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Earl Robinson has written 4 work(s)
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9780810834330 | Scarecrow Pr, December 1, 1997, cover price $32.95
Product Description: This modern cantata is based on four high points in our national history: the Revolution, the growth of the Union, the Civil War, and the Machine Age.
9780769243917 | Alfred Pub Co, May 1, 1996, cover price $3.95 | About this edition: This modern cantata is based on four high points in our national history: the Revolution, the growth of the Union, the Civil War, and the Machine Age.
9780486287041 | Reprint edition (Dover Pubns, August 30, 1995), cover price $24.95
9781856286718 | Avebury, September 1, 1995, cover price $120.00
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