the farmer and his more


9780773731400 | Stoddart Kids, September 1, 1999, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: Emma the hen doesn't believe that coyotes are smarter than chickens, and when the coyote shows up she is not afraid, and decides to prove herself right


9780613650915 | Turtleback Books, July 1, 2003, cover price $19.60 | About this edition: Grand Prize, Ex aequo - 2000 Luxcanada, illustration, children's book Most chickens have enough sense to run when a coyote comes near.

cover image for 9780887766275
Encourages readers to see baby animals as they live in the wild, and to find the other animals that are hiding in the pictures.
By Andrew Kiss (illustrator) and Margriet Ruurs


9780887766275 | Tundra Books, March 1, 2003, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: Encourages readers to see baby animals as they live in the wild, and to find the other animals that are hiding in the pictures.

cover image for 9780773733343
Emma was one confused chicken. "Tok!" she said, when she peeked through the window and saw what was happening to her eggs. "Is that how they want my eggs? Then that's how I'll make them."But when Emma scrambled her next egg, no one was pleased. She tried again, and again, until finally, she'd had enough. If they didn't want her eggs, she wouldn't give them any!


9780773729728 | Stoddart Kids, December 1, 1996, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: Emma was one confused chicken.


9780773733343, titled "Emmas Eggs" | Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd, April 5, 2005, cover price $9.95
9780773758988 | Reprint edition (Stoddart Pub, February 1, 1999), cover price $5.95 | About this edition: When Emma, a young chicken, sees eggs scrambled, put in a pan of water, painted, and hidden, she tries the same things with her eggs


9780606287487 | Demco Media, July 30, 2002, cover price $18.00 | About this edition: Emma was one confused chicken.

cover image for 9780968689981
Product Description: Logan loves the remote Yukon lake where he and his mother and father live. Now the peace of the lake might be shattered by a big hotel development. What can one small boy do to protect his friends, the raven and the moose? With his dad's help, Logan proves that courage and commitment can make a more


9780968689981 | Hodgepog Books, September 1, 2001, cover price $5.95 | About this edition: Logan loves the remote Yukon lake where he and his mother and father live.

cover image for 9780929895444
Product Description: Poet and children's author Margriet Ruurs shows teachers of grades 3-8 how to introduce poetry to encourage creativity while teaching solid craft skills. Supports national, state, and provincial language-arts standards. Features mini-lessons that teach the craft of poetry and stimulate more


9780929895444 | Maupin House Pub, November 1, 2000, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: Poet and children's author Margriet Ruurs shows teachers of grades 3-8 how to introduce poetry to encourage creativity while teaching solid craft skills.

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Collects forty-six poems about everyday things such as dogs, video games, colors, and brothers.
By Margriet Ruurs and Eve Tanselle (illustrator)


9780929895437 | Maupin House Pub, September 1, 2000, cover price $20.00 | About this edition: Collects forty-six poems about everyday things such as dogs, video games, colors, and brothers.

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